$407,000 Doctor Bill Due to Obamacare

Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:

unless you have a credible source, which by the way you don't, your point here is moot ... try again !!!!
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:

You are a stupid shit. "Basich has begged for weeks for help from the exchange and its contractor, Xerox. But Basich’s insurance broker said Xerox seems more interested in lawyering up and covering its hide than in working out Basich’s problems. Nor is Basich the only client facing plan-selection errors through the exchange, she added. Xerox, meanwhile, said it’s working every day to fix Basich’s problem, and its legal counsel is routine."

The issue is with the company and the broker, and they will work it out, like they are supposed to work it out.

You are a stupid shit, longknife.
It's a fact that millions of people have been forced off of the health insurance plans they liked. It's also a fact that private insurance was available prior to the ACA ruining the market for it.

But facts rarely intrude on your perception of reality.

when cancellation notices went on on peoples plan, they had until January 1 to change it ... it wasn't, you have to change it right now ... right this very minute... the new option these plans had was to sigh up for a new plan and they gave you a date by when you had top sign up ... if they chose to let that currant plan expire and go without any healthy care until January 1 that's their problem Not Obama care ... the fact that this person was a 62 year old man and he allege had a previous plan, his previous policy would have been in place to pick up the cost ... but if he cancel his previous plan and waited for his new one to start on January 1 ... the fact that he got a bill, if this is true, it has nothing to do with obama care or the ACA plans becasue none of the plans came into affect until January 1 ... the fact that this person had a heart attack December 31 says a lot ... it says he didn't have any health care insures on December 31... I know I did ... mine changed January 1 ... so this whole thing says, he didn't have any insurance or he canceled his insurance, which by the way, every ACA site said you have to keep your currant plan in place until January 1... I don't feel any sympathy for this person at all ... this clearly says here he either canceled his plan, or he never had one in the first place ... now you right wing nuts want us to say how terrible obama care is because this person took the wrong steps before his policy was in affect ... hell every time I call the ACA, site to confirm they told me this "yes you are signed up and your policy won't become active until January 1, 2014... and if you are not billed by the company your policy is still in affect January 1 its was that simple ... the fact that you right wing nut jobs are complaining, well it sucks to be you
the bronze plan with the lowest perminum has a 11 k deductible...the average bankruptcy for medical expenses is 11 k.....seems the plan is to have more people going into bankruptcy

in nc there was no 'exchange' you got picked up by one of two companies...*i think* one being bcbs at least they did that right in nc....made people go with major companies

the fact that he was billed 407,000 dollars says he didn't have any insurance before january 1 ... the guy had a heart attack December 31 ...I don't care what company you had prior to januarty 1 they would have covered you ... the fact that he was billed says he didn't have any insurance before January 1... its a non issue
If the dude paid the premiums, he is covered.


Then why has he been billed over $400K?

If he paid premiums, he won't have to pay the bill. It is clearly a clerical error. Ever hear of one of those?

If this guy is forced into bankruptcy by this, then you might have a gripe.

This is part and parcel with conservative bullshit.

First they fight the law.

Then they obstruct it.

Then they complain when it "isn't working right".

Well..lets go back to the beginning.

Governor Jan Brewer is one of the "Let them die" conservative heroine that actually caused the deaths of three Americans by rejecting the funding for their procedures.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News


Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor, Rejects Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange

That forces the FEDERAL government to have to set up a nationwide website so people can access exchanges, which were SUPPOSED to be set up by the state.

Yes..there were glitches with that. It was a HUGE project.

But there were other means to get insurance.


Basich said he began trying to enroll on Oct. 1, the day the exchange website went live. Like many consumers, he fought technical flaws during multiple sign-up attempts. In mid-November he finally got through and chose his plan: UnitedHealthcare’s MyHPNSilver1.

“It was like reaching the third level of Doom,” Basich said of the torturous sign-up process.

Basich paid his first premium on Nov. 21, and within days the exchange withdrew the $160.77 payment from his money-market savings account. Because Basich paid a month before the Dec. 23 deadline, his coverage was to begin Jan. 1.

Weeks ticked by, but Basich received nothing to confirm he had insurance. Nevada Health Link kept telling him he was enrolled, but UnitedHealthcare said he wasn’t in their system.

Basich’s predicament went critical on Dec. 31, when he had a heart attack. His treatment, which included a triple bypass on Jan. 3, resulted in $407,000 in medical bills in January and February that no insurer is covering.

Mr. Basich went to the website. Had trouble and waited on it. THEN he got the insurance A DAY before his heart attack.

What the fuck does he expect? This isn't, in ANY way, the fault of the law.

If the dude paid the premiums, he is covered.


Then why has he been billed over $400K?

did you read the article??? it apparent you didn't ...he had his heart attack December 31 2013 ... he was supposed to have his previous insurance covering it ... if you sign a contract that starts January 2014, then everything prior to that is your responsibility ... if you cancel your policy then bingo its your bill ... its quite apparent he didn't have any insurance policy ...
Didn't someone just give us the big speech about “The AFFORDABLE Care Act”? :eusa_whistle:


So, how could this happen? Now, I know some are instantly going to say it's all made up because of the source. Attacking the messenger to avoid the message. So, let's try reading the article first @ ICYMI: Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | The Minority Report Blog or a variety of other sources if you'd care to search. Yeah, I first saw it in my local paper and on tv. :evil:

I don't quite understand what is going on in this article or in this man's situation. The problem I am having is that payments are not made to the exchange; they are made to the insurance company. Something is very wrong with this story. The insurance you select is from an insurance company, and you must make your payments to that insurance company, not to the exchange. So if he made his payment, it was made to the insurance company from which he purchased his policy. If they cashed his check, then he has receipt of payment from the insurance company and they have to cover him, end of story. Saying he paid the exchange does not compute, because the exchange is not responsible for collecting money for private insurance plans.

It really doesn't have to do with you being billed or signed up.. it has everything to do with time ... in this case if you are signed up and the insurance company acknowledged that you were sign up, where the billing started January 1 ... in my case, when I saw they hadn't billed me on January 1, I called and aske WTF not really, but I asked ... here's what they said to me due to the, and this will piss off our republicans here and they will hate this statement, due to the large number of new people signing up we can't keep up with the amopunt of people signing up for us to billing them... the fact that you have been accected by the insurance company says you have insurance starting January 1, even thought you haven't been billed yet ... it took them 2 weeks to bill me but I got billed ... after that on the 1st every month so far ... as for this person... if you read the article it said clearly, he had his heart attack on December 31 ... I don't care what company you deal with if the contract starts January 1 then that's when they will be held responsible for payment the fact that he was billed says he didn't have any insurance .... that is his problem not the ACA problem or the new insurance companies ...

Then why has he been billed over $400K?

If he paid premiums, he won't have to pay the bill. It is clearly a clerical error. Ever hear of one of those?

If this guy is forced into bankruptcy by this, then you might have a gripe.

This is part and parcel with conservative bullshit.

First they fight the law.

Then they obstruct it.

Then they complain when it "isn't working right".

Well..lets go back to the beginning.

Governor Jan Brewer is one of the "Let them die" conservative heroine that actually caused the deaths of three Americans by rejecting the funding for their procedures.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News


Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor, Rejects Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange

That forces the FEDERAL government to have to set up a nationwide website so people can access exchanges, which were SUPPOSED to be set up by the state.

Yes..there were glitches with that. It was a HUGE project.

But there were other means to get insurance.


Basich said he began trying to enroll on Oct. 1, the day the exchange website went live. Like many consumers, he fought technical flaws during multiple sign-up attempts. In mid-November he finally got through and chose his plan: UnitedHealthcare’s MyHPNSilver1.

“It was like reaching the third level of Doom,” Basich said of the torturous sign-up process.

Basich paid his first premium on Nov. 21, and within days the exchange withdrew the $160.77 payment from his money-market savings account. Because Basich paid a month before the Dec. 23 deadline, his coverage was to begin Jan. 1.

Weeks ticked by, but Basich received nothing to confirm he had insurance. Nevada Health Link kept telling him he was enrolled, but UnitedHealthcare said he wasn’t in their system.

Basich’s predicament went critical on Dec. 31, when he had a heart attack. His treatment, which included a triple bypass on Jan. 3, resulted in $407,000 in medical bills in January and February that no insurer is covering.

Mr. Basich went to the website. Had trouble and waited on it. THEN he got the insurance A DAY before his heart attack.

What the fuck does he expect? This isn't, in ANY way, the fault of the law.


finally somebody gets it... the guy didn't have any insurance before January 1 ... rightfully so he gets the bill of 407,000 dollars ... now he has a choice ...to do what every body else did before aca was passed ... file bankruptcy !!!!
The dude is not going to be liable for the bills if he enrolled and paid premiums. What is wrong with you people?

That's not the issue. The credit mess and shit he is going to go through is the problem.

no the problem is he didn't have insurance on December 31 ...that's the problem ...he is going to have a nightmare ...just like everybody else did when they didn't have health care insurance prior to the ACA being passed...
If he paid premiums, he won't have to pay the bill. It is clearly a clerical error. Ever hear of one of those?

If this guy is forced into bankruptcy by this, then you might have a gripe.

This is part and parcel with conservative bullshit.

First they fight the law.

Then they obstruct it.

Then they complain when it "isn't working right".

Well..lets go back to the beginning.

Governor Jan Brewer is one of the "Let them die" conservative heroine that actually caused the deaths of three Americans by rejecting the funding for their procedures.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News


Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor, Rejects Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange

That forces the FEDERAL government to have to set up a nationwide website so people can access exchanges, which were SUPPOSED to be set up by the state.

Yes..there were glitches with that. It was a HUGE project.

But there were other means to get insurance.


Basich said he began trying to enroll on Oct. 1, the day the exchange website went live. Like many consumers, he fought technical flaws during multiple sign-up attempts. In mid-November he finally got through and chose his plan: UnitedHealthcare’s MyHPNSilver1.

“It was like reaching the third level of Doom,” Basich said of the torturous sign-up process.

Basich paid his first premium on Nov. 21, and within days the exchange withdrew the $160.77 payment from his money-market savings account. Because Basich paid a month before the Dec. 23 deadline, his coverage was to begin Jan. 1.

Weeks ticked by, but Basich received nothing to confirm he had insurance. Nevada Health Link kept telling him he was enrolled, but UnitedHealthcare said he wasn’t in their system.

Basich’s predicament went critical on Dec. 31, when he had a heart attack. His treatment, which included a triple bypass on Jan. 3, resulted in $407,000 in medical bills in January and February that no insurer is covering.

Mr. Basich went to the website. Had trouble and waited on it. THEN he got the insurance A DAY before his heart attack.

What the fuck does he expect? This isn't, in ANY way, the fault of the law.


finally somebody gets it... the guy didn't have any insurance before January 1 ... rightfully so he gets the bill of 407,000 dollars ... now he has a choice ...to do what every body else did before aca was passed ... file bankruptcy !!!!

No they changed the law thankfully. You can't run away from that stuff anymore.
I thought the point of the ACA was to make it EASIER for americans to get insurance for christ sake......

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