42 Dead In US Jihad Attacks; Liberals Still Shout "Fear Mongering"

42 in 5 years, compared to 9,000 a year from home grown killers with guns. Hmmm... and the latter no one wants to do anything about on the right, but the former is a massive number, or something.

There's plenty the right wants to do about stopping gun violence. Donald Trump has 2 positions in his website on it.

1. Abolish gun-free zones.

2. Establish nationwide CCW permit law.

If these were enacted, gun violence would practically disappear entirely. The obstacle ? >> Liberals.

PS - the "42" is only counting jihadist attacks with fatalities. If I listed all the attacks, it would be far too numerous for an OP. Also, not listed are all the attempted attacks which were stopped by the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies. And also not mentioned are the attacks that could have been stopped if not for liberal loons (like the ACLU), who obstruct police in their efforts to protect Americans (ex. monitoring mosques)
go change you depends you old codger , guns will do nothing against a terrorist attack , by either christers or muslims
As they try to spin and deflect for the PC-protected religion, all the Regressive Left can do is try to equate modern day Islam with modern day Christianity.

It's weak and it's transparent, because what jihadists all over the world are doing is clearly on another level indeed.

But it's all they have. It's a shame they just can't be honest about this, but they're committed, and that's that.

Why would you blame an entire religion for acts that an entire religion is not committing?
The same old tired refrain from the Left. They never tire posting stupidity and strawman statements. It's as if they are born with it.

If you dare, state for the record that you would never explicitly or implicitly blame innocent Muslims for wrongs they were no part of,

and that you condemn all those would do so,

then go ahead. Or, remain silent and prove you're an anti-Islam bigot.
As is typical of a leftist dupe, you are more worried about someone saying something derogatory about Muslims than you are about those murdered by Muslims. Why is that? Is just because your leaders tell you to "think" this way?
gipper admits his hypocrisy.
Islam is no more protected or less protected under our Constitution than any religion.

No one can show any PC protection for Islam or Christianity.

In fact, no one can define what is PC objectively.
Just imagine the liberal hysteria had these been 40 black people killed by the KKK, lol.

They would be screaming that a real crisis was at hand, lol.
Just imagine most conservatives refraining from lies, demagoguery, and logical fallacies.

Of course all we’ll ever able to do is imagine.

So, those were not attacks.

We lost no one in Libya

and you make posts only on topic.
The Left is a strong advocate of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'

Maybe that explains their ignorant behavior.
Islam is no more protected or less protected under our Constitution than any religion.

No one can show any PC protection for Islam or Christianity.

In fact, no one can define what is PC objectively.

No one?

po·lit·i·cal cor·rect·ness
  1. the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.
Here's a video for you to ignore:

Islam is no more protected or less protected under our Constitution than any religion.

No one can show any PC protection for Islam or Christianity.

In fact, no one can define what is PC objectively.

No one?

po·lit·i·cal cor·rect·ness
  1. the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.
Here's a video for you to ignore:

Jake wouldn't recognize political correctness if it hit him in the face.

He is entirely indoctrinated. He thinks only what the State wants him to think.
Islam is no more protected or less protected under our Constitution than any religion.

No one can show any PC protection for Islam or Christianity.

In fact, no one can define what is PC objectively.
Here are some honest liberals to help you.

You're welcome.

As they try to spin and deflect for the PC-protected religion, all the Regressive Left can do is try to equate modern day Islam with modern day Christianity.

It's weak and it's transparent, because what jihadists all over the world are doing is clearly on another level indeed.

But it's all they have. It's a shame they just can't be honest about this, but they're committed, and that's that.

Why would you blame an entire religion for acts that an entire religion is not committing?
The same old tired refrain from the Left. They never tire posting stupidity and strawman statements. It's as if they are born with it.

If you dare, state for the record that you would never explicitly or implicitly blame innocent Muslims for wrongs they were no part of,

and that you condemn all those would do so,

then go ahead. Or, remain silent and prove you're an anti-Islam bigot.
As is typical of a leftist dupe, you are more worried about someone saying something derogatory about Muslims than you are about those murdered by Muslims. Why is that? Is just because your leaders tell you to "think" this way?

So you chose option 2. Big surprise.
Why would you blame an entire religion for acts that an entire religion is not committing?
I never blamed "an entire religion". That's not what I said, not even close.


As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you know that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread. You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.



No. You don't blame an entire religion. You just say that a religion is protected by any person who does not blame an entire religion. That's perfectly reasonable.
Too funny....there it is again.

No one is blaming an entire religion...why are you so concerned about this? Is it because your leaders tell you think this way?
Sometimes this is just too easy.

Anything they can do to deflect to what the jihadists are doing. Right now. Today.

They can't help themselves.

Who's deflecting? You call it PC to defend innocent Muslims. That's mentally retarded.
Here are some honest liberals to help you.

I would adds just about anything by Bill Maher.

It's just too bad that stupid leftists like Jakey boy and countless others here outnumber intelligent liberals like Bill Maher by a hundred to one.
Why would you blame an entire religion for acts that an entire religion is not committing?
I never blamed "an entire religion". That's not what I said, not even close.


As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you know that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread. You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.



No. You don't blame an entire religion. You just say that a religion is protected by any person who does not blame an entire religion. That's perfectly reasonable.
Too funny....there it is again.

No one is blaming an entire religion...why are you so concerned about this? Is it because your leaders tell you think this way?
Sometimes this is just too easy.

Anything they can do to deflect to what the jihadists are doing. Right now. Today.

They can't help themselves.

Who's deflecting? You call it PC to defend innocent Muslims. That's mentally retarded.
Hey Dummy, who is attacking innocent Muslims that you feel compelled to defend?
I never blamed "an entire religion". That's not what I said, not even close.


As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you know that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread. You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.



No. You don't blame an entire religion. You just say that a religion is protected by any person who does not blame an entire religion. That's perfectly reasonable.
Too funny....there it is again.

No one is blaming an entire religion...why are you so concerned about this? Is it because your leaders tell you think this way?
Sometimes this is just too easy.

Anything they can do to deflect to what the jihadists are doing. Right now. Today.

They can't help themselves.

Who's deflecting? You call it PC to defend innocent Muslims. That's mentally retarded.
Hey Dummy, who is attacking innocent Muslims that you feel compelled to defend?

You. If you'll state for the record what I posted, I'll stand corrected.
Islam is no more protected or less protected under our Constitution than any religion.

No one can show any PC protection for Islam or Christianity.

In fact, no one can define what is PC objectively.
Here are some honest liberals to help you.

You're welcome.

Which ones of those links are complaints about those who defend innocent Muslims?
Who's deflecting? You call it PC to defend innocent Muslims. That's mentally retarded.

Those "innocent" Muslims who just so happen to believe in killing gays and apostates, see women as chattel, wish Islam to reign supreme over the entire globe, hate the notion of free speech or separation of religion and politics and oppose every enlightened liberal value imaginable -- those "innocent" Muslims?

There does seem to be no end to the number of truly retarded people who defend them, anyway. I think they might earn their merit badge for mindless tolerance for doing so or something.

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