5.7% of Clinton Foundation Actually went to Charity

Trump also used donations to the Trump Foundation to purchase sports memorabilia for his office.

So both candidates are crooked liars, well at least Trump isn't a murderer.
What humanitarian efforts have come out of the Trump Foundation?

Why doesn't Trump contribute any of his billions?

I don't give two rat's ass about the Trump Foundation. To be honest, they are both scam artists, but Clinton is the one selling off the U.S. to gain her wealth, and has contributed to the deaths of American patriots.

No, Clinton is not selling influence to gain her wealth. That's the latest Republican lie.

Ask yourself this question. Given that Republicans are all over anything that looks even the least bit questionable, like the death of Vince Foster, spouting wild charges and accusations against the Clintons, how stupid would the Clinton's have to be to open a bribery shop with public listings of every nation giving them money?

The Clinton Foundation has not only met every achieveable goal of a large scale charity, but exceeded them and has an excellent reputation in the Third World countries where they do their work.

In regard to Benghazi, 7 Republican investigations say that your assertion that she contributed to the deaths there, is a lie. But again, it's a lie that Republicans keep repeating, even though they have proven beyond doubt, that she had nothing to do with it.

Again, why are you NOT discussion policy? Why are you fixated on Hillary's lies and not Donald's? Why are you looking at the Clinton Foundation when the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of bribing a public official and been fined by the IRS for it.
thats the sad part here ... I believe they are doing this because the republican don't help people like the DEMS/liberals do ... its usuall all about them

I'm not a Republican. I used to be, but then I decided it was stupid to vote for a person just because of what party they are affiliated with. Personally I think they should scrap the idea of political parties and just let the best candidates run for the job and you vote for those people that give their time to the issues that affect you the most. Both Trump and Hillary are lying, scamming people, BUT Hillary also has used her position in government to sell off pieces of U.S. power for her own gain, and hasn't given two shits about those people's lives she has ruined.
Disrupting the board? You're a joke. And if you don't understand what the word "you're" is, it's a contraction of the words "you" and "are." I just thought I would point that out since you don't understand the difference between "to" and "too." I guess I should probably point out the difference between "its" and "it's" as well. "Its" is the possessive form of the word "it," while "it's" is a contraction of the words "it" and "is."

Then again I'm the "to stupid" one here.
yes you are.. don't forget it ...you been prove wrong twice and if you don't take you shit else ware I report you

Proven wrong by whom? Oh shit, here I go again... do I have to tell you when to use the words who and whom?

Ware? Really??? Oh shit man, tell me you spelled it like that on porpoise!
how about this ... GO FUCK YOUR SELF !!! and I don't believe I used the word whom or who take your words of wisdom else where

No, you said "else ware" (elsewhere)... If you are going to talk shit, at least sound like you are semi-intelligent. Instead you called me "To Stupid." You're like a blind person telling an artist his painting looks like garbage.
I was clear ... take your shit else ware ifs that fine enough for you??? does it make you feel better ??? I will write in any manor I choose, if you don't like it, don't read it

Haha... and if you don't like what I, and any other people say in this thread or anywhere, take your own advice. Holy shit you are one dumb ass.
it clearly said the movie Idea was told to her by the CIA... she didn't lie ...when she said it was about the movie ...so take your bull shit thoughts to the site about benghazi and stop going off topic.....
How many times does this bullshit have to be debunked before you guys will stop believing it?

Jesus Christ, you should be embarrassed.

Read it for yourself, bub, and then embrace your humiliation.


Seriously, there are about a hundred threads on this, going back the last couple of years.

The Clinton Foindation isnt a grantmaking foundation. They do their work themselves.

Those salaries, expenses and travel went to people distributing AIDS drugs in Africa.

The Clinton Foundation is a pay to play grifter scam disguised as a charity for tax avoidance.


This really is interesting to watch.

Let me guess - you're not even going to admit that youve been pedeling bullshit.

Youre just going to pretend that you didn't see anything, and start another thread on this in 6 months.

More like 6 days.
Is the OP going to return to the thread and retract her statement? Does the OP wish to maintain what little integrity she has left?

What do you say, Jackson ?

That daft POS has credibility? Hardly. She still thinks Trump wasn’t insinuating MK was on her period.
So both candidates are crooked liars, well at least Trump isn't a murderer.
What humanitarian efforts have come out of the Trump Foundation?

Why doesn't Trump contribute any of his billions?

I don't give two rat's ass about the Trump Foundation. To be honest, they are both scam artists, but Clinton is the one selling off the U.S. to gain her wealth, and has contributed to the deaths of American patriots.

No, Clinton is not selling influence to gain her wealth. That's the latest Republican lie.

Ask yourself this question. Given that Republicans are all over anything that looks even the least bit questionable, like the death of Vince Foster, spouting wild charges and accusations against the Clintons, how stupid would the Clinton's have to be to open a bribery shop with public listings of every nation giving them money?

The Clinton Foundation has not only met every achieveable goal of a large scale charity, but exceeded them and has an excellent reputation in the Third World countries where they do their work.

In regard to Benghazi, 7 Republican investigations say that your assertion that she contributed to the deaths there, is a lie. But again, it's a lie that Republicans keep repeating, even though they have proven beyond doubt, that she had nothing to do with it.

Again, why are you NOT discussion policy? Why are you fixated on Hillary's lies and not Donald's? Why are you looking at the Clinton Foundation when the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of bribing a public official and been fined by the IRS for it.
thats the sad part here ... I believe they are doing this because the republican don't help people like the DEMS/liberals do ... its usuall all about them

I'm not a Republican. I used to be, but then I decided it was stupid to vote for a person just because of what party they are affiliated with. Personally I think they should scrap the idea of political parties and just let the best candidates run for the job and you vote for those people that give their time to the issues that affect you the most. Both Trump and Hillary are lying, scamming people, BUT Hillary also has used her position in government to sell off pieces of U.S. power for her own gain, and hasn't given two shits about those people's lives she has ruined.
this is true they lie .. if you go look at the fact checker, it was in the news two days ago, I believe ... they were showing what was the percentage of untruths ... Hillary was showing that 14% of the thing agains trump were untrue ... 65% of the things trump agains hillary was untrue ... so I guess the person who tells the less untruths would be better you might th think
What humanitarian efforts have come out of the Trump Foundation?

Why doesn't Trump contribute any of his billions?

I don't give two rat's ass about the Trump Foundation. To be honest, they are both scam artists, but Clinton is the one selling off the U.S. to gain her wealth, and has contributed to the deaths of American patriots.

No, Clinton is not selling influence to gain her wealth. That's the latest Republican lie.

Ask yourself this question. Given that Republicans are all over anything that looks even the least bit questionable, like the death of Vince Foster, spouting wild charges and accusations against the Clintons, how stupid would the Clinton's have to be to open a bribery shop with public listings of every nation giving them money?

The Clinton Foundation has not only met every achieveable goal of a large scale charity, but exceeded them and has an excellent reputation in the Third World countries where they do their work.

In regard to Benghazi, 7 Republican investigations say that your assertion that she contributed to the deaths there, is a lie. But again, it's a lie that Republicans keep repeating, even though they have proven beyond doubt, that she had nothing to do with it.

Again, why are you NOT discussion policy? Why are you fixated on Hillary's lies and not Donald's? Why are you looking at the Clinton Foundation when the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of bribing a public official and been fined by the IRS for it.
thats the sad part here ... I believe they are doing this because the republican don't help people like the DEMS/liberals do ... its usuall all about them

I'm not a Republican. I used to be, but then I decided it was stupid to vote for a person just because of what party they are affiliated with. Personally I think they should scrap the idea of political parties and just let the best candidates run for the job and you vote for those people that give their time to the issues that affect you the most. Both Trump and Hillary are lying, scamming people, BUT Hillary also has used her position in government to sell off pieces of U.S. power for her own gain, and hasn't given two shits about those people's lives she has ruined.
this is true they lie .. if you go look at the fact checker, it was in the news two days ago, I believe ... they were showing what was the percentage of untruths ... Hillary was showing that 14% of the thing agains trump were untrue ... 65% of the things trump agains hillary was untrue ... so I guess the person who tells the less untruths would be better you might th think

That's because they don't register "I don't know" or "I don't recall" as lies, otherwise Hillary's percentage of lies would be through the roof.
I don't give two rat's ass about the Trump Foundation. To be honest, they are both scam artists, but Clinton is the one selling off the U.S. to gain her wealth, and has contributed to the deaths of American patriots.

No, Clinton is not selling influence to gain her wealth. That's the latest Republican lie.

Ask yourself this question. Given that Republicans are all over anything that looks even the least bit questionable, like the death of Vince Foster, spouting wild charges and accusations against the Clintons, how stupid would the Clinton's have to be to open a bribery shop with public listings of every nation giving them money?

The Clinton Foundation has not only met every achieveable goal of a large scale charity, but exceeded them and has an excellent reputation in the Third World countries where they do their work.

In regard to Benghazi, 7 Republican investigations say that your assertion that she contributed to the deaths there, is a lie. But again, it's a lie that Republicans keep repeating, even though they have proven beyond doubt, that she had nothing to do with it.

Again, why are you NOT discussion policy? Why are you fixated on Hillary's lies and not Donald's? Why are you looking at the Clinton Foundation when the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of bribing a public official and been fined by the IRS for it.
thats the sad part here ... I believe they are doing this because the republican don't help people like the DEMS/liberals do ... its usuall all about them

I'm not a Republican. I used to be, but then I decided it was stupid to vote for a person just because of what party they are affiliated with. Personally I think they should scrap the idea of political parties and just let the best candidates run for the job and you vote for those people that give their time to the issues that affect you the most. Both Trump and Hillary are lying, scamming people, BUT Hillary also has used her position in government to sell off pieces of U.S. power for her own gain, and hasn't given two shits about those people's lives she has ruined.
this is true they lie .. if you go look at the fact checker, it was in the news two days ago, I believe ... they were showing what was the percentage of untruths ... Hillary was showing that 14% of the thing agains trump were untrue ... 65% of the things trump agains hillary was untrue ... so I guess the person who tells the less untruths would be better you might th think

That's because they don't register "I don't know" or "I don't recall" as lies, otherwise Hillary's percentage of lies would be through the roof.
thats a false belief push strongly by the right ... right after the hearings, hours after the FBI hearings statements to the press what they said about her emails ...the state department had reclassified her emails ... when the FBI asked for them they had to take off the top secret classified stamp that was stamped across the top of the email ... the state was in error ..the department missed the (c) parts in the email ... it was their mistake ... go to the state department web site its all there ... she didn't lie about sending classified emails to her private server ..
The Clinton Foundation is actually worse than the United Way.
Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Went To Charitable Grants The rest went to salaries and employee benefits, fundraising and “other expenses.” The Clinton Foundation spent a hair under $91.3 million in 2014, the organization’s IRS filings show. But less than $5.2 million of that went to charitable grants.

Read more: Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Actually, that is totally false. Most of the "rest of it" was added to the assets of the fund, and have not yet been distributed to expenses, or anything else. The OP's link to their tax return confirms this.

But, if you are too ignorant to understand a 1040 form, you would miss that.
"rightwinger"" is one of the government kleptocrats who steals the 94 cents so that only 6 cents on the dollar actually does anything other than go straight into the pockets of Democrats...
the oceans are warming

False - and the lack of hurricanes is something even the "top climate scientists" cannot fudge....

if you are talking about the same study I have read about

The word is PARROT - you PARROTED something you did not understand, since you are too stupid to understand the difference between data and FUDGE. Fortunately,the British Court is not as DUMB as you are, PARROT...

wanna cracker???

Wait, reading data from professionals conducting research is parroting? I don't think you have any other rebuttal to anything when you lose an argument than to say the other person is just repeating what someone else says... Well that might work when you are talking about repeating someone's opinion, but when you are talking about passing along scientific data, that isn't called "parroting," it's called providing evidence for an informed position.
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