5.7% of Clinton Foundation Actually went to Charity

They see nothing for that money other than saving millions of lives

They don't? So they don't get ANY benefits from it? Travel? Food? Lodging? Paying money towards their daughter's pay check?

So how are we to know just how many people they have on their payroll doing charity work that don't actually do anything but pick up a pay check in return for other benefits? How many doctors do they have on payroll that have never even been to Africa... or Haiti? If you want to consider them a foundation that does their own work instead of donating to charities, there needs to be a different type of audit done to them that looks at their record books as far as what each person on the payroll actually does... some kind of progress journal.

Overhead is 12%

Much lower than other charities
Clinton Foundation simply gives money to other Clinton charities - which the Clintons then profit from, stooge.

$143 million went to the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Of whom Chelsea gets paid huge amounts of money to sit on their board. They also refuse to be audited by charity watchdogs.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) | GiveWell

$13.5 million went to the Clinton library. How does that help those in need?

All of their money goes to a "Clinton X" charity, each of which can be ripped apart. None of them are open to being audited by charity watchdogs.


That is exactly not what not they do... The are a direct aid charity...

How stupid is your comment... Get fucking educated... Twit...
So you're saying the Clinton Foundation files false reports?

View attachment 89940
Get fucking educated, stooge.

Do have a clue how the Clinton Foundation works...

Lets start with Chelsea's 'huge amounts':

Do the Clintons receive any income or personal expense reimbursement from the Foundation?
No. President Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, who serve on the Board of Directors, do not take a salary from the Clinton Foundation and receive no funding from it. Secretary Clinton did not take a salary when she served on the Board of Directors.

Frequently Asked Questions


The Clinton Presidential Center has an educational facilities and offices set up by the Clinton Foundation which is sited on the Presidential Library site... So this is them paying for that... There is also scholarships...

So what's your point... Do you want them to use the Reagan Library?
Wait, so the Clinton's take a huge chunk of their earnings, donate it to their own organization which is then not only a tax write-off for them, but then makes the money tax exempt? Yeah, that sounds about as crooked as a country road in Kentucky.

They see nothing for that money other than saving millions of lives

They don't? So they don't get ANY benefits from it? Travel? Food? Lodging? Paying money towards their daughter's pay check?

So how are we to know just how many people they have on their payroll doing charity work that don't actually do anything but pick up a pay check in return for other benefits? How many doctors do they have on payroll that have never even been to Africa... or Haiti? If you want to consider them a foundation that does their own work instead of donating to charities, there needs to be a different type of audit done to them that looks at their record books as far as what each person on the payroll actually does... some kind of progress journal.

Overhead is 12%

Much lower than other charities
Clinton Foundation simply gives money to other Clinton charities - which the Clintons then profit from, stooge.

$143 million went to the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Of whom Chelsea gets paid huge amounts of money to sit on their board. They also refuse to be audited by charity watchdogs.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) | GiveWell

$13.5 million went to the Clinton library. How does that help those in need?

All of their money goes to a "Clinton X" charity, each of which can be ripped apart. None of them are open to being audited by charity watchdogs.

They do that? That is criminal

Why isn't the GOP congress launching criminal investigations against the Clinton Foundation instead of bogus emails?
Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charity

Guess the rest is called OSF "Our Slush Fund."

So the donors did not get that soft, good feeling for helping others around the globe. Just what did they get?

View attachment 89938

In 2014, programs were 87 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s expenses,according to Charity Navigator, giving it a score of 10 out of 10 on that metric.

Are you this gullible.... You be the biggest idiot to believe that....

But showing how you have an interest in this area, if you want to see foundation fraud:

View attachment 89939

Now I know you are horrified and will be asking for an investigation....
You should be horrified that hildaskank excepted millions from the the Saudis (murderers of 3000 Americans on 9/11) for her slush fund.

Have you any proof that one cent went from the charity into Clintons pocket....

But read my fucking earlier post where Trump got his charity buy a 6 foot painting of himself...
Get a job - BOY.
Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charity

Guess the rest is called OSF "Our Slush Fund."

So the donors did not get that soft, good feeling for helping others around the globe. Just what did they get?

View attachment 89938

In 2014, programs were 87 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s expenses,according to Charity Navigator, giving it a score of 10 out of 10 on that metric.

Are you this gullible.... You be the biggest idiot to believe that....

But showing how you have an interest in this area, if you want to see foundation fraud:

View attachment 89939

Now I know you are horrified and will be asking for an investigation....
You should be horrified that hildaskank excepted millions from the the Saudis (murderers of 3000 Americans on 9/11) for her slush fund.

Have you any proof that one cent went from the charity into Clintons pocket....

But read my fucking earlier post where Trump got his charity buy a 6 foot painting of himself...
Get a job - BOY.

Trump also used donations to the Trump Foundation to purchase sports memorabilia for his office.
Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charity

Guess the rest is called OSF "Our Slush Fund."

So the donors did not get that soft, good feeling for helping others around the globe. Just what did they get?

View attachment 89938

In 2014, programs were 87 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s expenses,according to Charity Navigator, giving it a score of 10 out of 10 on that metric.

Are you this gullible.... You be the biggest idiot to believe that....

But showing how you have an interest in this area, if you want to see foundation fraud:

View attachment 89939

Now I know you are horrified and will be asking for an investigation....
You should be horrified that hildaskank excepted millions from the the Saudis (murderers of 3000 Americans on 9/11) for her slush fund.

Have you any proof that one cent went from the charity into Clintons pocket....

But read my fucking earlier post where Trump got his charity buy a 6 foot painting of himself...
Get a job - BOY.

Trump also used donations to the Trump Foundation to purchase sports memorabilia for his office.

So both candidates are crooked liars, well at least Trump isn't a murderer.
Trump Foundation money pays for political favors to Fatten His Own Wallet!!! Trump hides his finances!!!

The Clinton Foundation money pays aid workers, funds their infrastructure & buys their supplies. Their finances are an open book.

All of them blacks just to carry Bill and Chelsea's bags.....impressive...l
envious are ya ??? figures
No, I am just surprised the Clinton's had that many bags....they must have donated more to themselves from their charity....:lol:
ok dumb fuck here is a site from the New york times ... that has all the actual tax records ... from the IRS read it a weep ... try and not cry too hard... these are the actual records

You dumb fucking idiot.. that's their personal return.. THE FOUNDATION'S return shows ONLY 6% given to charities.. Also, Bubba and HELLY ROTTEN gave their own fucking foundation at a rate of 96%.. 96% dick cheese.. of that fucking 96%, only 6% found it's way in to charities.. MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME..
you dumb fuck repub-lie-tard any money they received from the clinton foundation has to be show on their income taxes you dumb fucking repub-lie-tard
They don't? So they don't get ANY benefits from it? Travel? Food? Lodging? Paying money towards their daughter's pay check?

So how are we to know just how many people they have on their payroll doing charity work that don't actually do anything but pick up a pay check in return for other benefits? How many doctors do they have on payroll that have never even been to Africa... or Haiti? If you want to consider them a foundation that does their own work instead of donating to charities, there needs to be a different type of audit done to them that looks at their record books as far as what each person on the payroll actually does... some kind of progress journal.

Overhead is 12%

Much lower than other charities
Clinton Foundation simply gives money to other Clinton charities - which the Clintons then profit from, stooge.

$143 million went to the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Of whom Chelsea gets paid huge amounts of money to sit on their board. They also refuse to be audited by charity watchdogs.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) | GiveWell

$13.5 million went to the Clinton library. How does that help those in need?

All of their money goes to a "Clinton X" charity, each of which can be ripped apart. None of them are open to being audited by charity watchdogs.


That is exactly not what not they do... The are a direct aid charity...

How stupid is your comment... Get fucking educated... Twit...
So you're saying the Clinton Foundation files false reports?

View attachment 89940
Get fucking educated, stooge.

Do have a clue how the Clinton Foundation works...

Lets start with Chelsea's 'huge amounts':

Do the Clintons receive any income or personal expense reimbursement from the Foundation?
No. President Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, who serve on the Board of Directors, do not take a salary from the Clinton Foundation and receive no funding from it. Secretary Clinton did not take a salary when she served on the Board of Directors.

Frequently Asked Questions


The Clinton Presidential Center has an educational facilities and offices set up by the Clinton Foundation which is sited on the Presidential Library site... So this is them paying for that... There is also scholarships...

So what's your point... Do you want them to use the Reagan Library?
it amazes me how ignorant repub-lie-tards are
View attachment 89938

In 2014, programs were 87 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s expenses,according to Charity Navigator, giving it a score of 10 out of 10 on that metric.

Are you this gullible.... You be the biggest idiot to believe that....

But showing how you have an interest in this area, if you want to see foundation fraud:

View attachment 89939

Now I know you are horrified and will be asking for an investigation....
You should be horrified that hildaskank excepted millions from the the Saudis (murderers of 3000 Americans on 9/11) for her slush fund.

Have you any proof that one cent went from the charity into Clintons pocket....

But read my fucking earlier post where Trump got his charity buy a 6 foot painting of himself...
Get a job - BOY.

Trump also used donations to the Trump Foundation to purchase sports memorabilia for his office.

So both candidates are crooked liars, well at least Trump isn't a murderer.
neither are the Clintons ... but ignorant dumb fuck repub-lie-tards like you are to stupid to know ...
It is interesting, whether it is public education (6 cents on the dollar end up in the classroom, the left wing bureaucracy "consumes" the 94 cents before it gets to the classroom) or Clinton Foundation, there is an unwritten code for egotistical left wing liars.

6 for you 94 for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow, the Democrats believe that 6 cents on the dollar being spent on the "cause" is "about right" since they are so wonderful and deserve to STEAL the 84 cents straight off the top....
Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charity

Guess the rest is called OSF "Our Slush Fund."

So the donors did not get that soft, good feeling for helping others around the globe. Just what did they get?

View attachment 89938

In 2014, programs were 87 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s expenses,according to Charity Navigator, giving it a score of 10 out of 10 on that metric.

Are you this gullible.... You be the biggest idiot to believe that....

But showing how you have an interest in this area, if you want to see foundation fraud:

View attachment 89939

Now I know you are horrified and will be asking for an investigation....
You should be horrified that hildaskank excepted millions from the the Saudis (murderers of 3000 Americans on 9/11) for her slush fund.

Have you any proof that one cent went from the charity into Clintons pocket....

But read my fucking earlier post where Trump got his charity buy a 6 foot painting of himself...
Get a job - BOY.
why would you be concerned about him getting a job ...when you live on welfare ... you get food stamps and section 8 housing ... along with medicaid to pay for your health care ... you want to be sure that your free bees won't dry up
It is interesting, whether it is public education (6 cents on the dollar end up in the classroom, the left wing bureaucracy "consumes" the 94 cents before it gets to the classroom) or Clinton Foundation, there is an unwritten code for egotistical left wing liars.

6 for you 94 for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow, the Democrats believe that 6 cents on the dollar being spent on the "cause" is "about right" since they are so wonderful and deserve to STEAL the 84 cents straight off the top....
speaking of a liar your fit the mold ... thats all you know how to do is lie your ass off ... make stupid remarks about things you know nothing about ... you have your repub-lie-tard handlers tell you what to think
It is interesting, whether it is public education (6 cents on the dollar end up in the classroom, the left wing bureaucracy "consumes" the 94 cents before it gets to the classroom) or Clinton Foundation, there is an unwritten code for egotistical left wing liars.

6 for you 94 for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow, the Democrats believe that 6 cents on the dollar being spent on the "cause" is "about right" since they are so wonderful and deserve to STEAL the 84 cents straight off the top....
dumb fucks like you haven't any Idea what Us DEMS/liberals think ... you're told by your handlers what they want you to think about liberals/DEMS you have any clue
You should be horrified that hildaskank excepted millions from the the Saudis (murderers of 3000 Americans on 9/11) for her slush fund.

Have you any proof that one cent went from the charity into Clintons pocket....

But read my fucking earlier post where Trump got his charity buy a 6 foot painting of himself...
Get a job - BOY.

Trump also used donations to the Trump Foundation to purchase sports memorabilia for his office.

So both candidates are crooked liars, well at least Trump isn't a murderer.
neither are the Clintons ... but ignorant dumb fuck repub-lie-tards like you are to stupid to know ...

"*too stupid" There, fixed it for you.
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.

If the government was doing their job there should be absolutely no need for Wounded Warriors.
It is disgusting where some of the government money goes instead of treating Veterans.
dumb fucks like you haven't any Idea what Us DEMS/liberals thing ... you're told by your handlers what they want you to think abut liberals/DEMS you have any clue

This is classic. When you confront a Hillary loving taxpayer funded leech about lying, this is the type of answer you should expect...

And, oh by the way, you are the parrot, not the Hillary supporter... LOL!!!

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other??

There's the "parrot" question you left wing PARROTS cannot answer.... because ALL you've ever done in your life is PARROT left wing lies...
Tell us how Hillary went from poor to worth $200 million...
she worked for it ... she didn't get her money from the clinton foundation .. because if she had it would have to be on her Tax form ... even if you work for a non-profit you still have to pay taxes on it the money you make or user.. earlier I posted all of her tax forms of last year and there isn't any clinton foundation money on it anywhere... deal with it

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