5:30AM Israel time- "Code Red" in Ashkelon

It was a nice blessing of a "happy birthday" for our 'beloved' presidents Peres.

A bunch of clowns all praising his "actions for peace" while less than 60 miles south-west from there, a child from Ashkelon pees his pants in fear.

What a lovely mental image!

I did not read of a child peeing his pants in fear. Show me a photo_Or you could dispense with the lies.

Ever heard of PTSD, sherri?
It was a nice blessing of a "happy birthday" for our 'beloved' presidents Peres.

A bunch of clowns all praising his "actions for peace" while less than 60 miles south-west from there, a child from Ashkelon pees his pants in fear.

What a lovely mental image!

I did not read of a child peeing his pants in fear. Show me a photo_Or you could dispense with the lies.

Ever heard of PTSD, sherri?

The poster, quite rightly, is asking you to post evidence of your claim; not comment.
3 Grad missiles fell outside the city limits.

Good morning, children.


You're reaping the terror you have have sown in Ashkelon:

"During the 1948 war, the Egyptian army occupied a large part of Gaza including Majdal (Ashkelon). Over the next few months, the town was subjected to Israeli air-raids and shelling.[3] All but about 1,000 of the town's residents were forced to leave by the time it was captured by Israeli forces as a sequel to Operation Yoav on 4 November 1948.[3]

"General Yigal Allon ordered the expulsion of the remaining Palestinians but the local commanders did not do so and the Arab population soon recovered to more than 2,500 due mostly to refugees slipping back and also due to the transfer of Palestinians from nearby villages.[3][15]

"Most of them were elderly, women, or children.[15] During the next year or so, the Palestinians were held in a confined area surrounded by barbed wire, which became commonly known as the 'ghetto'".

Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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