48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

Yes, Will, McCain, Romney, Kasich are hardly conservatives. If they said they weren't going to vote for Trump that's one thing, but voting for Biden is another. What a pathetic lot. They went from my disagreeing with them to their being Commie scum who are voting and endorsing an America hating Marxist. You know, like you. Who the hell is "Army?"
They certainly conservatives in line with Reagan and Goldwater, indeed. Disagreement with Trump is Americanism, not 'commie scum.' There are no Marxists in America as you describe. I do believe the far right of the GOP is awash with cultural fascism.

I'm just laughing at you now. Kascich and Romney are like Reagan? You're completely delusional
You have no concept what is Americanism if you doubt that Kasich and Romney have far more in common than the national populist Trump with Reagan.

You said Romney and Kasich were like Reagan. Reagan would never have supported a Marxist controlled puppet like they are. He's have never advocated the party supporting looting and burning of American cities like you and the idiot twins support. The three of you America haters have zero in common with America loving Ronald Wilson Reagan
Democrats crowed about the EC in 2012 when Obama won re-election. Then they melted down about it in 2016 when Trump won. Their indignation is totally driven by circumstance.

Why would they crow about it. Obama won the Popular vote handily....

I don't want PV and would never want it regardless of how elections turned out. That would just be tyranny of the majority

And so? As opposed to what, the tyranny of the minority?

I trust the people to get these things right, thank you... You clearly don't.
People like you should not have their votes equal to people like me. We need to change that.
The power of the states' minority vote to obstruct will change. In fact, the NPV will law of the land by 2024.

You you going to pull that off, Fakey Jakey?
The same way that McMullen pulled off Utah in 2016!.....Oh wait. :laugh2:
You are right that 2016 has nothing to do with 2020.

Trump is busily throwing the state away all by himself. If he loses the LDS, who think he is terribly immoral, he can't win.

The voters are waiting for the wink from the First Presidency.

Another post from you with nothing but empty rhetoric
Meanwhile, back in reality, the Democrats are beating Trump and his cult like a gong.


The Democrats offer concrete policies across the board, while the Trump cult offers only fear and hate.

The Democrats act like patriots and decent human beings, while the Trump cult acts like Nazi sociopaths. Q-anon, the current Republican philosophy, is literally a Nazi conspiracy theory repackaged.

We can't save the Republican party. The treason runs too deep there. They simply hate everyone outside of their fascist cult, because the hating gives them a thrill. Pity. The USA needs two parties. Hopefully, a sane conservative party will rise out of the wreckage of the GOP.

Simply delusional
Biden is center left which means he is closer to the middle than Trump is. Trump is the far right wing extremist.

For starters you are wrong. He is only center left if compared to the AOC's of the world, which, incidentally, he seems to support. Secondly, Biden won't be president for long if elected. Harris will take over and she is nowhere near the center.

Most voters disagree with you. Trump says that Harris is near the center.

Only braindead libs think that.. lol
...The democrats tied themselves to everything going on. It's a self inflicted wound.
Yes. Agreed. Short, sweet and to the point. This is probably the most profound analysis I've seen in a while.


And that's a damned shame, given the piece-of-$hit working the other side of the street.

The Dems picked a very bad time to go nihilist, and to lose whatever fragments of backbone that they still had remaining to them prior to surrendering to BLM.

Trouble is, the Cure is likely to be almost as bad as the Bite... just in different ways.
...The democrats tied themselves to everything going on. It's a self inflicted wound.
Yes. Agreed. Short, sweet and to the point. This is probably the most profound analysis I've seen in a while.


And that's a damned shame, given the piece-of-$hit working the other side of the street.

The Dems picked a very bad time to go nihilist, and to lose whatever fragments of backbone that they still had remaining to them prior to surrendering to BLM.

Trouble is, the Cure is likely to be almost as bad as the Bite... just in different ways.
Agreed. We have a lack of leadership on both sides. This is clearly exemplified by the two bimbos, Joe and Don.

One solution is separation. Give black Americans 13% of the nation geographically and agree to peacefully separate, but remain friendly.
Agreed. We have a lack of leadership on both sides. This is clearly exemplified by the two bimbos, Joe and Don.

One solution is separation. Give black Americans 13% of the nation geographically and agree to peacefully separate, but remain friendly.

Or we could actually do the DECENT thing and make up for our past misconduct. We could try that. I mean, I know that's a crazy idea.

Frankly, what are black people asking for that is so unreasonable? To be treated the same way by law enforcement white people are?
Yes. Agreed. Short, sweet and to the point. This is probably the most profound analysis I've seen in a while.


And that's a damned shame, given the piece-of-$hit working the other side of the street.

The Dems picked a very bad time to go nihilist, and to lose whatever fragments of backbone that they still had remaining to them prior to surrendering to BLM.

Trouble is, the Cure is likely to be almost as bad as the Bite... just in different ways.

Same question to you... What is BLM asking for that is so unreasonable?
Democrats crowed about the EC in 2012 when Obama won re-election. Then they melted down about it in 2016 when Trump won. Their indignation is totally driven by circumstance.

Why would they crow about it. Obama won the Popular vote handily....

I don't want PV and would never want it regardless of how elections turned out. That would just be tyranny of the majority

And so? As opposed to what, the tyranny of the minority?

I trust the people to get these things right, thank you... You clearly don't.
People like you should not have their votes equal to people like me. We need to change that.
The power of the states' minority vote to obstruct will change. In fact, the NPV will law of the land by 2024.

You you going to pull that off, Fakey Jakey?
The same way that McMullen pulled off Utah in 2016!.....Oh wait. :laugh2:
You are right that 2016 has nothing to do with 2020.

Trump is busily throwing the state away all by himself. If he loses the LDS, who think he is terribly immoral, he can't win.

The voters are waiting for the wink from the First Presidency.
I know an awful lot of Utahans, Jake....Nearly all of them detest Romney for being a fraud like you, more so than Trump being a blowhard.

And morality isn't so much as a popcorn fart to LDS, if they could support a carpetbagging crony corporatist on the take like Orrin Hatch for as long as they did.
You just revealed you know nothing about Utah. You don't understand why Romney won so easily in Utah, where he has the status of a moral demi-god. Despite your silly posturing, you clearly do not know Utah at all.

If the FP, who don't like Trump at all and get along with Biden well enough, give the tip off, then it is a done deal.

If AZ, NC, UT, etc., are in play, Trump's in trouble.

If Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire are in play, Biden's in trouble. And they are
Agreed. We have a lack of leadership on both sides. This is clearly exemplified by the two bimbos, Joe and Don.

One solution is separation. Give black Americans 13% of the nation geographically and agree to peacefully separate, but remain friendly.

Or we could actually do the DECENT thing and make up for our past misconduct. We could try that. I mean, I know that's a crazy idea.

Frankly, what are black people asking for that is so unreasonable? To be treated the same way by law enforcement white people are?

You're very confused.

It's lily white leftist spoiled rich brats who are in the street rioting and demanding to dismantle the police.

Blacks are asking to be protected from them and to not defund the police.

You need to get a copy of the play bill
How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.
It should have been a learning experience in 2016. They stayed in their bubble, refused to discuss issues or policy, and the odds are that they can either have a come to Jesus moment after this election or they can keep losing presidential elections until they do.
Frankly, what are black people asking for that is so unreasonable? To be treated the same way by law enforcement white people are?

They already are, but the media controls what you think, so they leave you with the impression they are treated differently even though they act the same as white people.
If Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire are in play, Biden's in trouble. And they are

Actually, NH and MN aren't in play. Neither are Michigan or Wisconsin.

Trump has gone dark in PA and MI, he's out of money.

So you are conceding that Trump won't win the popular vote this time, either, and your only hope is people won't pay attention to what is going on with the EC.
It should have been a learning experience in 2016. They stayed in their bubble, refused to discuss issues or policy, and the odds are that they can either have a come to Jesus moment after this election or they can keep losing presidential elections until they do.

Actually, no, stupid.

If they win (which they probably will), they will assume everything they've done is right and fine.

If they lose, then they will make the argument that Biden was too moderate, too milquetoast, and didn't stand for anything, therefore they need to go more radical.

The real problem is that Trump isn't going to win the popular vote, and electing someone the majority didn't want because of an anachronism who is unfit for the job is not a strategy.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.
Annnnd.... once AGAIN... you speak totally from a left prospective, while pretending to be providing a centered argument.
The crux of your little post is simple:... Stupid fucking people will vote for Trump. Not every one is fucking stupid. The Democrats should be able to attract people who aren't so stupid. But they didn't.

And in your world.... that is an objective question/argument.
Holy cow

It certainly lines up with the evidence. I don't think there's anything particularly smart about voting for Biden, but Trump's anti-intellectualism and confused rhetoric make it pretty hard for intelligent people to sign on. Not saying they don't - lesser-of-two-evils prompts otherwise smart people to do all kinds of idiotic shit (like voting for Biden for example), but it's pretty obvious that the educated elite aren't Trump's base.
There is a big portion of the educated elite are trumps bases despite the fact he is a flaming idiot... they support him because he has more policies that will make them more money. Plain and simple

Biden isn’t there for groundbreaking ideas.His biggest asset is his relationships in congress and ability to unite. People who want our government to start working together instead of fighting like school
Children doing nothing should support Biden

WTF? When has Biden done anything inclusive? The guy is a total divider and hate monger
He has worked with Republicans his whole career. You haven’t paid attention
You mean like the Clarence Thomas hearings where he helped his fellow Dims to smear the man? What has he worked with Republicans to do?
You know many on the left were upset at Biden for not pushing back enough against the republicans and Anita hill. Did you know that?
They don't know any of that stuff. They lack the fundamental curiosity to find out.

They just believe what they're told in their universe.

The guy who agrees with Democrats on every issue and opposes Republicans on every issue is worried we aren't questioning what we are told. Thanks, I'll start doing that!
If Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire are in play, Biden's in trouble. And they are

Actually, NH and MN aren't in play. Neither are Michigan or Wisconsin.

Trump has gone dark in PA and MI, he's out of money.

So you are conceding that Trump won't win the popular vote this time, either, and your only hope is people won't pay attention to what is going on with the EC.

You tell yourself that, Joe
Or we could actually do the DECENT thing and make up for our past misconduct. We could try that. I mean, I know that's a crazy idea.
The decent thing to do is not expect someone who had nothing to do with the past to make up for it.

Frankly, what are black people asking for that is so unreasonable? To be treated the same way by law enforcement white people are?
That already happens and in some cases they are treated better, with policies like Affirmative Action.
I don't care near as much about what ANY politician says as much as what they DO.
Agree. And what Trump does is divisive and fear inducing. He's a troll and he's tearing the country apart.
Biden doesn't even answer his own questions in live interviews, he reads what other people tell him to answer. You cool with that?

Absolutely! I'm not voting for Biden, but calculated answers are far better than the random, incoherent shit that comes from Trump's mouth.

When you listen to one hate filled Biden rant after another and Nancy Pelosi calling him a racist and her stupid endless attacks and the partisan impeachment based on a report Mueller said showed no evidence Trump colluded with Russia and the hate filled Schummer rants and say ...

... "Trump" is tearing about the country ...

... It shows what an empty gas bag you are. Democrats have acted like this for 40 years that I personally remember. And you blame your behavior on Trump who's been here the last four years? Just cut the stupid shit
The decent thing to do is not expect someone who had nothing to do with the past to make up for it.

But we are the ones who benefit from that past, that's the point.

That already happens and in some cases they are treated better, with policies like Affirmative Action.

Actually, the main beneficiaries of Affirmative Action are White Women. AA comes nowhere near erasing 400 years of systematic racism.

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