47 racist politicans help pass H.R. 4038

Apparently you had to "go on" all the way to entirely different threads.

Again, the post you edited out said, and we quote:

To the liberals on this thread:

Ooooh, it's racist to consider the safety and well being of Americans over refugees.

You are such crybabies.

Not "on some other thread I have to go search for" -- on THIS thread.

As I said -- liars.
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Those 47 Democrats know they have to face re-election and they had better not have to defend bringing tens of thousands of Muslim shitheads into the country.

Apparently you had to "go on" all the way to entirely different threads.

Again, the post you edited out said, and we quote:

To the liberals on this thread:

Ooooh, it's racist to consider the safety and well being of Americans over refugees.

You are such crybabies.

Not "on some other thread I have to go search for" -- on THIS thread.

As I said -- liars.
He was addressing the liberals, not accusing any one in particular.
AND, not knowing who will reply to the thread, it's a bit premature to call anyone a liar (but, I guess, you're quite accusomed to the term "premature")

Apparently you had to "go on" all the way to entirely different threads.

Again, the post you edited out said, and we quote:

To the liberals on this thread:

Ooooh, it's racist to consider the safety and well being of Americans over refugees.

You are such crybabies.

Not "on some other thread I have to go search for" -- on THIS thread.

As I said -- liars.
He was addressing the liberals, not accusing any one in particular.

"On this thread" is not a qualifier?
It is on this planet.
He wasn't the first to bring up the same strawman. Several tried, they all failed. I checked.
Again, Republicans in Congress show how ignorant they truly are. The refugees are already being vetted.......so heavily that it takes up 18 months for them to finally be given passage.

As for the Democrats that voted for it......they probably are in rwnj districts and are just trying to keep their job.....it's not like the damn bill is going to go anywhere, Obama still has "VETO" power......but, the GOP dummies just like to waste their time and tax payer's money drumming up useless bills that go nowhere so they can then brag that they are "conservative"...........bwahahaha!
Might wanna brush up on what a 2/3 majority means :eusa_shhh:

I guess you might want to brush up on the fact that that Senate has to approve it, first........and besides, they are already doing a pretty good vetting job...no need to try and "improve" what is already great. Leave it to the Republicans to not understand what is already being done.

It also faces an uncertain future in the Senate, where Minority Leader Harry Reid said he will try to block the bill.
House passes bill that could limit Syrian refugees over Obama veto threat - CNNPolitics.com

From your link:
But Democratic Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD5) said the current vetting process is just fine. “The bill rests on a faulty assumption that the European refugee screening process is similar to the United States screening process. This is entirely inaccurate,” he wrote in today’s Daily Whip. Rather than improve security, Hoyer said that H.R. 4038 would prevent refugees from entering the country by making the vetting process overly inefficient. He described the bill as a “knee-jerk reaction” to a situation in Europe dissimilar to our own. Even with Democratic leadership against the bill, one-fourth of Democrats still voted to pass it in the House vote.

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