5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

According to HuffPo (and I assume a few will crucify me for my source, but feel free to provide another) Chick Fil A have donated money to hate groups, who compare gay people to pedophiles, and want them exported out of the country.
They have also been sued more than a dozen times for employment discrimination. One women who is currently suing says she was sacked because the managers wanted her to be a 'stay at home mum'.

David Badash: Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think

If this is true, it goes beyond free speech.

One thing Chick Fil A certainly IS: Making piles of money from a massive outpouring of support of their free speech. :clap2:

I would assume that the support is coming from those who don't think gay people should be treated like equals, so I wouldn't want to buy anything from them, either.

The wife and I stood in line for 2 hours at chick-fil-a last night. During the whole of it I saw not one person get mad or offended. This in spite of the fact that after waiting so long they didn't give me one thing i ordered. They were running out of everything and the line was still a mile long. I didn't see one person working there that didn't seem happy. Nor did I see one person complain because what they ordered was substituted for. Made be happy to be an American. Folks came up to us and asked if they were giving away something free. We just told them were were waiting in line for over an hour to buy chicken. We were doing it to support Chick-Fil-A, gays were never mentioned.

I do not think for one minute gays are treated unequally. There is absolutely nothing they can't do that I can.
A Tale of Two Mindsets

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


A company's owner states a personal opinion that goes against conservative principles. Some conservatives react by saying, "Well, I like their product, so I'll continue patronizing the store." Some say, "That issue is very important to me. I won't shop there anymore."


Another company's owner states a personal opinion that goes against liberal principles. Some liberals react by saying, "Well, I like their product, so I'll continue patronizing the store." Some say, "That issue is very important to me. I won't shop there anymore." Progressives react by saying, "That man is evil. Not only will I not shop at his business, I don't want anyone ELSE to shop there, either. I will try to drive him out of business. If I can't convince enough people to stop shopping there, I will try to use the government to shut him down."

The End.
I guess we are at war, the hate-mongering filthy slime teabaggers shit heads, vs the adults

ok, i am ready

Bring it kid.....evolution argues against you....having fun there in Mom's basement?

kid eh, i will make you the same deal as everyone, if you can make me a kid again i write you check for $100K

and yes evolution, you are right, the baggers will all die soon then us adults take over

and that post above about the hater bagger who threatens to go on assistance, first he doesnt own a business, none of you lying hypocrites do, and no you couldnt survive on what poor people do, if you did it would build character, something NONE of you have

something you have in abundance....right Conz?.......:eusa_eh:
"The Left" hasnt done anything to Chick Fil A crybabies? You havent been victimized and you ate that heart stopper for nothing. Feel stupid?
Wow, you too?

Still feeling stupid I see.

The left hasn't done anything "BECAUSE" of the actions taken by the right. It is called being proactive.

If the right has not stood up like they have, these mayors would have gone ahead with banning Chick-Fil-A from their cities on the bases of an owner who was speaking of religious beliefs, TO A RELIGIOUS group.

There is an uprising going on in America. An uprising of those who still value Conservative thought and we will no longer just sit by while those in power whittle away at our rights.

Get used to seeing this.
It is just a fast food restaurant, I am bisexual and I would still eat there if I was hungry and need of a feed. Even if the restaurant had a donation box at the counter that read 'dont let gays marry'. This is a fast food restaurant, not a bank, a supermarket or a court house.
So a fast food restaurant that doesn't discriminate against homosexuals on premises is being targeted because they donate money to anti-gay marriage groups; why should the business be punished? Its not like they have signs on the door saying 'gays are evil' or 'no gays here', :eusa_eh:

They believe gay people are not equal and shouldn't be treated like everyone else.

Wrong. They believe gay people should be treated exactly the same as everyone else.

I wasn't aware gay people could get married to the person they love.
It's a BUYcott.

Just the framing that word is worth all the bruhaha, in my opinion.

Enjoy your chicken, kids.

Or not, depending.


I guess we are at war, the hate-mongering filthy slime teabaggers shit heads, vs the adults

ok, i am ready

Don't allow your thought to sign checks your ass can't cash.:badgrin:
According to HuffPo (and I assume a few will crucify me for my source, but feel free to provide another) Chick Fil A have donated money to hate groups, who compare gay people to pedophiles, and want them exported out of the country.
They have also been sued more than a dozen times for employment discrimination. One women who is currently suing says she was sacked because the managers wanted her to be a 'stay at home mum'.

David Badash: Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think

If this is true, it goes beyond free speech.

The joke is that Dan Cathy contributes millions to organizations like NOM. NOM has been organizing boycotts of businesses that don't discriminate against employees. They organized boycotts against companies like General Mills and Starbucks.

Yet the right wing here believes that Dan Cathy is having HIS first amendment rights violated.

The real winner in this whole operation was Mike Huckabee and his quest to displace Rush Limbaugh, who would never engage in this sort of thing at this point in his career.

So this was really the ultimate "Whacky DJ Stunt" gone wrong.
Lets ask an owner of a business who is uber-Christian in values enough to not even conduct business on Sundays what he thinks of gay marriage, then act shocked and offended when he actually says the obvious answer...

And Christian groups who don't believe in gay marriage (just as they don't believe in things such as *GASP* divorce) are not "hate groups"... well, unless you think of gay groups that bash Christians and Christianity as also "hate groups"

But here's the point.

Some of these Christian groups say they don't believe in divorce, but you don't see them fighting a legal battle to make divorce illegal or trying to ostracize divorcees.

But let the gays try to get married, and they fight that tooth and nail.

Here's the thing. Jesus spoke out very forcefully against divorce in the Gospels. He didn't say jack diddly about homosexuality.

I guess the latest is that the anti-Chick Fil-A folks are planning a "Kiss-In", going inside the restaurants in an effort to disrupt the normal, civil, legal flow of business.

Okay. Let's see how that plays out, PR-wise.


I guess the latest is that the anti-Chick Fil-A folks are planning a "Kiss-In", going inside the restaurants in an effort to disrupt the normal, civil, legal flow of business.

Okay. Let's see how that plays out, PR-wise.


Would you really want to kiss someone with a mouth full of greasy, deep-fried chicken?

I guess the latest is that the anti-Chick Fil-A folks are planning a "Kiss-In", going inside the restaurants in an effort to disrupt the normal, civil, legal flow of business.

Okay. Let's see how that plays out, PR-wise.


Would you really want to kiss someone with a mouth full of greasy, deep-fried chicken?

Throw in some peanut butter, a catcher's mask and some gardening implements and HELL yeah.


I wonder what the goal is here.

My guess - definitely could be wrong - is that gays just want to be accepted as part of society, given the same rights as anyone else, so that they can just go about living their lives. I'd agree with that. Some hearts and minds obviously need to be changed to get there, obviously.

So, and again I could be wrong, I'm assuming they have decided that (1) boycotting the business of someone who disagrees with them, (2) marching and demonstrating at those locations, (3) calling anyone who currently disagrees with them every name at the book at the top of one's lungs and (4) doing everything they can to stop these businesses from existing, is the general approach they have chosen.

Okay, it's their call. Doesn't seem like the logical strategy for changing hearts and minds, but that's just me.


I don't know about the strategy__ but the message is 'How dare you have different beliefs than us. How dare you live according to your faith.' For years, even decades gay rights groups have bullied people in the name of their self-driven secularism. Now people are pushing back.

We Christians can live according to our faith all we want. What we CAN'T do....in a supposedly "free" society is to dictate our beliefs on other people....that's not a free society, that is a theocracy. You know, I often hear from Conservatives compare the concept of Democracy as "two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner"......Isn't that EXACTLY what you are doing with this issue?

You don't care for gays? Don't be one. Other than that? Live and let live.
How the fuck else do you display support for a business to sell its products? Are you really this stupid or just playing games?

And you do realize this was thrown together AFTER the left declared august 3rd as kiss in day. Now tell me what's a more logical response. The left had a knee jerk reaction and it's blown up in their face. Don't blame the right.

Oh I dont know how about applying pressure to lift the ban on Chick Fil A in that area? No, would that be to direct? You wouldnt stuff your face in "support" but you would be able to directly address the problem you have.

Ooooooor you can wolf down a Milk Shake and feel like you did something.
...which is actually more effective than posting on the internet, calling it "raising awareness", and then feeling all smug because you're making a difference.

Call it raising your cholesterol...Only a fat ass would think that they are making a change by eating.


You Won it for America! :clap2:
"Bigot" is the new "Racist" now. They have overused "racist" so much now that it has lost all impact or even meaning. they will do the same to the label "bigot".

I guess when you have no logical argument, calling names is all you have left.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjOBumZfBzI]Arguing with an Obama Supporter - YouTube[/ame]

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