5/8 Americans Agree: Nation Going in Wrong Direction

Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
Shitforbrains liar. Only you Leftards are trying to eliminate the electoral system.
You know this is not the reason. It's not valid nor rationale to suggest that the guy who has NO power is the person, or even the Party to blame.

ALL if this is on Biden, good or bad, failure or success. He and his followers wanted to reverse as many Trump decisions as possible regardless of the effectiveness or common sense of such policies. He obliged.

For instance, can any single person in your entire country explain to me why they would reverse a hard won battle to have the Mexican government house illegal immigrants during their asylum process? I can't think of any single benefit for America to reverse this. Quite the contrary.

That's just one major policy of many that were reversed in rapid order. It really surprised people, even people on CNN and elsewhere were outspoken about the rapid Executive Orders.

Democrats want the illegal votes.
Sure, we have 70% of one party who are trying to destroy our electoral system based on lies, paranoia and conspiracies.

Trumpism is killing us. Unless and until we get past it, we are in decline, and our enemies will keep celebrating.
Let that TDS speak as you look right past the real issues refusing to see the forrest for the trees.
I’m certain you’re certain that 40 million wetbacks have nothing to do with Americas decline and degredation.
A citizenry that hates one another, a government that calls 65% of the population racist, $30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than the population in some states, veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, a worthless public school system, an overloaded and disfunctional healthcare system, unaffordable housing….etc etc….and wetbacks are the catalyst to all of it. It‘s time for a roundup, an Opertaion Wetback 2.0.
Biden's approval is inflated by the media. Like covid deaths, the real numbers is 5% of what Democrats say it is.

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