$5 Mil Deposited In Hunter Biden's Bank Acct After Phone Call Demanding Promised Paymrnt - Joe Biden Linked

Where does it say it’s a bribe?

Dude, give it up. Put down the microscope and look at all the evidence.

Hunter was selling Influence - e-mails, audio, video, whistleblowers, and witnesses have exposed this.

Hunter gas complained he had to give half his money to his dad. His Burisma partner confirmed Joe is the 'Big Guy', as in 10% for the 'Big Guy', the Burisma rep who bribed Biden has turned into a whistleblower...

- What is the CCP paying Hunter Biden $5 Mil for, and why does he need daddy to sit in on tbe meeting to make sure he gets their money?

- Are you back to saying its perfectly legal / ok for our enemy to buy / pay the son of tbe President millions - right in front of the president - as long as Joe did not get $1 of it ... which we know is not the case because Hunter complained about having to give his dad part of the money?!

Hunter is on the phone, next to his dad, with the CCP demanding the $5 mil paymrnt ptomised to the Bidens...

...Joe has sworn over and over he never talked to his son about his business dealings, never knew what he did.
Payment for what services or product? Chinese don't normally give someone $5 million dollars unless they're getting something in return.
I have no idea. There are lots of rich people making tons of money all around the world. have no idea about them either, but unless you can come up with some proof that laws are being broken, your conspiracy theories and whining are just bullshit. I know you don't want that to be true.
So there is nothing that says it’s a bribe, just you?

$5 million dollars for "services rendered"? :auiqs.jpg:

Maybe "speaking engagements"? :21:

Maybe for a "book deal"? :lol:

And nobody in his administration wants to talk about it? :laughing0301:

'I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,' Hunter Biden wrote to a Chinese associate in 2017, days before receiving $5.1 million from a Chinese firm.'

A bank account linked to President Biden's son Hunter Biden received more than $5 million in August 2017, shortly after his threatening messages — in which he said he was "sitting here" with his father — to a Chinese associate revealed this week by an IRS whistleblower, according to documents released by congressional investigators.

This is not the 1st time Hunter has reference foreign.payments and his dad. In existing e-mails Hunter has complained how he had to give part of 'HIS' money to his father (money he received only because it was his dad's influence he was selling).

There are e-mails and witnesses clarifying Joe Biden is the 'Big Guy'.

Now they have a recording of Junter Biden demaning money promised whole sitting with his dad...and money immediately being deposited in Hunter's bank account.

You people claimed Hunter paid Joe rent, which was a total lie.
You people claimed to have a special whistleblower, which was a total lie.
You people claimed the election was stolen, which was a total lie.
Fox News admitted that they tell blatant lies.

This is another manufactured bullshit lie that you fools believe.
Republicans have no credibility at all and everything they say is always proven to be a total lie.
If it wasn't a bribe, it was a "payment", right?

And what did China get in return for that $5 million dollar "payment"?
None of my business, unless you have proof of some broken law.
I have no idea. There are lots of rich people making tons of money all around the world.

None of them are paying the US President and his family Millions, having their money laundered then deposited into Bidrn shell vompany / LLC accounts.
Bribe? Proof?
Stupid leftard, Joe Biden lied. TWICE already. First he said he didn't KNOW anything about his son's business dealings. Remember, leftard?

Then he said he had nothing to do with them, which is also plainly a lie. It is abundantly obvious to all but the brainwashed lemmings that Joe Biden is trying to cover his own corrupt ass.
None of them are paying the US President and his family Millions, having their money laundered then deposited into Bidrn shell vompany / LLC accounts.
So what laws do you think were broken? Be specific. Show proof why you think they were broken. Silly accusations are enough to keep you crazies stirred up, but t takes more than that to make a sane case.
You people claimed Hunter paid Joe rent, which was a total lie.
You people claimed to have a special whistleblower, which was a total lie.
You people claimed the election was stolen, which was a total lie.
Fox News admitted that they tell blatant lies.

This is another manufactured bullshit lie that you fools believe.
Republicans have no credibility at all and everything they say is always proven to be a total lie.


I love it when snowflakes get so busted and do overwhelmed, like Kirby was when he walked out, that they start screaming incoherently and making shit up...
Ike Hillary did with her hoax, and Obama's failed coup, Pelosi's criminal Impeachments based on Hillary's hoax and other made-up crap.

Now there is so much overwhelming evidence out Kirby couldn't even try to lie anymore ... so he walked out.

But idiots like this continue to do their best Jeane-Pierre impression.
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Silly accusations are enough to keep you crazies stirred up, but t takes more than that to make a sane case.


Silly accusations and a Hillary Hoax is all Democrats had, and they have turned them into a 7-year crusade consisting of failed coups, criminal Impeachments, violations of Constitution and law, and a 3rd world banana republic 2-tiered justice system defended and enforced by obviously criminal partisanly weaponized Biden administration agencies.

The ironic thing so far is after 7 years of 'Get Trump' it is a Biden who has plead guilty and has been convicted of crimes...and the only thing keeping Joe Biden from going to jail is a corrupt US AG.

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I love it when snowflakes get so busted and do overwhelmed, like Kirby was when he walked out, that they start screaming incoherently and making shit up...
Ike Hillary did with her hoax, and Obama's failed coup, Pelosi's criminal Impeachments based on Hillary's hoax and other made-up crap.

Now there is so much overwhelming evidence out Kirby cpunld't even try to.lie anymore ... so he walked out.

But idoots like this continue to do their best Jeane-Pierre impression.
there's no evidence
Its all bull shit like all the other bullshit and lies

You don't seem to understand republicans have no credibility at all in the real world. You live in a little bubble so you don;t understand the fact world.
What specific action can you prove that would make Hunter Biden guilty under FARA?
its all bull shit, just like Hunter paid Joe rent, when he didn't, or the magic whistleblower that disappeared, or the fake Uranium One scandal, or pizzagate, or all the other repeated lies.

These gullible fools will believe any lie they are told.

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