5 Presidents who said '******' before President Obama did

5 white U.S. Presidents who used the n-word Chicago

Presidents Nixon, Johnson, Truman, Roosevelt, and Wilson are documented as having said it. And they were white, and skimming their quotes, they weren't using it in a positive or neutral way.

Here's the real deal......anything President Obama, the black guy does, save for opening a vein and bleeding red blood for the haters to all see, anything he does or says will find itself front page news.......from wearing a tan suit to a fist bump.....lets all agree, haters of this man will forever find fault. The guy couldn't even address a bunch of 1st graders on their first day of school, after he was elected, because white parents thought he would somehow indoctrinate them into muslim clones, I mean, its just sad, the way they treat this poor guy, who's only crime is having dark skin!!
Doesnt make it ok in 2015 for a half white POTUS.

Let me tell you something, until the black community, us black folk, us darkies, us coons, jungle bunnies, what ever names you white folk give us, until WE ALL IN A UNIFIED VOICE OF ANGER MAKE AN ISSUE OUT OF THIS N WORD, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU WHITES TO HAVE ISSUES ABOUT THIS????????????? Hell, you morons are still debating whether or not he's a effin legitimate citizens of this country, you birther nuts!!

Pick another battle, this is not a white issue!!
5 white U.S. Presidents who used the n-word Chicago

Presidents Nixon, Johnson, Truman, Roosevelt, and Wilson are documented as having said it. And they were white, and skimming their quotes, they weren't using it in a positive or neutral way.

Did they do it in public.....in a medium where all the people could here them say it......and of course let's not forget that we are well past all of those people in knowledge and understanding...except of course for our President...who used it as President of the United States in public......

no excuse.....

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