47 racist politicans help pass H.R. 4038

And as been pointed out before -- immigration is irrelevant. You don't need to immigrate somewhere to commit terrorism there. All you need is a passport. It's a hell of a lot quicker than waiting through a refugee process. The fearmongers who like to conflate refugees with what they're fleeing from hope that nobody thinks that through.
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
47 racist democrats have crossed the aisle to support H.R. 4038

H.R. 4038: American SAFE Act of 2015 -- House Vote #643 -- Nov 19, 2015

Now they will feel the wrath of B. Hussien Obama.......:dance:
How dare they defy the imam of thier party.


Or maybe they saw this video? The Democrats have families of their own and do not want them to be put in harms way.

DAYUM! vids and pics don't lie.
Why the hell is Germany not stopping this? WTF?

Angela Merkel is keeping her commitment to the UN. I read a news report that the UN response to France 9/11 terror attack was they still had to keep their commitment to take more refugees. I found that to be very cold and wondered - Why don't these nations get out of the UN? What are we doing fighting their wars and cleaning up their mess? So that they can form a New World Order? Who could trust these people? Seriously! The World needs to wake up and tell the UN Good bye!
Again, Republicans in Congress show how ignorant they truly are. The refugees are already being vetted.......so heavily that it takes up 18 months for them to finally be given passage.

As for the Democrats that voted for it......they probably are in rwnj districts and are just trying to keep their job.....it's not like the damn bill is going to go anywhere, Obama still has "VETO" power......but, the GOP dummies just like to waste their time and tax payer's money drumming up useless bills that go nowhere so they can then brag that they are "conservative"...........bwahahaha!

I'm not doubting your word, Mertex, but where are the 10,000 Syrian refugees that arrived in Louisianna over a week ago? Does anyone know?

What? Where did you hear that? Was it in the bible?
Again, Republicans in Congress show how ignorant they truly are. The refugees are already being vetted.......so heavily that it takes up 18 months for them to finally be given passage.

As for the Democrats that voted for it......they probably are in rwnj districts and are just trying to keep their job.....it's not like the damn bill is going to go anywhere, Obama still has "VETO" power......but, the GOP dummies just like to waste their time and tax payer's money drumming up useless bills that go nowhere so they can then brag that they are "conservative"...........bwahahaha!

I'm not doubting your word, Mertex, but where are the 10,000 Syrian refugees that arrived in Louisianna over a week ago? Does anyone know?

What? Where did you hear that? Was it in the bible?

The UN needs to hit the highway,because you won't find a bigger den of thieves.
And as been pointed out before -- immigration is irrelevant. You don't need to immigrate somewhere to commit terrorism there. All you need is a passport. It's a hell of a lot quicker than waiting through a refugee process. The fearmongers who like to conflate refugees with what they're fleeing from hope that nobody thinks that through.
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! (Including the so-called 'No-Go' zones in Europe and the USA)

Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If they're training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!
And as been pointed out before -- immigration is irrelevant. You don't need to immigrate somewhere to commit terrorism there. All you need is a passport. It's a hell of a lot quicker than waiting through a refugee process. The fearmongers who like to conflate refugees with what they're fleeing from hope that nobody thinks that through.
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
And as been pointed out before -- immigration is irrelevant. You don't need to immigrate somewhere to commit terrorism there. All you need is a passport. It's a hell of a lot quicker than waiting through a refugee process. The fearmongers who like to conflate refugees with what they're fleeing from hope that nobody thinks that through.
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

So you saw in the video Gates Wide Open - the young boy - maybe 9 or 10 looking at the camera and putting his hand across his throat as a signal of what they were there for? I believe it is very likely that some of these youngsters were trained as jihadists. Keep in mind the refugees entering Europe are Pakistani, Afghani, Iraqi, South African, AND Syrian. Many are claiming to be Syrian because that is preferred status They were told to lie and say they are Syrian according to the articles I've been reading to day from the Greek Island Lesbo.
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Apparently, you missed the special presentation of a video/audio report from inside and ISIS stronghold. The only journalist permitted in such a place. It's playing again on CNN as we type. 9:09 PM here. Watch it! It's about the origin of ISIS...and includes a guided tour within one of their controlled cities.

It will show you what you might see from some poor little 'Syrian family of 'refugees' with a radicalized teenager in tow.
Last edited:
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

If I'm a political radical and I want to infiltrate, I sure don't want to set a two year timetable to get my people in there, which is also allowing way too much time for their politics to "evolve" in ways I can't control. I'm simply saying it's not logical to run around with one's hair on fire for something this far down the list of "threats".

If I'm Osama Bin Fuqwad and I want to send in a bomber, I can do it tomorrow with a plane ticket and a passport.
Perhaps you haven't noticed. They're training their CHILDREN! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? They have training camps throughout the areas they control! Have you not seen the goddamned VIDEOS? If their training CHILDREN (and they are), there must be some parents that know or aid in this educational period. These families may opt to be among the 'refugees' and have their youngster grow up in America where he can fulfill his inbred obligation to blow himself to smithereens along will his classmates.

The vetting should include psychological evaluation of the CHILDREN, with questioning similar to that of Anderson Cooper to the little boy that has settled in France with his daddy. Only a real clinical psychologist should be asking the leading questions.

Kill :Boom2:ALL RADICAL MUSLIMS....and their CHILDREN!

Yeah well, those "videos".... I consider the source, and the agenda behind them. Yawn.
Do you really need a source? They are CHANTING death to Germany. They are showing the trash and filth they leave behind. They are video taping words from thugs who brag they will take over europe.

I have no doubt that is the plan all along. Take over for Islam. Period. All those people...rioting, kicking, hitting, slapping, complaining about the food, bragging. Dayum. Is it fear of the truth that makes you refuse to see?
One guy said "this food is fit only for a woman". Another said "your daughters will marry bearded muslim men" and "we will have many wives and make many children. Germans only have one or two. We will have 22".
47 racist democrats have crossed the aisle to block H.R. 4038

H.R. 4038: American SAFE Act of 2015 -- House Vote #643 -- Nov 19, 2015

Now they will feel the wrath of B. Hussien Obama.......:dance:
How dare they defy the imam of thier party.


Why did those 47 Democrats vote against the bill? Fear?

How The White House Lost Democrats On The Syrian Refugee Bill
They didn't. NLT needs to edit his post...change "block" to "support".

You are still an idiot!

Yep, he has it ass backwards. Those 47 Democrats voted "for" the bill out of political fear in their home districts.
You mean they used a little common-sense.
If Obama and Hillary have their way...that video is EXACTLY what we will see here in the USA.
And as been pointed out before -- immigration is irrelevant. You don't need to immigrate somewhere to commit terrorism there. All you need is a passport. It's a hell of a lot quicker than waiting through a refugee process. The fearmongers who like to conflate refugees with what they're fleeing from hope that nobody thinks that through.
While it's true there are more methodical methods of sneaking into the U.S. it is a lot easier to jump onto a massive migration. So my response to what you've said is first of all you're right, but a phony passport costs at minimum $700 U.S. And while there are some who will choose that means of entry does that ensure no other means will be exploited.

The bottom line is we need to eliminate every possible means of surreptitious entry -- phony passports, impersonation of peaceful refugees, or any other means which might be available to ISIS.

Sure, but this pretense that goes "oh noes we gotta stop immigration so we don't let in a terrorist" ignores the other, much easier and much quicker avenues such a terrorist already has, such as the hijackers of Flight 11 (first one to hit the WTC) who simply flew in from Canada and changed planes -- that's all it took. I'm pointing out that flaw in the basis of that argument, because it implies (and its fearmongering depends on) the premise that a terrorist can only enter via immigration -- in fact it would be more a last resort, making it a less likely, not more likely, method of entry.

The bottom line being, the idea of refugees as security threat is quite a logical stretch.
With the numbers involved (10 to 50 thousand in two years) and the patience of the leaders of IS, melting into the refugee mob has merits down the road. Those that melted into the mob can always solidify after settling in their new battleground.

Just as with other simple precautions meant to protect our way of life and Constitutional protections--such as voter ID--seem to rile the liberals among us, the added precaution of expanding the vetting process and requiring that senior officials vouch for each accepted refugee seems to evoke their anger.

If Obama's Rapid Transit System is installed, it will take two years to vet 10,000 'refuges'. What's another year gonna hurt?

Better yet, why doesn't Obama grow some goddamned balls and tell Putin that we are going to establish a nice refugee camp IN SYRIA, where these people supposedly WANT TO LIVE-- and there better not be one goddamned errant bomb or rocket attack that hits it?

It's possible that Obama cannot wait. He would be out of office in a year. He needs a crisis well before then. This could be it. As I have said all along, I do not believe he has any intention of leaving office. Do you recall when the UN was talking about sending over UN troops to oversee the 2nd election? I believe that was to make sure he stayed in office. The Russians were watching that re-election closely too. Now you've got the UN driving the war in Syria and driving the mass immigration of Syrians, Afghani's, Pakistanis, Iraqis, South African Muslims to the West. There is no question this was planned out in advance.

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