47 racist politicans help pass H.R. 4038

If Obama and Hillary have their way...that video is EXACTLY what we will see here in the USA.

Make a copy and mass email it. Make sure to ask others to forward it to everyone they know. It is good to be informed about such things.
That video needs to be seen by every american. At least those who don't have their heads buried in the sand.
Liberals are like that guy that always stands up in movies and wants to tell the terrorists what everyone on the plane is planning to do to fight back......because he's too scared to defend himself. He's willing to trust his life and everyone else to the mercy of the blood-thirsty terrorists.
Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Do you really need a source? They are CHANTING death to Germany. They are showing the trash and filth they leave behind. They are video taping words from thugs who brag they will take over europe.

I have no doubt that is the plan all along. Take over for Islam. Period. All those people...rioting, kicking, hitting, slapping, complaining about the food, bragging. Dayum. Is it fear of the truth that makes you refuse to see?

I have no clue what you're talking about here. Who's "chanting" what now?

The previous poster said "have you not seen the goddam videos" and didn't specify what he was talking about or post any. Unless he explains what he's talking about I have no idea, and it's completely off the topic anyway.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Apparently, you missed the special presentation of a video/audio report from inside and ISIS stronghold. The only journalist permitted in such a place. It's playing again on CNN as we type. 9:09 PM here. Watch it! It's about the origin of ISIS...and includes a guided tour within one of their controlled cities.

It will show you what you might see from some poor little 'Syrian family of 'refugees' with a radicalized teenager in tow.

Correct, I missed that, and I don't have television so there's no such thing here as "CNN".

You have to understand -- I don't live in that hair-on-fire world and I'm really not interested in it. That was the whole point in booting the television out the door.
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That video needs to be seen by every american. At least those who don't have their heads buried in the sand.
That is what my husband told me this morning when I showed it to him. Thanks for posting it on Twitter. Hopefully some people will gain a better understanding of what is going on, Gracie.
That video needs to be seen by every american. At least those who don't have their heads buried in the sand.
That is what my husband told me this morning when I showed it to him. Thanks for posting it on Twitter. Hopefully some people will gain a better understanding of what is going on, Gracie.
Someone already said they have seen it before and it retweeting it and that ALL americans need to watch it ALL THE WAY THROUGH. ALL of it.
I think what horrified me most was the welcome by many germans....and the innocent TRUE refugess seeking safety...then the REAL shit that happens when the masses arrived. That scared german woman. The filth. The chantings. The threats. The KILL GERMANS, the bragging of how they travel in packs and will attack anyone not in a pack themselves, the kids doing the slit throat thing, the MEN. All those men. Where are the women and children? The THOUSANDS of roaming guys destroying all in their path. The demands for MONEY and not food because they want cigarettes. How Germany is such an easy mark because they get MONEY.

It just made me sick. Literally sick. And to think..that is what is wanted here.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Do you really need a source? They are CHANTING death to Germany. They are showing the trash and filth they leave behind. They are video taping words from thugs who brag they will take over europe.

I have no doubt that is the plan all along. Take over for Islam. Period. All those people...rioting, kicking, hitting, slapping, complaining about the food, bragging. Dayum. Is it fear of the truth that makes you refuse to see?

I have no clue what you're talking about here. Who's "chanting" what now?

The previous poster said "have you not seen the goddam videos" and didn't specify what he was talking about or post any. Unless he explains what he's talking about I have no idea, and it's completely off the topic anyway.

With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Apparently, you missed the special presentation of a video/audio report from inside and ISIS stronghold. The only journalist permitted in such a place. It's playing again on CNN as we type. 9:09 PM here. Watch it! It's about the origin of ISIS...and includes a guided tour within one of their controlled cities.

It will show you what you might see from some poor little 'Syrian family of 'refugees' with a radicalized teenager in tow.

Correct, I missed that, and I don't have television so there's no such thing here as "CNN".

You have to understand -- I don't live in that hair-on-fire world and I'm really not interested in it. That was the whole point in booting the television out the door.
Then you just continue to keep your goddamned head in the sand, you fucking idiot!

...and don't bother replying in any threads about what is and is not going on in the world around you!

Fucking IDIOT!:anj_stfu:
If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Do you really need a source? They are CHANTING death to Germany. They are showing the trash and filth they leave behind. They are video taping words from thugs who brag they will take over europe.

I have no doubt that is the plan all along. Take over for Islam. Period. All those people...rioting, kicking, hitting, slapping, complaining about the food, bragging. Dayum. Is it fear of the truth that makes you refuse to see?

I have no clue what you're talking about here. Who's "chanting" what now?

The previous poster said "have you not seen the goddam videos" and didn't specify what he was talking about or post any. Unless he explains what he's talking about I have no idea, and it's completely off the topic anyway.

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Apparently, you missed the special presentation of a video/audio report from inside and ISIS stronghold. The only journalist permitted in such a place. It's playing again on CNN as we type. 9:09 PM here. Watch it! It's about the origin of ISIS...and includes a guided tour within one of their controlled cities.

It will show you what you might see from some poor little 'Syrian family of 'refugees' with a radicalized teenager in tow.

Correct, I missed that, and I don't have television so there's no such thing here as "CNN".

You have to understand -- I don't live in that hair-on-fire world and I'm really not interested in it. That was the whole point in booting the television out the door.
Then you just continue to keep your goddamned head in the sand, you fucking idiot!

...and don't bother replying in any threads about what is and is not going on in the world around you!

Fucking IDIOT!:anj_stfu:

Go fuck yourself. I dropped in here to post about how Congress works. You're the asshat drooling over a video and melting down when somebody doesn't even know what the fuck you're babbling about.

Hear me well, dog -- YOU don't dictate where I can post so Bite The Fuck Me ya freaky little fascist.
Damn pogo is all upset...cursing and capitalizing....:badgrin:

Sucks when libtards are punched with the big fist of hipocracy...

Repubs are racist bigots for voting aye for HR 4038, but libtards who vote aye are just doing what their constituents want..

So repubs doing what their constituents want are racist...but libtards doing the same are not.

libtard logic
Damn pogo is all upset...cursing and capitalizing....:badgrin:

Sucks when libtards are punched with the big fist of hipocracy...

Repubs are racist bigots for voting aye for HR 4038, but libtards who vote aye are just doing what their constituents want..

So repubs doing what their constituents want are racist...but libtards doing the same are not.

libtard logic

Nobody said that, strawman-generating hack. ANY Congresscritter is supposed to represent his or her constituents. That's what makes the term "RINO" such bullshit. Ditto the idea of political parties.

And note, I did not "curse"; I used profanity. Learn the fuckin' difference.
Damn pogo is all upset...cursing and capitalizing....:badgrin:

Sucks when libtards are punched with the big fist of hipocracy...

Repubs are racist bigots for voting aye for HR 4038, but libtards who vote aye are just doing what their constituents want..

So repubs doing what their constituents want are racist...but libtards doing the same are not.

libtard logic

Nobody said that, strawman-generating hack. ANY Congresscritter is supposed to represent his or her constituents. That's what makes the term "RINO" such bullshit. Ditto the idea of political parties.

And note, I did not "curse"; I used profanity. Learn the fuckin' difference.
"Nobody said that"
ahhhaaa yes they did pajama boy...Why are you so upset? need a cuppa hot chocolate before beddy time?
So...nobody has a comment about that awful vid? Nothing? Except those who SEE it for what it is?

Damn thing haunts me now. And that is what is wanted HERE? Really?
Damn pogo is all upset...cursing and capitalizing....:badgrin:

Sucks when libtards are punched with the big fist of hipocracy...

Repubs are racist bigots for voting aye for HR 4038, but libtards who vote aye are just doing what their constituents want..

So repubs doing what their constituents want are racist...but libtards doing the same are not.

libtard logic

Nobody said that, strawman-generating hack. ANY Congresscritter is supposed to represent his or her constituents. That's what makes the term "RINO" such bullshit. Ditto the idea of political parties.

And note, I did not "curse"; I used profanity. Learn the fuckin' difference.
"Nobody said that"
ahhhaaa yes they did pajama boy...Why are you so upset? need a cuppa hot chocolate before beddy time?

Well, I'm the one you quoted, Dipstick, and I made no such fuckin' distinction.

Ergo: Strawman. You lose.

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