400 years of Slavery?

Thread has turned into a whiny bitch fest about white people problems.
I dunno about that but it went off the rails right off the bat. Both sides are focused on trolling the other rather than any real discussion.

How are you supposed to have a genuine discussion about race with people who think they are better than other people based on their race. Especially the little twerps on this board who stand on the shoulders of their ancestors and think they've accomplished anything.

Haven't a clue. How DO you expect us to have a genuine discussion about race with you, when you continue to do that shit? Knock it off.
It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.

If there was proof of God, or proof that God does not exist, then we wouldn't need faith. Not a hard concept to grasp. Ignorance is attempting to insult the intelligence and/or sincerity of those that do not believe as you believe.

Is faith needed?
Is faith logical?

The answer to both is "No"

The answer to both is "Yes". You're just too ignorant and tunnel-visioned to realize it.

Explain how faith is needed, or logical?

You are what's ignorance, the issue is your lack of Human intellect.
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Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.

Well, I don't know, it's really not White Nationalism, nor Liberalism.

It's all about greed, profit motive, however.

You don't think white nationalists and old timey slave owners have anything in common? That/s a hoot.

I think that slavers were for profit margins, and rather than being nationalists, were internationalists for supporting a multi-ethnic state, to support the lust of their greed.

So, actually they are more like those hiring illegal immigrants, on the whole.

The South was not a 'multi-ethnic' state. Blacks were used as cattle.

Slave owners and white nationalists think they are superior to blacks and other races. They want to entrap or kick out other people against their will. They have a lot in common and all of it bad.

So, explain how the South having a lot of different races weren't multi-ethnic, exactly?

Blacks were used for cheap labor, and so are illegal Mexicans today.

It's all elite greed, power, globalism etc.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

What exactly is thinking outside of the box? Thinking the way whites want us to think? Because vey person of color who s clamed to be thinking outside if this "box" are people of color who validate the beliefs of racist conservative whites.

Thinking outside the box means being open minded to ideas that do not conform to your line of thinking.
Your post shows you to be close minded and incapable of such because rather than engage me in a discussion to figure out what I actually think you automatically assigned me a racist motive.

YOU are part of the problem.

.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.

What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

What exactly is thinking outside of the box? Thinking the way whites want us to think? Because vey person of color who s clamed to be thinking outside if this "box" are people of color who validate the beliefs of racist conservative whites.

Thinking outside the box means being open minded to ideas that do not conform to your line of thinking.
Your post shows you to be close minded and incapable of such because rather than engage me in a discussion to figure out what I actually think you automatically assigned me a racist motive.

YOU are part of the problem.

.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.

What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.

She's not teaching shit. Those llke you made up his bullshit about us using the past as an excuse. As a person who built 3 organizations, helped kids go from gang members to college graduates, helped men and women get off drugs and helped people develop and grow businesses, I can say this woman is full of shit. What you are is irrelevant to me. I've been a success and I did it by not forgetting the past but using it to not only improve my life but change damages cause by past policies in a couple of cities that improved the lives of over 200,000 people. I know what I'm talking about and there is no one black doing what this woman claims. Period.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

What exactly is thinking outside of the box? Thinking the way whites want us to think? Because vey person of color who s clamed to be thinking outside if this "box" are people of color who validate the beliefs of racist conservative whites.

Thinking outside the box means being open minded to ideas that do not conform to your line of thinking.
Your post shows you to be close minded and incapable of such because rather than engage me in a discussion to figure out what I actually think you automatically assigned me a racist motive.

YOU are part of the problem.

.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.

What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.

She's not teaching shit. Those llke you made up his bullshit about us using the past as an excuse. As a person who built 3 organizations, helped kids go from gang members to college graduates, helped men and women get off drugs and helped people develop and grow businesses, I can say this woman is full of shit. What you are is irrelevant to me. I've been a success and I did it by not forgetting the past but using it to not only improve my life but change damages cause by past policies in a couple of cities that improved he lives of over 200,0000 people. I know what I'm talking about and there is no one black doing what this woman claims. Period.

All complete angry nonsense.

What exactly is thinking outside of the box? Thinking the way whites want us to think? Because vey person of color who s clamed to be thinking outside if this "box" are people of color who validate the beliefs of racist conservative whites.
Thinking outside the box means being open minded to ideas that do not conform to your line of thinking.
Your post shows you to be close minded and incapable of such because rather than engage me in a discussion to figure out what I actually think you automatically assigned me a racist motive.

YOU are part of the problem.

.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.
What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.
She's not teaching shit. Those llke you made up his bullshit about us using the past as an excuse. As a person who built 3 organizations, helped kids go from gang members to college graduates, helped men and women get off drugs and helped people develop and grow businesses, I can say this woman is full of shit. What you are is irrelevant to me. I've been a success and I did it by not forgetting the past but using it to not only improve my life but change damages cause by past policies in a couple of cities that improved he lives of over 200,0000 people. I know what I'm talking about and there is no one black doing what this woman claims. Period.
All complete angry nonsense.


So you can't take it when a person really thinks outside the box.
Thinking outside the box means being open minded to ideas that do not conform to your line of thinking.
Your post shows you to be close minded and incapable of such because rather than engage me in a discussion to figure out what I actually think you automatically assigned me a racist motive.

YOU are part of the problem.

.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.
What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.
She's not teaching shit. Those llke you made up his bullshit about us using the past as an excuse. As a person who built 3 organizations, helped kids go from gang members to college graduates, helped men and women get off drugs and helped people develop and grow businesses, I can say this woman is full of shit. What you are is irrelevant to me. I've been a success and I did it by not forgetting the past but using it to not only improve my life but change damages cause by past policies in a couple of cities that improved he lives of over 200,0000 people. I know what I'm talking about and there is no one black doing what this woman claims. Period.
All complete angry nonsense.


So you can't take it when a person really thinks outside the box.
You're not thinking outside the box. You are JUDGING everyone you disagree with.

You're an idiot and I doubt the validity of most of your story.
well according to world renound historian "Shelia Jackson Lee",,,,the constitution was created 400 years ago by a bunch of white honkey racists
.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.
What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.
She's not teaching shit. Those llke you made up his bullshit about us using the past as an excuse. As a person who built 3 organizations, helped kids go from gang members to college graduates, helped men and women get off drugs and helped people develop and grow businesses, I can say this woman is full of shit. What you are is irrelevant to me. I've been a success and I did it by not forgetting the past but using it to not only improve my life but change damages cause by past policies in a couple of cities that improved he lives of over 200,0000 people. I know what I'm talking about and there is no one black doing what this woman claims. Period.
All complete angry nonsense.


So you can't take it when a person really thinks outside the box.
You're not thinking outside the box. You are JUDGING everyone you disagree with.

You're an idiot and I doubt the validity of most of your story.

I've judged no one. You have. Want an example?

What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.

I don't give a damn what you doubt. I know what I have done.

I'm 57. I seized my youth and have helped many others seize theirs. I was seizing youth long before that silly ho was born..
What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.
She's not teaching shit. Those llke you made up his bullshit about us using the past as an excuse. As a person who built 3 organizations, helped kids go from gang members to college graduates, helped men and women get off drugs and helped people develop and grow businesses, I can say this woman is full of shit. What you are is irrelevant to me. I've been a success and I did it by not forgetting the past but using it to not only improve my life but change damages cause by past policies in a couple of cities that improved he lives of over 200,0000 people. I know what I'm talking about and there is no one black doing what this woman claims. Period.
All complete angry nonsense.


So you can't take it when a person really thinks outside the box.
You're not thinking outside the box. You are JUDGING everyone you disagree with.

You're an idiot and I doubt the validity of most of your story.

I've judged no one. You have. Want an example?

What a bunch of bullshit. There is a HUGE difference in learning from your past and using it as an excuse for your future.
And THAT woman is successful WITHOUT wallowing in the past. She is trying to teach people that the past does neither define who you are or what you can accomplish.
I am living, breathing proof of her position.
From the ghetto to prison to successful business owner.
You have a choice in life. Seize your youth and create opportunities for yourself via education and hard work, or wallow in the misery of what could have been.

I don't give a damn what you doubt. I know what I have done.

I'm 57. I seized my youth and have helped many others seize theirs. I was seizing youth long before that silly ho was born..
You're saying I judged you yet nowhere in your highlighted text do I even mention you.

As I said earlier, YOU ARE DISMISSED
The disease of White Supremacist Revision on history is alive and well here on this board. So much froth for the WeakWhyte conglomerate.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
I was with you till the last sentence. Unless you are willing to apply guilt by association to Obama for Rev Wright as well.

Ignore works wonders but you people still claim I agree with the tards because I dont continually condemn them when they say something asinine. Thing is I don't ever see their posts to begin with.

Remind me again, what racist statement did Wright make?
"Them Jews aren't going to let (Obama) talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is." - Jeremiah Wright
etc etc


Before Obama was president. I'm curious, the one you quoted was after the election.
Thread has turned into a whiny bitch fest about white people problems.
I dunno about that but it went off the rails right off the bat. Both sides are focused on trolling the other rather than any real discussion.

How are you supposed to have a genuine discussion about race with people who think they are better than other people based on their race. Especially the little twerps on this board who stand on the shoulders of their ancestors and think they've accomplished anything.

Haven't a clue. How DO you expect us to have a genuine discussion about race with you, when you continue to do that shit? Knock it off.

You will NEVER have a discussion with black people. When black people say "Discussion" what they mean is sit down, shut up and get lectured to.

Black professionals making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year believe they have a right to tell that poor white child from Appalachia how that child is oppressing them. By merely existing. Think about that. It's time to revel in merely existing and oppressing blacks by simply living. And black want you to know about it too.
Thread has turned into a whiny bitch fest about white people problems.
I dunno about that but it went off the rails right off the bat. Both sides are focused on trolling the other rather than any real discussion.

How are you supposed to have a genuine discussion about race with people who think they are better than other people based on their race. Especially the little twerps on this board who stand on the shoulders of their ancestors and think they've accomplished anything.

Haven't a clue. How DO you expect us to have a genuine discussion about race with you, when you continue to do that shit? Knock it off.

You will NEVER have a discussion with black people. When black people say "Discussion" what they mean is sit down, shut up and get lectured to.

Black professionals making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year believe they have a right to tell that poor white child from Appalachia how that child is oppressing them. By merely existing. Think about that. It's time to revel in merely existing and oppressing blacks by simply living. And black want you to know about it too.
I talk about this stuff fairly often with my black neighbors & friends.

So you are incorrect

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