$407,000 Doctor Bill Due to Obamacare


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:
[Harry Reid]It's all a big fat lie.[/Harry Reid]
If the dude paid the premiums, he is covered.


Then why has he been billed over $400K?

If he paid premiums, he won't have to pay the bill. It is clearly a clerical error. Ever hear of one of those?

If this guy is forced into bankruptcy by this, then you might have a gripe.

From the OP:

That would be OK if Basich had health insurance. But he doesn’t.
Thing is, he should be covered. Basich, 62, bought a plan through the state’s Nevada Health Link insurance exchange in the fall. He’s been paying monthly premiums since November.

Yet the Las Vegan is stranded in a no-man’s-land where no carrier claims him, and his tab is mounting: Basich owes $407,000 for care received in January and February, when his policy was supposed to be in effect. Instead, he’s covered only for March and beyond.

ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog
If the dude paid the premiums, he is covered.


Then why has he been billed over $400K?

If he paid premiums, he won't have to pay the bill. It is clearly a clerical error. Ever hear of one of those?

If this guy is forced into bankruptcy by this, then you might have a gripe.

Oh Puhleeze.

His premiums were auto-deducted from his checking account starting in November.

The problem is that ObamaCare is a Potemkin Village. The front end website "nominally" works, but the back end infrastructure to send application information to insurance companies and process payments is a study in ClusterFuckTology.

The victim in the OP is stuck in the middle of this mess with nobody taking responsibility to correct his enrollment records and application of his payments.

THAT is the legacy of ObamaCare.
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:

that would be false. no one spent $407,000 BECAUSE of the ACA.

you do understand that the person didn't have insurance BEFORE the ACA, right? His medical bills would have been the same. And if there were "a variety of other sources" you should probably pick one that's credible.

So let's try it one more time with a foot in reality. mmmkay?
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:

that would be false. no one spent $407,000 BECAUSE of the ACA.

you do understand that the person didn't have insurance BEFORE the ACA, right? His medical bills would have been the same. And if there were "a variety of other sources" you should probably pick one that's credible.

So let's try it one more time with a foot in reality. mmmkay?

Uh. Wrong.

The ACA victim in the OP wanted insurance, and made an effort to acquire it. You assume that absent the ACA, he wouldn't have been able to get insurance at all.

Given that millions of people were able to purchase individual insurance prior to Obama forcing them off the insurance they Liked, the victim in the OP likely would have been able to purchase an individual policy for himself if the ACA had never become the Law of the Land.
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:

that would be false. no one spent $407,000 BECAUSE of the ACA.

you do understand that the person didn't have insurance BEFORE the ACA, right? His medical bills would have been the same. And if there were "a variety of other sources" you should probably pick one that's credible.

So let's try it one more time with a foot in reality. mmmkay?

Uh. Wrong.

The ACA victim in the OP wanted insurance, and made an effort to acquire it. You assume that absent the ACA, he wouldn't have been able to get insurance at all.

Given that millions of people were able to purchase individual insurance prior to Obama forcing them off the insurance they Liked, the victim in the OP likely would have been able to purchase an individual policy for himself if the ACA had never become the Law of the Land.

uh… right.

you might want to actually get some facts in there. you making up possibilities in your head don't count.
It's a fact that millions of people have been forced off of the health insurance plans they liked. It's also a fact that private insurance was available prior to the ACA ruining the market for it.

But facts rarely intrude on your perception of reality.
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:

I don't quite understand what is going on in this article or in this man's situation. The problem I am having is that payments are not made to the exchange; they are made to the insurance company. Something is very wrong with this story. The insurance you select is from an insurance company, and you must make your payments to that insurance company, not to the exchange. So if he made his payment, it was made to the insurance company from which he purchased his policy. If they cashed his check, then he has receipt of payment from the insurance company and they have to cover him, end of story. Saying he paid the exchange does not compute, because the exchange is not responsible for collecting money for private insurance plans.
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the bronze plan with the lowest perminum has a 11 k deductible...the average bankruptcy for medical expenses is 11 k.....seems the plan is to have more people going into bankruptcy

in nc there was no 'exchange' you got picked up by one of two companies...*i think* one being bcbs at least they did that right in nc....made people go with major companies
people lost their plans due to insurance companies being unwilling to add the required things that aca mandated...i personally see no reason that i should be covered for maternity...that should be a choice....not a mandate....the maternity coverage...but i am sure the reason its a mandate is due to the past behavior of insurance companies..something yall seem to have forgotten...seems it was just free market thinking that allowed insurance companies to deny needed medical services but yall will be damned if the government gets involved

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