Zone1 5 children shot in two random shootings in Philly.

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I have the research to back it up. And it demonizes people who are part of a subculture that practices a specific behavior. Have you ever experienced what happens inside your body when confronted with racism?

I doubt it. So pay attention. Racism causes stress. That is a fact.

The continuing racism blacks face keeps blacks stressed out and creates chemical imbalances within our bodies, causing many health problems. Increasing evidence supported by research shows that racism shortens lives. On June 3, 2020, SAMHSA’s Office of Behavioral Health Equity published a report titled, “Trauma, Racism, Chronic Stress and the Health of Black Americans.” They found that racism contributed to poor mental health and chronic physical health problems.

“Racism and associated trauma and violence contribute to mental health disorders, particularly depression, anxiety and PTSD, and chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, maternal mortality/infant mortality and morbidity in African Americans. Racism is considered a fundamental cause of adverse health outcomes for racial/ethnic minorities and racial/ethnic inequities in health. The primary domains of racism - structural/institutional racism, cultural racism, and individual-level discrimination— are linked to mental and physical health outcomes. Racism and violence targeting a specific community is increasingly associated with complex trauma and intergenerational trauma, all of which have physical and behavioral health consequences.”

Studies show that consistent exposure to adversity and marginalization causes early health declines in black Americans. Racism is a stressor that triggers the body into allostasis or better understood, racism forces the body to adapt to stress. Allostasis is the process that helps us adapt to stress. Allostatic load is compiled damage to the body due to constant pressure. Such stress leads to allostatic overload, which is the point when the overall amount of stress causes health problems or death. For example, allostatic processes lead to increases in blood pressure, a leading cause of death in the black community. Allostatic overload created by stress caused due to constant exposure to racism increases the occurrences of myocardial infarction in blacks.

Simply put, a myocardial infarction is a heart attack. In 2014, “Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States,” a study by Alicia Lukachko, Mark Hatzenbuehler, & Katherine Keyes, was published in Social Science and Medicine Journal. Their research showed that structural racism was one cause of heart attacks in black people.

“This study demonstrates adverse effects of structural racism—specifically state-level racial disparities disadvantaging Blacks in political representation, employment, and incarceration —on past 12-month myocardial infarction. These adverse effects, however, were specific to Blacks, and among Whites, indicators of structural racism appear to have a benign or even beneficial effect on cardiac health. It is important to note that individual-level risk factors including age, sex, education, income, and medical insurance do not account for these findings. Furthermore, lending support to the construct validity of our measures of structural racism, the effects persist above and beyond those of state-level racial disparities in poverty.

Measures of structural racism pertaining to job status did not follow the expected pattern of association, and were inversely associated with myocardial infarction among Blacks. While this finding was unexpected, it is in line with results from previous studies that have documented that Black Americans in high status positions report greater exposure to interpersonal discrimination. This increased exposure, coupled with potential pressures to assimilate and to defy negative racist stereotypes, may in turn place high status Blacks at greater risk for adverse health outcomes. Our results similarly suggest that Black Americans in states with greater representation of Blacks in high status positions are at higher risk for heart attack.”
OMG… this dude is blaming whites for blacks’ heart disease.

1) Studies have suggested that blacks have a gene that makes them more sensitive to salt, and salt is a known risk for heart diseases and high blood pressure.

2) Obesity is common among blacks, which also leads to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

But yeah, let’s go back to blaming whitey.

Mike, the truth is 20-30 times more blacks are dying from stress caused by whiyte racism that you as a white man who has never felt what happens to your body when you experience racism, tried telling me doesn't happen, then are killed in the stories you cherry pick.. N
As a white kid raised in a black neighborhood, who was one of only 4 whites in an otherwise all black high school with 1500 students, I know the feelings of racism.

No one is dying from the stress of white racism. If race related stress is killing black people it's because of those in the black community who profit from the idea of racism telling them how they can't succeed and will never amount to anything because they're black and, you know, whitey.
I have the research to back it up. And it demonizes people who are part of a subculture that practices a specific behavior. Have you ever experienced what happens inside your body when confronted with racism?

I doubt it. So pay attention. Racism causes stress. That is a fact.

The continuing racism blacks face keeps blacks stressed out and creates chemical imbalances within our bodies, causing many health problems. Increasing evidence supported by research shows that racism shortens lives. On June 3, 2020, SAMHSA’s Office of Behavioral Health Equity published a report titled, “Trauma, Racism, Chronic Stress and the Health of Black Americans.” They found that racism contributed to poor mental health and chronic physical health problems.

“Racism and associated trauma and violence contribute to mental health disorders, particularly depression, anxiety and PTSD, and chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, maternal mortality/infant mortality and morbidity in African Americans. Racism is considered a fundamental cause of adverse health outcomes for racial/ethnic minorities and racial/ethnic inequities in health. The primary domains of racism - structural/institutional racism, cultural racism, and individual-level discrimination— are linked to mental and physical health outcomes. Racism and violence targeting a specific community is increasingly associated with complex trauma and intergenerational trauma, all of which have physical and behavioral health consequences.”

Studies show that consistent exposure to adversity and marginalization causes early health declines in black Americans. Racism is a stressor that triggers the body into allostasis or better understood, racism forces the body to adapt to stress. Allostasis is the process that helps us adapt to stress. Allostatic load is compiled damage to the body due to constant pressure. Such stress leads to allostatic overload, which is the point when the overall amount of stress causes health problems or death. For example, allostatic processes lead to increases in blood pressure, a leading cause of death in the black community. Allostatic overload created by stress caused due to constant exposure to racism increases the occurrences of myocardial infarction in blacks.

Simply put, a myocardial infarction is a heart attack. In 2014, “Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States,” a study by Alicia Lukachko, Mark Hatzenbuehler, & Katherine Keyes, was published in Social Science and Medicine Journal. Their research showed that structural racism was one cause of heart attacks in black people.

“This study demonstrates adverse effects of structural racism—specifically state-level racial disparities disadvantaging Blacks in political representation, employment, and incarceration —on past 12-month myocardial infarction. These adverse effects, however, were specific to Blacks, and among Whites, indicators of structural racism appear to have a benign or even beneficial effect on cardiac health. It is important to note that individual-level risk factors including age, sex, education, income, and medical insurance do not account for these findings. Furthermore, lending support to the construct validity of our measures of structural racism, the effects persist above and beyond those of state-level racial disparities in poverty.

Measures of structural racism pertaining to job status did not follow the expected pattern of association, and were inversely associated with myocardial infarction among Blacks. While this finding was unexpected, it is in line with results from previous studies that have documented that Black Americans in high status positions report greater exposure to interpersonal discrimination. This increased exposure, coupled with potential pressures to assimilate and to defy negative racist stereotypes, may in turn place high status Blacks at greater risk for adverse health outcomes. Our results similarly suggest that Black Americans in states with greater representation of Blacks in high status positions are at higher risk for heart attack.”
You certainly have collected a long list of research in excuses, that is true.
OMG… this dude is blaming whites for blacks’ heart disease.

1) Studies have suggested that blacks have a gene that makes them more sensitive to salt, and salt is a known risk for heart diseases and high blood pressure.

2) Obesity is common among blacks, which also leads to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

But yeah, let’s go back to blaming whitey.

Black people also need to take higher levels of vitamin D supplement because due to more melanin they get less from the sun in certain areas of the northern hemisphere especially. that makes them also at higher risk of certain cancers.

But to your point, yeah.... I was looking at the SAMSHA studies IM2 was talking about. While many of those are probably very well meaning people, I guarantee you these are college students who were trained and indoctrinated that America is inherently racist. I have to surmise that ther'es a lot of bias to begin with before the study even starts.

The things you pointed out can all be factors.. and then all of us can have real stress in our life. but when organizations like SAMSA (Office of behavioral Health Equity) find racism as the root cause of all these problems... then guess what?

They get more big federal grant money to do more studies.. thats job security and more jobs for people coming out of college... to do more studies on racism. Then the more their studies reveal that America is a damn racist place.... thats more money.
I really dont believe a solution wants to be found, or education would be heavily focusing on what your talking about.

Now it could be that department of Behavioral Health Equity, does some good things... maybe there's a lot of good people there, but those good people can also be way off on some tangent because of the way they were taught to think. I would really have to see other studies on the same thing by other institutions.
No, red states. Because this happens in republican cities. Stop pretending. Republican policies f--- up an entire nation but you think those same type of people/policies will help certain cities.

I think I figured it all out. "Systemic" racism is having TWO parties in politics. ONE of which disagrees with Democratic policies/programs/nagging. This is what I suspected ALL ALONG. That much of the "racism" in your mind is POLITICAL. Not "systemic".
Not really complaining about all mountains of recycled hash here. The discussion was APPROACHING civil. But the topic here is 2 kids killed in Philly for no good reason.

Free for alls dont make great Zone 1 discussions if folks are trying to follow 3 different topics. And moderation is almost impossible.

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