43 years ago, i started work at $2.10 an hour, when i finally retired my wages were over $115,000 an hour plus benefits. Prog slaves wont learn.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

When I was a 20 yr old libturd I was a miserable slave to the dem plantation. The man was putting me down. The world was against me...bla...bla................I was a miserable machinist going nowhere.

Then I heard a speech from the Great Reagan to do something with my life. Start a biz part time and see if you can make it work.

Good advice. By 25 I owned and operated a financial firm. After 25 yrs of terrific fun and living a totally free life,
I hung em up. I gave the business to my top 3 guys for 20% of the profits. Today I make way more money than ever while I golf and laugh at you stupid retards here....BAWWWWHAHA.................
Why $2.10 an hour? In 1978 minimum wage was $2.65. That's the minimum you would have made at McD's. As we get older our minds start to get foggy.
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Awesome story man. Now I'm kind of hoping your my long lost uncle. Any chance we could do a DNA test? Could really use a loan right now!

Great point. It only goes to prove that minimum wage doesn't keep people down.We can adapt.
Why $2.10 and hour? In 1978 minimum wage was $2.65. That's the minimum you would have made at McD's. As we get older our minds start to get foggy.
There were exceptions to the minimum wage that might have been age related "teenager" etc. I think I made $2.30 an hour at Burger Chef in 81'. Not 100% sure.
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Indeed, whiny.
Why $2.10 and hour? In 1978 minimum wage was $2.65. That's the minimum you would have made at McD's. As we get older our minds start to get foggy.
There were exceptions to the minimum wage that might have been age related "teenager" etc. I think I made $2.30 an hour at Burger Chef in 81'. Not 100% sure.

Some states had exceptions for High School kids. It was noted "after high school".
Well that was whiny.
You'd think he'd be happy what with all that dough, but no, he seems bitter and haggard from looking down his nose at people....
Unhappy....these orange cultists all seem so unhappy.
My old man was the same way, he was a great guy until he retired from the FAA and became a stock broker and started making over 200k a year and he became a paranoid control freak that would say that people only wanted him for his money....
What Jim is saying is if you focus on your "wage" you will always be a slave to your paycheck which is 100% true. Unless you run your own business, you have to invest and take risks to become financially independent.
I always wanted to run my own business and after running other people's started my own because I wanted to earn more and not have to pee to get and keep a job...

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