43, Powell, Clinton .. in that order

On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s.

lets hear it from the crickets !!

Ahh.. the old "two wrongs make it alright" defense, the favorite of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings everywhere .....

It's such a shame that the partisan boot lickers lack the integrity, honor and generally accepted morality to hold any politician accountable for ANYTHING as long as said politician carries the right letter behind his/her name.
Ahh.. the old "two wrongs make it alright" defense, the favorite of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings everywhere .....

It's such a shame that the partisan boot lickers lack the integrity, honor and generally accepted morality to hold any politician accountable for ANYTHING as long as said politician carries the right letter behind his/her name.

it's standard protocol plus unprecedented technologies..currently not at all being treated as "two wrongs make a right". :eusa_liar:

it's a shame your ilk needs to pretend to own integrity, honor, morality blah blah.. yet another lie, of course.

so whose boots are you licking this election cycle?
On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s.

lets hear it from the crickets !!

Ahh.. the old "two wrongs make it alright" defense, the favorite of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings everywhere .....

It's such a shame that the partisan boot lickers lack the integrity, honor and generally accepted morality to hold any politician accountable for ANYTHING as long as said politician carries the right letter behind his/her name.

or the total hypocrisy of the right
On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s.

lets hear it from the crickets !!

Ahh.. the old "two wrongs make it alright" defense, the favorite of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings everywhere .....

It's such a shame that the partisan boot lickers lack the integrity, honor and generally accepted morality to hold any politician accountable for ANYTHING as long as said politician carries the right letter behind his/her name.

or the total hypocrisy of the right
Yep, the hypocrisy of the right is matched only by the hypocrisy of the left, you partisan hypocrites should get together for a good ole OK Corral style shoot out and thus rid the country of one it's biggest problems....
On April 12, 2007, Rove’s operation admitted that it had deleted at least 5 million emails from the server. In December 2009, technicians who had examined the server reported that the number of emails that had been deleted was far greater — 22 million.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s.

lets hear it from the crickets !!

Ahh.. the old "two wrongs make it alright" defense, the favorite of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings everywhere .....

It's such a shame that the partisan boot lickers lack the integrity, honor and generally accepted morality to hold any politician accountable for ANYTHING as long as said politician carries the right letter behind his/her name.

or the total hypocrisy of the right
Yep, the hypocrisy of the right is matched only by the hypocrisy of the left, you partisan hypocrites should get together for a good ole OK Corral style shoot out and thus rid the country of one it's biggest problems....

here's your problem ... I say, and always have, if Clinton is guilty of anything then convict her. I make no excuses for her . PERIOD.

enter the RW excuse machine as to why their rhetoric will never result in a conviction.

here's your problem ... I say, and always have, if Clinton is guilty of anything then convict her. I make no excuses for her . PERIOD.
ROFLMAO!!!!! You make no excuses for her, except for the plethora of threads you start MAKING EXCUSES FOR HER, like er..ummm... THIS THREAD.

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly make a bigger ass out of yourself ..... thanks for the laugh.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But I do want to ask you one final question on this Hillary Clinton e-mail controversy. Which, of course, put you back in the news a bit this week, as well.

You were secretary of State during the early days of e-mails. You were one of the first secretaries, I believe, to set up a personal e-mail account. And you pushed to modernize the State Department’s system.

Based on your experience, what do you make of these revelations this week and what would you recommend that she do now?

POWELL: I — I can’t speak to a — Mrs. Clinton and what she should do now. That would be inappropriate.

What I did when I entered the State Department, I found an antiquated system that had to be modernized and modernized quickly.

So we put in place new systems, bought 44,000 computers and put a new Internet capable computer on every single desk in every embassy, every office in the State Department. And then I connected it with software.

But in order to change the culture, to change the brainware, as I call it, I started using it in order to get everybody to use it, so we could be a 21st century institution and not a 19th century.

But I retained none of those e-mails and we are working with the State Department to see if there’s anything else they want to discuss with me about those e-mails.


POWELL: (INAUDIBLE) have a stack of them.

STEPHANOPOULOS: — they’ve asked you to turn them over, but you don’t have them, is that it?

POWELL: I don’t have any — I don’t have any to turn over. I did not keep a cache of them. I did not print them off. I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files.

And, in fact, a lot of the e-mails that came out of my personal account went into the State Department system. They were addressed to State Department employees and the State.gov domain. But I don’t know if the servers the State Department captured those or not.

And most — they were all unclassified and most of them, I think, are pretty benign, so I’m not terribly concerned even if they were able to recover them.

Powell’s description of his own emails as pretty benign matches up with Rep. Adam Schiff’s description of the Hillary Clinton emails that the Benghazi committee has read. According to Sen. Chuck Schumer, Clinton’s private email system was based on the system that Powell used.

The technology available in most federal agencies is woefully outdated. It isn’t surprising that appointees would use technology that is available in the private sector because it is better. Powell’s emails from his personal account went into the State Department system because they were addressed to employees in State. The same is the case with the Clinton emails. Powell’s discussion of his own experience with his personal email account adds credibility to the claim that there is nothing to see here.

If Hillary Clinton broke the law, as some Republicans are claiming, then Colin Powell also broke the law.

The more that is revealed about the use of private email, the more it looks like Republicans are trying to make something out of nothing.

Republican Colin Powell Deals a Death Blow to Hillary Clinton Email Scandal
here's your problem ... I say, and always have, if Clinton is guilty of anything then convict her. I make no excuses for her . PERIOD.
ROFLMAO!!!!! You make no excuses for her, except for the plethora of threads you start MAKING EXCUSES FOR HER, like er..ummm... THIS THREAD.

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly make a bigger ass out of yourself ..... thanks for the laugh.

your other problem ... proving RW's are doing nothing more than conducting a Clinton smear campaign isn't making excuses for her. Thanks for showing your ignorance.
here's your problem ... I say, and always have, if Clinton is guilty of anything then convict her. I make no excuses for her . PERIOD.
ROFLMAO!!!!! You make no excuses for her, except for the plethora of threads you start MAKING EXCUSES FOR HER, like er..ummm... THIS THREAD.

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly make a bigger ass out of yourself ..... thanks for the laugh.

your other problem ... proving RW's are doing nothing more than conducting a Clinton smear campaign isn't making excuses for her. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

LOL, Don't look now, MORE EXCUSES for the Queen of Corruption as we traverse the treacherous path from the "two wrongs make it alright" defense to the "right wing smear campaign" gambit .... I guess such things are to be excepted from someone who has ceded control of their brain to a major political party.

You partisan politician worshipers really do crack me up.

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