47 racist politicans help pass H.R. 4038

Again, Republicans in Congress show how ignorant they truly are. The refugees are already being vetted.......so heavily that it takes up 18 months for them to finally be given passage.

As for the Democrats that voted for it......they probably are in rwnj districts and are just trying to keep their job.....it's not like the damn bill is going to go anywhere, Obama still has "VETO" power......but, the GOP dummies just like to waste their time and tax payer's money drumming up useless bills that go nowhere so they can then brag that they are "conservative"...........bwahahaha!
Might wanna brush up on what a 2/3 majority means :eusa_shhh:
Pogo..WATCH THE VID!!! All the way thru. ALL of it.


I've watched this video and a couple of questions popped into mind.

1)How many refugees have Germany taken in?

2)Why are they really taking in refugees?(I heard a reference to WWII and called BS on that the second I read the subtitles. Hoever, the mention of native birthrates may hold an answer)

3)The crimes being showcased, is this a day to day crime wave, or is it over a longer period of time? Like once or twice a wk, once twice a month? Is it comparable to a natural demographic like german teens?

4)How many refugees has Germany taken in in comparion to its population. This is important since the idea maybe to "Germanify" the refugees and the concept that Germay will "Islamofy" is really the pipe dream.

A point in case is the Russians history of "Russofying" conquered and surrounding terratories before and after the Mongolian Invasions and its periods of expansion. The Prussians did something similiar with lands they conquered from Poland during the wars of partition around the 17th centurary.

It really depend on the numbers and how they really handle "Multiculturalism", i.e is polygamy ok, or are laws enforced to keep pople from marrying more than once?

According to Wiki, the german birth rate is 8.2 per 1k people annually. That is a birthrate of 0.8% The EU has a crude death rate of 9.7 per thousand or roughly 1%

In other words, Germans are dying off, thus suggesting the real reason for wanting refugees. They are looking for "a viral people to intermingle with and increase their population while slowly replacing their culture with a german one".
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To the liberals on this thread:

Ooooh, it's racist to consider the safety and well being of Americans over refugees.

You are such crybabies.

Once AGAIN - you and the OP are the only ones proffering that strawman. You are such liars.
Pogo..WATCH THE VID!!! All the way thru. ALL of it.


I've watched this video and a couple of questions popped into mind.

1)How many refugees have Germany taken in?

2)Why are they really taking in refugees?(I heard a reference to WWII and called BS on that the second I read the subtitles. Hoever, the mention of native birthrates may hold an answer)

3)The crimes being showcased, is this a day to day crime wave, or is it over a longer period of time? Like once or twice a wk, once twice a month? Is it comparable to a natural demographic like german teens?

4)How many refugees has Germany taken in in comparion to its population. This is important since the idea maybe to "Germanify" the refugees and the concept that Germay will "Islamofy" is really the pipe dream.

A point in case is the Russians history of "Russofying" conquered and surrounding terratories before and after the Mongolian Invasions and its periods of expansion. The Prussians did something similiar with lands they conquered from Poland during the wars of partition around the 17th centurary.

It really depend on the numbers and how they really handle "Multiculturalism", i.e is polygamy ok, or are laws enforced to keep pople from marrying more than once?

According to Wiki, the german birth rate is 8.2 per 1k people annually. That is a birthrate of 0.8% The EU has a crude death rate of 9.7 per thousand or roughly 1%

In other words, Germans are dying off, thus suggesting the real reason for wanting refugees. They are looking for "a viral people to intermingle with and increase their population while slowly replacing their culture with a german one".

Well, now that I am not as freaked out as I was....those are some good questions.
DAYUM! vids and pics don't lie.

Why the hell is Germany not stopping this? WTF?

The post-War occupation of both East and West Germany included an intensive effort by both the Allies in the West and by Russia in the East to de-militarize the German mentality. This video clearly shows how successful that combined effort has been.

Once the most effectively exclusive and militant nation in the world, Germany has been rendered passive and welcoming. I wonder about the effect this aggressive Muslim invasion is having on the (illegal) Nazi Party there and if its membership is increasing. It would be interesting to see an awakening of German militarism and the rise of a Fourth Reich. If the spark is there I wouldn't dismiss the possibility -- any more than I would dismiss the possibility of a Trump Presidency.

America Uber Alles
is a slogan which would fit well into today's political mood.
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It's an awful eye opening video.
It certainly is thought-provoking. I wonder if it has any effect on the anti-gun mentality.
Another good question.
Meanwhile....found some great AFFORDABLE places in Oregon. Which is open carry. I wouldn't have to sneak.
Open carry is far better than nothing but concealed carry is better -- for the same reason why the posting of uniformed, armed guards in schools is a bad idea. The conspicuous guard is the first target a psycho shooter will sneak up on and dispose of.
If we did move to another state that had open carry, I still wouldn't let anyone know about it. Kinda fucks the surprise when someone decides to hurt you thinking you are a helpless old woman and man, doesn't it?
Yeah, hundreds of people murdered in France by Muslim terrorists, and dozens more killed in Mali by Muslim terrorists, but, oh, it's "the politics of fear" and "racism" to say we should not allow any Syrian refugees into the country given the fact that the Paris mastermind entered France by posing as a refugee and given the fact that our own FBI chief says we cannot properly screen Syrian refugees.

If the military and FBI guys down at Gitmo failed to detect future repeat terrorists 168 out of 600-some times, how in the world can anyone claim that we will detect every single bad guy who tries to sneak in among the Syrian refugees?
Pogo..WATCH THE VID!!! All the way thru. ALL of it.


I really need a bunch of those fuckers living next door.
That video needs to be seen by every american. At least those who don't have their heads buried in the sand.
That is what my husband told me this morning when I showed it to him. Thanks for posting it on Twitter. Hopefully some people will gain a better understanding of what is going on, Gracie.
Clearly, the media has been hiding the genocide of Christians and moderate Muslims in the ME for over a decade, and they're desperately trying to hide what's going on during this mass migration. I think the media has no credibility left. Fox is a station run by liberals that is just trying to cater to a center/right demographic. The rest of the media is censoring enough of the news that people aren't getting a clear picture of what we face, and anything that Fox broadcasts can be painted as lies quite easily.

Obama needs protesters (rioters) in this country that don't quit because they haven't been paid. They said Palestinians were training protesters in Baltimore. Obama's responsible for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore. He would like to do that all over the country.

What better rioters are there on Earth than hundreds of thousands of Muslim assholes shipped into this country. Then the media could talk about some soldier pissing on the Koran, or talk about some disgusting video.....and right on cue....they go into a fit. They don't need radicalized Muslims to do that. Any average moderate Muslim would be willing to walk the streets holding signs screaming "Death To America", or death to their host nation like they're currently doing in the UK and France, just because somebody drew a cartoon of Muhammad.
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There is no reason to be shipping those shits halfway around the world to the U.S. There are plenty of other places to send them, and most Americans would be ok with helping to subsidize their upkeep if they are fleeing a war zone. It is mind boggling that shipping them here is an option that is even on the table.

Secondly, this has nothing to do with racism. These brownies are from a hotbed of terrorism and have lived in a state that has historically been hostile to the U.S. Further, ISIS had expressly said that they are imbedding their agents in these refugees for the purpose of infiltrating states they wish to target.

Alleging racism is a vile act and is a lie.
There is no reason to be shipping those shits halfway around the world to the U.S. There are plenty of other places to send them, and most Americans would be ok with helping to subsidize their upkeep if they are fleeing a war zone. It is mind boggling that shipping them here is an option that is even on the table.

Secondly, this has nothing to do with racism. These brownies are from a hotbed of terrorism and have lived in a state that has historically been hostile to the U.S. Further, ISIS had expressly said that they are imbedding their agents in these refugees for the purpose of infiltrating states they wish to target.

Alleging racism is a vile act and is a lie.
The goal is to spread Islam all over the Earth.
This is how they do it.

They populate the indig populations out of existence and take over their land. Usually it takes a century or more....but now they can do it in a matter of decades.

Obama knows this very well, because his relatives, I'm sure, have told him first-hand about this since he was a kid.
Here is one that crossed over. It is so nice to hear a Democrat talking sense.

That's the chick from Hawaii, isn't it? She is smoking hot! I cannot even listen to her speak without my dick getting hard!
Yeah, hundreds of people murdered in France by Muslim terrorists, and dozens more killed in Mali by Muslim terrorists, but, oh, it's "the politics of fear" and "racism" to say we should not allow any Syrian refugees into the country given the fact that the Paris mastermind entered France by posing as a refugee and given the fact that our own FBI chief says we cannot properly screen Syrian refugees.

If the military and FBI guys down at Gitmo failed to detect future repeat terrorists 168 out of 600-some times, how in the world can anyone claim that we will detect every single bad guy who tries to sneak in among the Syrian refugees?
Yep....we're bad, evil, disgusting people for using the grey-matter between our ears.

Oh....and please.....come and get our guns while you're at it!


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