$5 GAS BY MEMORIAL DAY: So how many think that the voters will forgive this

The thing about the people that went through the great depression could genrally provide for themself, at least those who did not live in a city enviorment. No phone no electricity, most lived in rual areas and new how to grow their own food. We have lost most of those people now, and have been modernized beyound repair.
You watch though. Depending when the bovine excrement hits the rotary atmospheric oscillator, in 12-24 months, people will become much more self sufficient. They will have no choice, and it will be one of the best things that ever happened to the nation in 50 years.

But those 12-24 months will be raw hell with a flaming hades on top and gehenna as a side dish.

Those living in the city won't have a chance their biggest need will be land to grow crops, and potible water to drink, and to insure that you have a fresh supply of potible water you will need a well.
Inter-connectivity my friend, inter-connectivity. Even those in cities often have connections and family to those who are outside of it, and will be able to survive if they are smart enough to leave the potential death trap a city could become. That said, de-urbanization will occur, and it will be much harder on those who do not have land to go to. Those who have lived for generations in urban settings like New York or other major metropolitan environs would be hardest hit.

I don't think it'll become the wasteland that you may envision. Some places, maybe. Most will bounce back quickly as the space opens up as people flee. Like Detroit is busy bulldozing vacant blocks for greenspace, those areas can be returned to agricultural duty rather quickly from community gardens to hobby farms. Things like this are possible.

But as I said, it's going to be very hard indeed. Potable water will be difficult for any place without a pump run by something other than electricity. But here we're talking a level of collapse I am not prepared to entertain as possible yet. Mad Max? No. Book of Eli? Nope. Soylent Green? Maybe. Grapes of Wrath? Most likely at worst.
Of course not, nothing you post is ever correct.
The economy tanked well BEFORE Bush left office. The Bush Depression began Dec 2007.

So bush wasn't blamed for the bad so called economy in 2001 and Bush wasn't blamed for the bad Economy in 2008 2009 and 2010? and you aren't blaming the republicans for the high gas prices now? What type of drugs are you taking? How can you lie so easly?
Weren't democrats controling congress in 2007? With obama as senator?
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
CONS blamed the Democratic Congress for Bush signing deficit budgets rather than vetoing them.
CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
So blaming Boner for the rise in gas prices from the first day he became speaker is in the CON$ervative tradition.
So, Edthecretin... Are you saying that they were wrong to blame these people for their supposed mistakes?
Of course not, nothing you post is ever correct.
The economy tanked well BEFORE Bush left office. The Bush Depression began Dec 2007.

So bush wasn't blamed for the bad so called economy in 2001 and Bush wasn't blamed for the bad Economy in 2008 2009 and 2010? and you aren't blaming the republicans for the high gas prices now? What type of drugs are you taking? How can you lie so easly?
Weren't democrats controling congress in 2007? With obama as senator?
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
CONS blamed the Democratic Congress for Bush signing deficit budgets rather than vetoing them.
CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
So blaming Boner for the rise in gas prices from the first day he became speaker is in the CON$ervative tradition.

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
Cowardly Bush Blames China For Bad Economy
"The Bush administration has run out of options when it comes to the economy," said Doug Usher, a senior analyst with the Mellman Group, a Democratic political consulting firm in Washington. "Clearly they don't have a plan, so they're trying to claim things are not that bad. But people see right through that, so they're going to plan C, which is blame somebody else."
Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
9/11: Bush's Greatest Failure
MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault
» MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault Cristy Li
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
crouch - Google Search

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

She was speaker of the house for 4 years wild spending habits was what she did. Beohner has been speaker for 43 months not much spending yet.

You really need to grasp the truth for once.
So bush wasn't blamed for the bad so called economy in 2001 and Bush wasn't blamed for the bad Economy in 2008 2009 and 2010? and you aren't blaming the republicans for the high gas prices now? What type of drugs are you taking? How can you lie so easly?
Weren't democrats controling congress in 2007? With obama as senator?
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
CONS blamed the Democratic Congress for Bush signing deficit budgets rather than vetoing them.
CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
So blaming Boner for the rise in gas prices from the first day he became speaker is in the CON$ervative tradition.
So, Edthecretin... Are you saying that they were wrong to blame these people for their supposed mistakes?
I'm saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I'm merely applying the exact same "logic" CON$ use, and low and behold, CON$ suddenly squeal like stuck pigs at their own "logic."
now now... it's not assured to last longer. It all depends what the next administration is going to do. Will they help the conservative house bust the entitlement society, rolling back the New Deal and Great Society, finally? Or play more Paygo to the Weimar Republic?

The depression of 1920 was short and sharp. It would have been worse if not for the Harding/Coolidge administrations cutting government spending by 50% across the board. We make similar sacrifices and we will recover faster than you can say 'Ding Dong Socialism's Dead".

I agree; however I don't see the will to change anything in Washington. They fought for a measly 30B. If they are going to fight over funds for Planned Parenthood, how do you expect them to make the massive cuts necessary to save us. The debasing of our currency continues without concern. The criminal Bernanke lies when he says inflation is not an immediate threat. When they print money they are stealing from all of us.
I hate being on the side of doom and gloom; however, I see nothing to be optimistic about.
I think gas will rise to eight dollars by November of 2012. The market may crash this summer and will crash by Christmas.
What must happen is the flushing of the old 'ruling class' republicans. Once that is done and you put actual conservatives in charge there, then you can start seeing some changes. The ruling class doesn't want to rock the boat TOO hard and make the hard choices because their eyes are firmly planted on lifetime power and careers.

[yoda]...And that is why they fail[/yoda]

Yes. There are progressives in both parties. They should merge and rename themselves the Federalist party. I think John Adams would strongly approve of the this America, that has been force upon us. The Patriot Act is the worse thing to happen to the American people since his Sedition Act. What we need is a Thomas Jefferson to remind us, we are different, liberty is our most cherished of values. We are not a Socialist Democracy, We are a Republic of individuals, having unalienable rights.
This is a moral issue. The end justifies the means is exactly how the government operates. Most of us reject this route to problem solving. We must insist our elected representatives take the moral route to solving the problems of our country, even if the solution is to leave it in the hands of the individual.
It's already $5 in DC. I expect we'll see this price in CA before long.

Thanks Obama!
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
CONS blamed the Democratic Congress for Bush signing deficit budgets rather than vetoing them.
CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
So blaming Boner for the rise in gas prices from the first day he became speaker is in the CON$ervative tradition.
So, Edthecretin... Are you saying that they were wrong to blame these people for their supposed mistakes?
I'm saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I'm merely applying the exact same "logic" CON$ use, and low and behold, CON$ suddenly squeal like stuck pigs at their own "logic."
Oh good! Then the current economic collapse IS Obama's fault, not Bush's like he keeps blaming. Thanks for concurring.
So bush wasn't blamed for the bad so called economy in 2001 and Bush wasn't blamed for the bad Economy in 2008 2009 and 2010? and you aren't blaming the republicans for the high gas prices now? What type of drugs are you taking? How can you lie so easly?
Weren't democrats controling congress in 2007? With obama as senator?
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
CONS blamed the Democratic Congress for Bush signing deficit budgets rather than vetoing them.
CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
So blaming Boner for the rise in gas prices from the first day he became speaker is in the CON$ervative tradition.

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
Cowardly Bush Blames China For Bad Economy
"The Bush administration has run out of options when it comes to the economy," said Doug Usher, a senior analyst with the Mellman Group, a Democratic political consulting firm in Washington. "Clearly they don't have a plan, so they're trying to claim things are not that bad. But people see right through that, so they're going to plan C, which is blame somebody else."
Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
9/11: Bush's Greatest Failure
MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault
» MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault Cristy Li
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
crouch - Google Search

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

She was speaker of the house for 4 years wild spending habits was what she did. Beohner has been speaker for 43 months not much spending yet.

You really need to grasp the truth for once.
You first!

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
Clinton Recession: 'Bill' Comes Due for 8 Years of Corruption

[FONT=arial,helvetica] Clinton Recession: 'Bill' Comes Due for 8 Years of Corruption[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Charles R. Smith[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Wednesday, March 21, 2001[/FONT]​
Despite the media effort to pin the 2001 recession on President Bush, the fact remains that he had little to do with the last eight years of economic policy from the White House. The infamous miracle bubble of Bill Clinton's economy burst last summer when OPEC oil price increases rocked the world economy.
Notice the CON$ blame Clinton and not the GOP controlled Congress.

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
Posner: Clinton’s Negligence Led to 9/11

[FONT=arial,helvetica] Posner: Clinton’s Negligence Led to 9/11[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Dave Eberhart and NewsMax.com Staff[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Thursday, Sept. 4, 2003[/FONT]​
Best-selling author Gerald Posner says much of the blame for 9/11 and the U.S. government’s negligence falls squarely on the shoulders of Bill Clinton and his administration.

CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.

“The Community Reinvestment Act” (see here for more).​
* The original Community Reinvestment Act was signed into law in 1977 by Jimmy Carter. Its purpose, in a nutshell, was to require banks to provide credit to “under-served populations,” i.e., those with poor credit.
The buzz word was “affordable mortgages,” e.g., mortgages with low teaser-rates, which required the borrower to put no money down, which required the borrower to pay only the interest for a set number of years, etc.
* In 1995, Bill Clinton’s administration made various changes to the CRA, increasing “access to mortgage credit for inner city and distressed rural communities,” i.e., it provided for the securitization, i.e. public underwriting, of what everyone now calls “sub-prime mortgages.”
Bottom line? It forced banks to issue $1 trillion in sub-prime mortgages.
$1 trillion, i.e., a thousand billion dollars in sub-prime,i.e., risky, mortgages, in order to push this latest example of social engineering.​

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
Final Tab for Pelosi

(CNSNews.com) - In the 1,461 days that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) served as speaker of the House, the national debt increased by a total of $5.343 trillion ($5,343,452,800,321.37) or $3.66 billion per day ($3.657,394,113.84), according to official debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury.

CON$ were actually blaming Obama for the stock market decline from the day Obama was nominated!!!!!

I Want Every American to Succeed. What Does President Obama Want?
March 2, 2009
RUSH: Well, here's some truth for you. President Obama campaigned for two years. His policies were announced that long ago. He won the Democrat nomination last August, six months ago. Every smart money guy, every smart money woman on Wall Street and around the world knew Obama was a shoe-in to be president six months ago.

RUSH: So the economy stopped. The stock market started tanking. They knew Obama was going to win.

RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.
So, Edthecretin... Are you saying that they were wrong to blame these people for their supposed mistakes?
I'm saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I'm merely applying the exact same "logic" CON$ use, and low and behold, CON$ suddenly squeal like stuck pigs at their own "logic."
Oh good! Then the current economic collapse IS Obama's fault, not Bush's like he keeps blaming. Thanks for concurring.

he'll blow it off with another CON$ blame game:eusa_whistle:
I'm saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I'm merely applying the exact same "logic" CON$ use, and low and behold, CON$ suddenly squeal like stuck pigs at their own "logic."
Oh good! Then the current economic collapse IS Obama's fault, not Bush's like he keeps blaming. Thanks for concurring.

he'll blow it off with another CON$ blame game:eusa_whistle:
Of course he will. Edthecretin is nothing but dishonest and hypocritical.
Thank You Crybaby Boner.
Gas is up more than a dollar since the GOP took over the House!!!!

Ain't it funny how carefully chosen time frames and political events can seem to blame high gas prices on either party? :eusa_eh:
It's already $5 in DC. I expect we'll see this price in CA before long.

Thanks Obama!
You mean, thanks Crybaby Boner!

Using "Limbaugh Logic" everybody knew the GOP was a shoe in to take control of the House for more than a year ago. Therefore the GOP House has been the controlling political authority on the economy for more than a year. :lol:

March 2, 2009
RUSH: Well, here's some truth for you. President Obama campaigned for two years. His policies were announced that long ago. He won the Democrat nomination last August, six months ago. Every smart money guy, every smart money woman on Wall Street and around the world knew Obama was a shoe-in to be president six months ago.

RUSH: So the economy stopped. The stock market started tanking. They knew Obama was going to win.

RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.
It's already $5 in DC. I expect we'll see this price in CA before long.

Thanks Obama!
You mean, thanks Crybaby Boner!

Using "Limbaugh Logic" everybody knew the GOP was a shoe in to take control of the House for more than a year ago. Therefore the GOP House has been the controlling political authority on the economy for more than a year. :lol:

March 2, 2009
RUSH: Well, here's some truth for you. President Obama campaigned for two years. His policies were announced that long ago. He won the Democrat nomination last August, six months ago. Every smart money guy, every smart money woman on Wall Street and around the world knew Obama was a shoe-in to be president six months ago.

RUSH: So the economy stopped. The stock market started tanking. They knew Obama was going to win.

RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.
It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob.
Oh good! Then the current economic collapse IS Obama's fault, not Bush's like he keeps blaming. Thanks for concurring.

he'll blow it off with another CON$ blame game:eusa_whistle:
Of course he will. Edthecretin is nothing but dishonest and hypocritical.
I love it!!!
When I use the exact same rationalizations CON$ have already used, suddenly CON$ervative "logic" is "dishonest and hypocritical."
Perfect! :rofl::lmao:
he'll blow it off with another CON$ blame game:eusa_whistle:
Of course he will. Edthecretin is nothing but dishonest and hypocritical.
I love it!!!
When I use the exact same rationalizations CON$ have already used, suddenly CON$ervative "logic" is "dishonest and hypocritical."
Perfect! :rofl::lmao:
Might I add oblivious to reality too. I've rarely seen someone who loved slamming a door in his own face so often.


I do believe you need to flip off your 'retarder'.
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
CONS blamed the Democratic Congress for Bush signing deficit budgets rather than vetoing them.
CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
So blaming Boner for the rise in gas prices from the first day he became speaker is in the CON$ervative tradition.

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
Cowardly Bush Blames China For Bad Economy
"The Bush administration has run out of options when it comes to the economy," said Doug Usher, a senior analyst with the Mellman Group, a Democratic political consulting firm in Washington. "Clearly they don't have a plan, so they're trying to claim things are not that bad. But people see right through that, so they're going to plan C, which is blame somebody else."
Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
9/11: Bush's Greatest Failure
MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault
» MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault Cristy Li
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
crouch - Google Search

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

She was speaker of the house for 4 years wild spending habits was what she did. Beohner has been speaker for 43 months not much spending yet.

You really need to grasp the truth for once.
You first!

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.

Notice the CON$ blame Clinton and not the GOP controlled Congress.

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.

CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.
Final Tab for Pelosi

(CNSNews.com) - In the 1,461 days that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) served as speaker of the House, the national debt increased by a total of $5.343 trillion ($5,343,452,800,321.37) or $3.66 billion per day ($3.657,394,113.84), according to official debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury.

CON$ were actually blaming Obama for the stock market decline from the day Obama was nominated!!!!!

I Want Every American to Succeed. What Does President Obama Want?
March 2, 2009
RUSH: Well, here's some truth for you. President Obama campaigned for two years. His policies were announced that long ago. He won the Democrat nomination last August, six months ago. Every smart money guy, every smart money woman on Wall Street and around the world knew Obama was a shoe-in to be president six months ago.

RUSH: So the economy stopped. The stock market started tanking. They knew Obama was going to win.

RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.

All this proves is one side blames the other side for it's incompatance. It doesn't provewho is or was to blame. I did not see any changes in the dirction of the country when obama and the democrats took control of the government. The only thing differant is that it's gotten a lot worse
CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.
Cowardly Bush Blames China For Bad Economy
"The Bush administration has run out of options when it comes to the economy," said Doug Usher, a senior analyst with the Mellman Group, a Democratic political consulting firm in Washington. "Clearly they don't have a plan, so they're trying to claim things are not that bad. But people see right through that, so they're going to plan C, which is blame somebody else."
Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.
9/11: Bush's Greatest Failure
MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault
» MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault Cristy Li
CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.
crouch - Google Search

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

She was speaker of the house for 4 years wild spending habits was what she did. Beohner has been speaker for 43 months not much spending yet.

You really need to grasp the truth for once.
You first!

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.

Notice the CON$ blame Clinton and not the GOP controlled Congress.

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.

CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

CON$ were actually blaming Obama for the stock market decline from the day Obama was nominated!!!!!

I Want Every American to Succeed. What Does President Obama Want?
March 2, 2009
RUSH: Well, here's some truth for you. President Obama campaigned for two years. His policies were announced that long ago. He won the Democrat nomination last August, six months ago. Every smart money guy, every smart money woman on Wall Street and around the world knew Obama was a shoe-in to be president six months ago.

RUSH: So the economy stopped. The stock market started tanking. They knew Obama was going to win.

RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.

All this proves is one side blames the other side for it's incompatance. It doesn't provewho is or was to blame. I did not see any changes in the dirction of the country when obama and the democrats took control of the government. The only thing differant is that it's gotten a lot worse
That's just your worthless opinion.
Anyone who expects something different from one corporate Party or the other is a FOOL!
You first!

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.

Notice the CON$ blame Clinton and not the GOP controlled Congress.

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.

CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

CON$ were actually blaming Obama for the stock market decline from the day Obama was nominated!!!!!

All this proves is one side blames the other side for it's incompatance. It doesn't provewho is or was to blame. I did not see any changes in the dirction of the country when obama and the democrats took control of the government. The only thing differant is that it's gotten a lot worse
That's just your worthless opinion.
Anyone who expects something different from one corporate Party or the other is a FOOL!

My opinion? Example of a mindless sheeple^^^^^^^^
You first!

CON$ blamed Clinton for the Bush recession of 2001.

Notice the CON$ blame Clinton and not the GOP controlled Congress.

CON$ blamed Clinton for 9/11.

CON$ blamed Clinton, Carter, and FDR for the Bush housing bubble bursting.

CON$ blamed Pelosi for all the deficit spending Bush did from the first day Pelosi became speaker of the House without passing a single bill over the record number of GOP filibusters.

CON$ were actually blaming Obama for the stock market decline from the day Obama was nominated!!!!!

All this proves is one side blames the other side for it's incompatance. It doesn't provewho is or was to blame. I did not see any changes in the dirction of the country when obama and the democrats took control of the government. The only thing differant is that it's gotten a lot worse
That's just your worthless opinion.
Anyone who expects something different from one corporate Party or the other is a FOOL!
and as the posterchild for worthless opinions...

you oughta know.

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