4th Grade "Science" Quiz - Were you there?

Is this what you want your own children to be taught in school?

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And with this post, all you have done is demonstrate that you don't have a clue about what freedoms I am talking about, or the principles of unalienable rights the Founders were talking about. And no amount of time passing, technology, or demographics affects those. But I'm not going to derail this thread by getting into it. I invite you to visit the thread "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" and I'll be happy to go toe to toe with you there.

Going back to the thesis of this thread, unless there is freedom to teach creationism as well as to not teach creationism in the 4th grade (or any other grade for that matter), we have no freedom at all.

You're right of course.
And there can be no freedom unless NAMBLA can have equal time in the classroom, or Al Quaeda can have a chance to put their view, or homo sexuals are able to recruit to their lifestyle, or trade unionists, or smelly OWS people or..........

The funny thing here is that you are correct, even if you were posting that in jest (as that is what I gather from your tone).

Of course you mired the concept with the ‘equal time’ statement that was not the point. If you had read Fox post you would see that she was not demanding that the gates be open for everyone in public institutions but rather that the local communities be able to set up their schools as they see fit. I would further that to private institution but I don’t think that she would limit it there.

I am somewhat divided on weather or not such should extend to the public schools but the sentiment is the same, freedom to set up your community as those in it see fit does not exist when you declare that the federal government somehow needs to step in and make arbitrary limitations.

Of course I was citing an absurdity.
The question is though, if it was up to communities to teach their kids whatever they choose, what's to stop a religious school (Muslim, Christian, what-have-you...) teaching hate to be set up?
Or a school teaching any sort of nonsense for that matter.
As much as it goes against the 'freedom from state interference at all costs' argument, you clearly need some standards for education...if only to protect the kids themselves.

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