49 Shot In 72 Hours In New York City As Violence Continues To Surge

DiBlasio/Cuomo have taken NYC from the once safest city in america and turned it into a competition with chicago for the worst. Demcocrats destroy everything they touch

Over four dozen were shot and multiple people were killed over the weekend in New York City as violence continues to rise.

A total of 49 people were shot throughout the five boroughs from Thursday to Sunday and at least five people were killed, police told CBS New York. Twenty-three of the injuries came on Saturday alone in 20 separate gunfire incidents, the local outlet reported.

An off-duty corrections officer and a 47-year-old father of two were pronounced dead during the violent weekend, according to CBS New York. Shootings are nearly double what they were in 2019, as the city has recorded 888 gunfire incidents so far in 2020 compared to 488 during the same time frame, the local affiliate reported.

President Donald Trump alluded to federal intervention in the city after learning about the weekend’s shooting totals, according to a Sunday tweet.

I heard it was 1/2 as many of this time in 2019, this year we have the pandemic and a cop killed George Floyd on national television. With the unemployment, what did you think would happen.
Poor = violence.

If you know that poor = violence why do keep recruiting Mexico’s poor?
Do you hate Americans?
You get exactly what you vote for. New York can cease to exist, for all I care.
There are so many good people that live in New York. The law should clean out the bad people by arresting the people that are causing the problems. Recall the mayor and Governor!

If they voted for them, they're not going to recall them. Look at the AOC primary. She won without a blink of an eye. Stupid voters will always remain stupid. I live in Cleveland, I know this for a fact. It doesn't matter what they F-up, a Democrat will vote them right back in again no matter how they conduct themselves.
Poor = violence.

No, because most poor are not violent. Poor does not equate to violence, being uncivilized equates to violence.

Being poor creates violence's, drug addicts, gangs, etc. Even white poor people rob stores and are violent due to rapes, murders and robberies.

When people from other countries come here to start a new life, they laugh at what we consider poor in this country. They can tell you what poor is. Poverty in the US is a controlled situation.

My next door neighbors are poor. I know the landlord and all he does is rent to HUD because nobody who works will pay him the ridiculous price he's asking for rents. They have three kids, something most working families cannot afford. They throw parties for their lowlife friends, have BBQ's, and have anywhere from 10 to 20 guests. One of the first things they did when they moved here was have a satellite dish installed on the building.

We've had to call the cops there about a dozen times in the near three years they've lived here. They stay up on the work nights into the next morning, slamming their car doors, drunk or high off their ass, laughing and yelling in the driveway waking my working tenants up.

Yes, they are considered our poor in America. Having kids they could never afford, throwing parties, watching television via satellite, living in the suburbs, the woman weighs 300 lbs, and I'm sure they are hooked up to the net as well.

That's what being poor is in America these days.
Poor = violence.

No, because most poor are not violent. Poor does not equate to violence, being uncivilized equates to violence.

Being poor creates violence's, drug addicts, gangs, etc. Even white poor people rob stores and are violent due to rapes, murders and robberies.

When people from other countries come here to start a new life, they laugh at what we consider poor in this country. They can tell you what poor is. Poverty in the US is a controlled situation.

My next door neighbors are poor. I know the landlord and all he does is rent to HUD because nobody who works will pay him the ridiculous price he's asking for rents. They have three kids, something most working families cannot afford. They throw parties for their lowlife friends, have BBQ's, and have anywhere from 10 to 20 guests. One of the first things they did when they moved here was have a satellite dish installed on the building.

We've had to call the cops there about a dozen times in the near three years they've lived here. They stay up on the work nights into the next morning, slamming their car doors, drunk or high off their ass, laughing and yelling in the driveway waking my working tenants up.

Yes, they are considered our poor in America. Having kids they could never afford, throwing parties, watching television via satellite, living in the suburbs, the woman weighs 300 lbs, and I'm sure they are hooked up to the net as well.

That's what being poor is in America these days.
Proof positive that the so called “War on Poverty” has been a huge success.
Poor = violence.

No, because most poor are not violent. Poor does not equate to violence, being uncivilized equates to violence.

Being poor creates violence's, drug addicts, gangs, etc. Even white poor people rob stores and are violent due to rapes, murders and robberies.

When people from other countries come here to start a new life, they laugh at what we consider poor in this country. They can tell you what poor is. Poverty in the US is a controlled situation.

My next door neighbors are poor. I know the landlord and all he does is rent to HUD because nobody who works will pay him the ridiculous price he's asking for rents. They have three kids, something most working families cannot afford. They throw parties for their lowlife friends, have BBQ's, and have anywhere from 10 to 20 guests. One of the first things they did when they moved here was have a satellite dish installed on the building.

We've had to call the cops there about a dozen times in the near three years they've lived here. They stay up on the work nights into the next morning, slamming their car doors, drunk or high off their ass, laughing and yelling in the driveway waking my working tenants up.

Yes, they are considered our poor in America. Having kids they could never afford, throwing parties, watching television via satellite, living in the suburbs, the woman weighs 300 lbs, and I'm sure they are hooked up to the net as well.

That's what being poor is in America these days.
Proof positive that the so called “War on Poverty” has been a huge success.

No, it's been a complete failure and we have evidence of that. In this country unfortunately, we reward failure and penalize success. That's the Democrat way. People "getting things" off of other taxpayers is only a success in the eyes of the left. We on the right call it theft.

'49 Shot In 72 Hours In New York City As Violence Continues To Surge'

Damn that Trump! :p

For the official record: Governor Cuomo remains the largest mass murderer in US history despite this massive up-tic in violence.

I heard it was 1/2 as many of this time in 2019, this year we have the pandemic and a cop killed George Floyd on national television. With the unemployment, what did you think would happen.
Poor = violence.
LMAO @ the excuses you Extremist make for these Democrat run shitholes.
I heard it was 1/2 as many of this time in 2019, this year we have the pandemic and a cop killed George Floyd on national television. With the unemployment, what did you think would happen.
Poor = violence.
LMAO @ the excuses you Extremist make for these Democrat run shitholes.

You can say that again. But it's like I've always said, the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

My father can tell you what poverty is. He and his six siblings grew up in a house the size of a three car garage. Because they had no indoor plumbing, when they needed to go, it was the outhouse in the backyard, and let me tell you, if you had to go in the middle of the night during our brutal winters up north, you really had to go. The thing didn't even have a roof on it, and with 8 people using it constantly, it had to be relocated very frequently.

They were on welfare, but welfare back then was taking their red wagon to the fire station five miles away, and there the firemen would fill it it fruits and vegetables. My father told me he joined the Marines and fought in Korea just to know what it was like to have three meals a day.

My father nor any of my Uncles or Aunts ever spent a day in jail yet alone prison. Two of them fell to alcoholism, but the rest worked hard and had businesses of their own. My father vowed to make sure there was always plenty of food in our house because of the affliction of growing up hungry and how awful it was.
DiBlasio/Cuomo have taken NYC from the once safest city in america and turned it into a competition with chicago for the worst. Demcocrats destroy everything they touch

Over four dozen were shot and multiple people were killed over the weekend in New York City as violence continues to rise.

A total of 49 people were shot throughout the five boroughs from Thursday to Sunday and at least five people were killed, police told CBS New York. Twenty-three of the injuries came on Saturday alone in 20 separate gunfire incidents, the local outlet reported.

An off-duty corrections officer and a 47-year-old father of two were pronounced dead during the violent weekend, according to CBS New York. Shootings are nearly double what they were in 2019, as the city has recorded 888 gunfire incidents so far in 2020 compared to 488 during the same time frame, the local affiliate reported.

President Donald Trump alluded to federal intervention in the city after learning about the weekend’s shooting totals, according to a Sunday tweet.

Hopefully it's only black on black. I mean I don't give a shit and I know leftists care less about it than me.

Especially the white ones like Mac1958. No bigger racists than those losers and nothing more pathetic than black Americans that take advantage of other black Americans by convincing them they are helpless without the help of white democrats.

Let me know when those things kill normal people. Wait, they already are. Well, lets hope to God they kill only white leftists.
DiBlasio/Cuomo have taken NYC from the once safest city in america and turned it into a competition with chicago for the worst. Demcocrats destroy everything they touch

Over four dozen were shot and multiple people were killed over the weekend in New York City as violence continues to rise.

A total of 49 people were shot throughout the five boroughs from Thursday to Sunday and at least five people were killed, police told CBS New York. Twenty-three of the injuries came on Saturday alone in 20 separate gunfire incidents, the local outlet reported.

An off-duty corrections officer and a 47-year-old father of two were pronounced dead during the violent weekend, according to CBS New York. Shootings are nearly double what they were in 2019, as the city has recorded 888 gunfire incidents so far in 2020 compared to 488 during the same time frame, the local affiliate reported.

President Donald Trump alluded to federal intervention in the city after learning about the weekend’s shooting totals, according to a Sunday tweet.

Maybe the governor should call out the-
Owait, it's Mario Cuomo..nevermind.
If DeBlasio had a shred of integrity he would resign. He has destroyed New York City and has the blood of many New Yorkers on his hands. He has no integrity, so he isn't going anywhere. New York is screwed.
Diblasio is doing EXACTLY what he is there to do. Help destabilize America by doing his part so that his marxist masters take over.

Only good news is when they do, that pile of shit will be among the very first to be lined up on a wall and executed.

Poor = violence.

No, because most poor are not violent. Poor does not equate to violence, being uncivilized equates to violence.

Being poor creates violence's, drug addicts, gangs, etc. Even white poor people rob stores and are violent due to rapes, murders and robberies.
Being poor is not a warning for criminal behavior. My guess is half of lawbreakers are impoverished and half are middle and upper income. It may be assorted crimes and not the same for each income level, but the desire to get somewhere illegally would be close to the same..
DiBlasio/Cuomo have taken NYC from the once safest city in america and turned it into a competition with chicago for the worst. Demcocrats destroy everything they touch

Over four dozen were shot and multiple people were killed over the weekend in New York City as violence continues to rise.

A total of 49 people were shot throughout the five boroughs from Thursday to Sunday and at least five people were killed, police told CBS New York. Twenty-three of the injuries came on Saturday alone in 20 separate gunfire incidents, the local outlet reported.

An off-duty corrections officer and a 47-year-old father of two were pronounced dead during the violent weekend, according to CBS New York. Shootings are nearly double what they were in 2019, as the city has recorded 888 gunfire incidents so far in 2020 compared to 488 during the same time frame, the local affiliate reported.

President Donald Trump alluded to federal intervention in the city after learning about the weekend’s shooting totals, according to a Sunday tweet.

I heard it was 1/2 as many of this time in 2019, this year we have the pandemic and a cop killed George Floyd on national television. With the unemployment, what did you think would happen.
Poor = violence.
got a link for any of that bullshit???
cause the facts say otherwise,,,
She's selling the drama.

No one buying anymore.
Poor = violence.

No, because most poor are not violent. Poor does not equate to violence, being uncivilized equates to violence.

Being poor creates violence's, drug addicts, gangs, etc. Even white poor people rob stores and are violent due to rapes, murders and robberies.
Being poor is not a warning for criminal behavior. My guess is half of lawbreakers are impoverished and half are middle and upper income. It may be assorted crimes and not the same for each income level, but the desire to get somewhere illegally would be close to the same..
The rising criminal behavior is a result of two things. One, mass propaganda pushed on useful idiots who are enslaved minds under the false notion that ALL of them have built in excuses and so therefore feel completely justified in their criminality.

Two, the increasing reduction of law enforcement due to the mass cameras on them and any sort of violence on A BLACK will be reported in such a way where THE BLACK will be a sweet innocent GENTLE GIANT and the cop will be doing the bidding of TRUMP who is an extension of a racist America that has been illegitimate from it's founding, which was on the backs of minorities, mainly THE BLACKS.

That narrative has been practiced and perfected for many decades and has now turned into a version of Frankenstein's monster.

The only thing we can hope for is truth to save these poor mental slaves from their inevitable doom. For when the cultural marxists finally take over and when THE BLACKS expect to have a flow of wealth and power to come their way, they will be eliminated in mass.

Sad really. The great kryptonite of the well oiled lying devil's machine of the cultural marxist march is TRUTH and that is the reason the globalists are equating all truth with hate speech.

The never believer will always chant for Barrabas over THE TRUTH, just so we understand and since we are the great excuse making animal, the globalists acting on behalf of the devil have distinct advantages.

Now, let's see how the never believer giggles away at THE TRUTH.

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