40kg Of Cocaine Found On Mitch McConnell’s Father-In-Law’s Boat

James Chao, father of Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine, has a lot of questions to answer after 40 kilograms of cocaine (about $6.7 million worth) was found on the Ping May, a ship owned by the Foremost Group, a company James Chao founded and led to a tidy fortune. But was that fortune built on honest movement of legitimate bulk trade goods, or has Mr. Chao been trading in less than legal goods?
The cocaine, found in 40 separate packages, was discovered during a routine inspection hidden among a load of coal bound for Europe from the port of Santa Marta, Columbia onboard the Ping May, one of 15 ships Foremost currently operates, with another 8 under construction. The final destination for the ship was to be the Netherlands, likely one of the port cities surrounding Amsterdam. It is known that the Ping May has been witnessed at the port of Zaanstad, one of these cities, in the past.

Foremost Group is the source of most of Senator McConnell’s fortune through gifts and inheritance from his in-laws. It is a shadowy corporation, utilizing a complex scheme of shell companies to skip out on millions in taxes annually.

That's rather interesting. The draw back on this little here article is the number of could be statements.
Addicting Info 8211 40kg Of Cocaine Found On Mitch McConnell 8217 s Father-In-Law 8217 s Boat
Ya cause after all we know that any time there is smuggling the owner of the company that has nothing to do with the ship or aircraft is actually the smuggler. Right?

Yeah- I am not a fan of Mitch McConnell, but
a) I don't like attempts to smear a politician by what a family member is supposed to have done and
b) There is no indication that Mr. Chao would have known, or been involved in the smuggling.

Just a political smear. I call them that when its done to Democrats, only fair to call this a smear job when its done to a Republican.

Yep. Especially when it comes to the elite squad. I do not feel a bit bad about that.
I already stated I don't like Mitch...............

but this is a hack thread and nothing more.

How is it a "hack thread" to post that coke was found on that ship?

Can't stand facts?

True coke was found...
Doing the best to link it to a republican Senator a few days before an election... priceless.

Can anyone say Dan Rather.... LOL
This is a great post and I thank you for it.
Shows how frightened the left is about losing the Senate..

I'm so glad you like it. Me, personally, I hope you get everything that you deserve. Everything.

Then, mayhap, you will pull your head out and be more willing to come to the table.
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment.
If the Republicans prevail, well and good. So be it.
If the Demorats win, God have mercy on us all.

The Rethugs have a plan? No.
They plan on winning but if they don't I will apply for food stamps, welfare. subsidized housing and an Obamaphone. Then I will vacation in Florida in the winter, Cowtown in the summer and live the life of Riley. All the good free shit I've been paying for all my life. Plus I will pray to Obamessiah 18 times a day. Oh yes, and I will buy myself a Mercedes 760. They only cost $129K.

So, you don't have a plan. Get back to me when you have a plan.
This is a great post and I thank you for it.
Shows how frightened the left is about losing the Senate..

I'm so glad you like it. Me, personally, I hope you get everything that you deserve. Everything.

Then, mayhap, you will pull your head out and be more willing to come to the table.
Actually it has been the democrats that refuse to compromise ever since Obama became President hell Obama stated in 2009 he did not need republicans Reid has shit canned over 300 bills from the House with out ever even sending them to committee and in the sequester talks the republicans agreed ro everything Obama said he wanted then he demanded more.
Is McConnell facing indictment? If not, why the connection to his FIL's ship.

Why not?

Im sure drug smugglers look for freighters like that all the time. All they have to do is get insiders on the crew, trying to link it to any politician is most likeley a stretch. Maybe we want to revisit Clinton's Little Rock Arkansas connections. That would be more entertaining

The Republican Senate minority leader’s personal wealth grew seven-fold over the last ten years thanks in large part to a gift given to him and his wife in 2008 from James Chao worth between $5 million and $25 million (Senate ethics forms require personal finance disclosures in ranges of amounts, rather than specific figures). The gift helped the McConnells after their stock portfolio dipped in the wake of the financial crisis that year, and ensured they could pay off more than $100,000 in mortgage debt on their Washington home.

The generous gift made McConnell one of the wealthiest members of the Senate, with a net worth averaging around $22.8 million, according to The Washington Post’s review of his financial disclosures.

Mitch McConnell s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company The Nation

Are you as interested in how Harry Reid became so wealthy?

I'm interested in the shell companies. Is this a problem for you? Do you need a Democrat name to make it all even for you?
Shell companies? HA HA! Funny you didn't include those words in the thread title.
You've got your tongue so far up BOBO's ass it's stuck.
How pathetic.? How desperate of you to put this moronic childess innuendo up here.
Then when posters here call you on doing such a stupid thing you claim what you're really interested in is "shell companies"
Grow up.
This is a great post and I thank you for it.
Shows how frightened the left is about losing the Senate..

I'm so glad you like it. Me, personally, I hope you get everything that you deserve. Everything.

Then, mayhap, you will pull your head out and be more willing to come to the table.
"Mayhap"? Got it. You're posting from a country other than the US. Iran? Pakistan?
You learned that word when you attended a school where the teacher was english. Funny how little things expose someone.

Does that mean that you did have a thread or you didn't?
Your grammatical structure is atrocious. You should consider suing the leader of the madras where you were taught english.
James Chao, father of Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine, has a lot of questions to answer after 40 kilograms of cocaine (about $6.7 million worth) was found on the Ping May, a ship owned by the Foremost Group, a company James Chao founded and led to a tidy fortune. But was that fortune built on honest movement of legitimate bulk trade goods, or has Mr. Chao been trading in less than legal goods?
The cocaine, found in 40 separate packages, was discovered during a routine inspection hidden among a load of coal bound for Europe from the port of Santa Marta, Columbia onboard the Ping May, one of 15 ships Foremost currently operates, with another 8 under construction. The final destination for the ship was to be the Netherlands, likely one of the port cities surrounding Amsterdam. It is known that the Ping May has been witnessed at the port of Zaanstad, one of these cities, in the past.

Foremost Group is the source of most of Senator McConnell’s fortune through gifts and inheritance from his in-laws. It is a shadowy corporation, utilizing a complex scheme of shell companies to skip out on millions in taxes annually.

That's rather interesting. The draw back on this little here article is the number of could be statements.
Addicting Info 8211 40kg Of Cocaine Found On Mitch McConnell 8217 s Father-In-Law 8217 s Boat

Woulda been some day cruise. Like a fast-foward Benny Hill sketch. Boat tear-assing around in circles, people on board running around. :)
I responded to your BS..........and I'm not going to post a link to it...............If you are that concerned about it look for yourself...........that doesn't mean No I didn't really do so.............BS

It means you are a tool of the Dems and I'm not playing your game.................Like this sock post just days before election where drugs are found on a SHIP not a Boat and then you basically blame Mitch's dad for it..............

Then divert because it is a BS OP.................I'm sure those seamen are in jail for their drugs.............and unless you can prove that Mitch's dad had anything to do with it then your post is useless............but then you went to I'm just interested in SHELL.................

BS...........Your interested in political garbage news.............as you shifted to SHELL IS SELLING DRUGS BASICALLY..........

aka Your a SOCK PUPPET.

A sock post? You're fucking daft. Paranoid jack ass.

Chau gifts McConnell a large amount of money. McConnell aligns his interests with Chau's. Foremost has questionable affiliations. The Ping May gets popped with 6 million dollars with of cocaine on it's way to Norway. And we aren't going to be the least interested in shell companies.
It's a drug bust that doesn't prove that shell or Mitch's dad had any part of it...................

Show that they personally did it.............who was charged...................the criminals should be prosecuted but your post is to attack Mitch like he put the drugs on the ship itself from a hack site.

Dude, from the beginning post, I stated that the drawback on this article was the number of could be statements. Did I not?
Grow up.
You posted it because drugs were found on a ship that you could try to tie to Mitch.

I don't have to try to tie it to Mitch. The company and the ship is owned by James Chau. That IS his father in law. No trying there.
BOBO's father was a well known communist. So I guess that makes BOBO a communist by association right faggot?
This is a great post and I thank you for it.
Shows how frightened the left is about losing the Senate..

I'm so glad you like it. Me, personally, I hope you get everything that you deserve. Everything.

Then, mayhap, you will pull your head out and be more willing to come to the table.
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment.
If the Republicans prevail, well and good. So be it.
If the Demorats win, God have mercy on us all.

God have mercy on us all? Exaggerate much? Obama had his shot at the presidency with the understanding that he would be no danger to the 1%, bankers, and corporations. He's doing ok in that respect so far. Our pensions are in no danger so just relax and enjoy the show no matter who wins.
A sock post? You're fucking daft. Paranoid jack ass.

Chau gifts McConnell a large amount of money. McConnell aligns his interests with Chau's. Foremost has questionable affiliations. The Ping May gets popped with 6 million dollars with of cocaine on it's way to Norway. And we aren't going to be the least interested in shell companies.
It's a drug bust that doesn't prove that shell or Mitch's dad had any part of it...................

Show that they personally did it.............who was charged...................the criminals should be prosecuted but your post is to attack Mitch like he put the drugs on the ship itself from a hack site.

Dude, from the beginning post, I stated that the drawback on this article was the number of could be statements. Did I not?
Grow up.
You posted it because drugs were found on a ship that you could try to tie to Mitch.

I don't have to try to tie it to Mitch. The company and the ship is owned by James Chau. That IS his father in law. No trying there.
BOBO's father was a well known communist. So I guess that makes BOBO a communist by association right faggot?

Got your mispelling Obama's name down pat, but you forgot to say Benghazi or at least Bill Ayers for God's sake.
A sock post? You're fucking daft. Paranoid jack ass.

Chau gifts McConnell a large amount of money. McConnell aligns his interests with Chau's. Foremost has questionable affiliations. The Ping May gets popped with 6 million dollars with of cocaine on it's way to Norway. And we aren't going to be the least interested in shell companies.
It's a drug bust that doesn't prove that shell or Mitch's dad had any part of it...................

Show that they personally did it.............who was charged...................the criminals should be prosecuted but your post is to attack Mitch like he put the drugs on the ship itself from a hack site.

Dude, from the beginning post, I stated that the drawback on this article was the number of could be statements. Did I not?
Grow up.
You posted it because drugs were found on a ship that you could try to tie to Mitch.

I don't have to try to tie it to Mitch. The company and the ship is owned by James Chau. That IS his father in law. No trying there.
BOBO's father was a well known communist. So I guess that makes BOBO a communist by association right faggot?

Please take your sexual insecurity elsewhere. I

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