5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

"Bigot" is the new "Racist" now. They have overused "racist" so much now that it has lost all impact or even meaning. they will do the same to the label "bigot".

I guess when you have no logical argument, calling names is all you have left.

Just like the left changes thier name from Liberal, to progressive...or anything else. They can call themselves what they like. Thier actions speak loud and clear...and they can't hide from it.
They believe gay people are not equal and shouldn't be treated like everyone else.

WOW the equality nazis......so should pedophiles be treated like everyone else? muderers.......incest......bestiality....necrophilia......polygammy.....yeah......

You have lost the argument if you are comparing homosexuals to pedophiles and other deviants.

You just lost it by calling them deviants.
"Bigot" is the new "Racist" now. They have overused "racist" so much now that it has lost all impact or even meaning. they will do the same to the label "bigot".

I guess when you have no logical argument, calling names is all you have left.

I've wondered about that too, but here's the problem: The definition of "bigot":

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Plenty of bigots on their side too.

They'll probably stick with "racist", it's a knee-jerk reaction now. Like breathing.

That is a dishonest portrayal, it is a mayor that is actively keeping a restaurant out of "his" city, because of a belief system he perceives as wrong. Government has no right to interfere or be selective.

What position does Santorium hold? None, he is entitled to his opinion, so is the mayor, but they both must follow the Constitution.

FTR and in the name of "honest betrayal", Boston's Mayor did not say he would not allow them to obtain permits to do business... He merely voiced his opinion too.

“Originally, I said I would do every*thing I can to stop them.’’ Menino said in an interview at City Hall. “And that was mostly using the bully pulpit of being mayor of the city and getting public support. But I didn’t say I would not allow them to go for permits or anything like that. I just said we would do everything we can, bully pulpit-wise.”

Menino caused a stir after he wrote an irate letter last Friday to the restaurant chain’s president, Dan Cathy, who told the Baptist Press this month that his company is ‘‘guilty as charged’’ for being a supporter of organizations rallying against same-sex marriage.

The company was considering opening a location on Union Street, across the street from City Hall and Faneuil Hall. After learning about the company leadership’s views on same-sex marriage, Menino issued a letter to Cathy, lambasting him.

“I was angry to learn on the heels of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston,” Menino wrote. “There is no place for discrimination on Boston’s Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it.

“I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.”

The letter drew intense reactions on both ends of the political spectrum.


But Menino clarified his view Thursday, saying that it would not be within his power to take any steps to prevent the business from establishing a franchise in the city and that he could not deny permits to the company. His only recourse, he said, is expressing his disapproval.

“Yes, people have criticized me; I understand that,” Menino said. “But I have feelings . . . I have my First Amendment rights also. I’m expressing them.”

Boston?s Mayor Menino clarifies Chick-fil-A stance - Boston.com

Thats what I get for believing anything that come from Republicans...So it's not a ban it just an excuse to munch. And repubs just went out en mass to support Chick Fil A from something that hasnt happened.

Brilliant...How much is Huckabee invested in that franchise?

:eusa_hand:Why? Do you want to see his tax returns or something. Its really none of your business how much he has invested. Its him money and time not yours.
This one is dedicated to the always ClosedMinded author of the ridiculously dopey OP.

The officials at Chick-fil-A are allowed to identify marriage as they fucking deem suitable, according to their religious beliefs, etc.

I agree

So big of you to agree with a flatly correct statement of fact.

You know you're an asshat, you know you're the dickhole or you know that the officials of Chick-fil-A have the right to speak their opinions? Or is it all three, you scumbag transparent hack fraud?

No no you asshole. I haven't been duped at all. You are simply lying. Lying won't help you. It's a standard resort from weak minds such as yours, but it won't help. There is more than one organized attempt to boycott Chick-fil-A, you liar. And the "reason" for the effort to boycott it is exactly because those who exhort a boycott are pissed that the company has views and expresses views with which the would-be organizers disagree. And the effort to conduct a boycott DID blow up and back fire, as it fucking well should have, you lying hack goober. Look. I understand that such a piss-poor fail of a boycott embarrasses you sufficiently to pretend that there never was any boycott, but there absolutely was: https://www.google.com/search?q=boy...fficial&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np

Absolutely BESIDE the point as you knew when you ran that tripe up the flag pole, you transparently dishonest hack. The point is not the quality of the food, nor is it freedom fries nor is it calories or trans-fat this or cholesterol that, you imbecile. ClosedMinded remains FULLY closed minded, and not at all honest, either.

Stop you whining.

I aint the whiner, here my little bitch pal. It's you.

And stop pretending I have a problem with Chick Fil A just so you can go into your flailing your arms mode.

Wrong again, ya lil bitch. I don't CARE if you do or don't have a problem with Chick-Fil-A, you submoron. I was responding to your vapid and dishonest hack OP, you bombastic simpleton lying idiot hack.

Libs tried to engage in the old Alinsky shit again. Boycott Chick-fil-A to shut the mouths of those who speak a contrary view from their own dopey orthodoxies. :lol: They failed. It even backfired.

Lib morons refuse to learn. :lol::lol:

Wait, I agreed with everything you said and you're still menstruating?

You said "attempted boycott". That would mean it didnt happen. Sorry you fail to understand words mean something. No boycott happened. No boycott was planned. So you went and stuffed your face because someone told you it was to support freedom.

Well guess what? I'm "attempting" to "boycott" horse shit. You gullible fuck. Napkin?
FTR and in the name of "honest betrayal", Boston's Mayor did not say he would not allow them to obtain permits to do business... He merely voiced his opinion too.

Thats what I get for believing anything that come from Republicans...So it's not a ban it just an excuse to munch. And repubs just went out en mass to support Chick Fil A from something that hasnt happened.

Brilliant...How much is Huckabee invested in that franchise?

As in stock? Probably nothing. They are privately owned and franchised. I doubt that he owns a franchise.

How are the Republicans on top going to look like the Democrats on the bottom?

Don't be a partisan hack. The conservatives on the top are going to look just as stupid as the conservatives on the bottom.
I think some people are scared seeing the sleeping giant they have awakened so close to the elections...

really they should be:eusa_clap:

Not at all. It shows the public, in general, what pathetic bigots the right wing is.

:eusa_drool:No its the left that are the pathetic bigots. They just can't take it when the truth comes out and hits them in the face.

No skin off my ass if you want some of the money you spend at Chick-Fil-A to lobby against condemning Uganda's Christian policy (at least that what they claim it is) of executing homosexuals.
so let me get this straight... it's ok for rick santorum and the tweeting twit to SUPPORT chick-fil-a but not ok for a politician to call them what they are.

cool... got it.

That is a dishonest portrayal, it is a mayor that is actively keeping a restaurant out of "his" city, because of a belief system he perceives as wrong. Government has no right to interfere or be selective.

What position does Santorium hold? None, he is entitled to his opinion, so is the mayor, but they both must follow the Constitution.

FTR and in the name of "honest betrayal", Boston's Mayor did not say he would not allow them to obtain permits to do business... He merely voiced his opinion too.

“Originally, I said I would do every*thing I can to stop them.’’ Menino said in an interview at City Hall. “And that was mostly using the bully pulpit of being mayor of the city and getting public support. But I didn’t say I would not allow them to go for permits or anything like that. I just said we would do everything we can, bully pulpit-wise.”

Menino caused a stir after he wrote an irate letter last Friday to the restaurant chain’s president, Dan Cathy, who told the Baptist Press this month that his company is ‘‘guilty as charged’’ for being a supporter of organizations rallying against same-sex marriage.

The company was considering opening a location on Union Street, across the street from City Hall and Faneuil Hall. After learning about the company leadership’s views on same-sex marriage, Menino issued a letter to Cathy, lambasting him.

“I was angry to learn on the heels of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston,” Menino wrote. “There is no place for discrimination on Boston’s Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it.

“I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.”

The letter drew intense reactions on both ends of the political spectrum.


But Menino clarified his view Thursday, saying that it would not be within his power to take any steps to prevent the business from establishing a franchise in the city and that he could not deny permits to the company. His only recourse, he said, is expressing his disapproval.

“Yes, people have criticized me; I understand that,” Menino said. “But I have feelings . . . I have my First Amendment rights also. I’m expressing them.”

Boston?s Mayor Menino clarifies Chick-fil-A stance - Boston.com

That is not what he originally said. He just didn't like how he got heat for what he said and you are quoting his "clarification".


I have no objection to his free speech about Chick-fil-A. I objected to his threat.

Some how I think he and his buddy in Chicago thought this would die out.

So big of you to agree with a flatly correct statement of fact.

You know you're an asshat, you know you're the dickhole or you know that the officials of Chick-fil-A have the right to speak their opinions? Or is it all three, you scumbag transparent hack fraud?

No no you asshole. I haven't been duped at all. You are simply lying. Lying won't help you. It's a standard resort from weak minds such as yours, but it won't help. There is more than one organized attempt to boycott Chick-fil-A, you liar. And the "reason" for the effort to boycott it is exactly because those who exhort a boycott are pissed that the company has views and expresses views with which the would-be organizers disagree. And the effort to conduct a boycott DID blow up and back fire, as it fucking well should have, you lying hack goober. Look. I understand that such a piss-poor fail of a boycott embarrasses you sufficiently to pretend that there never was any boycott, but there absolutely was: https://www.google.com/search?q=boy...fficial&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np

Absolutely BESIDE the point as you knew when you ran that tripe up the flag pole, you transparently dishonest hack. The point is not the quality of the food, nor is it freedom fries nor is it calories or trans-fat this or cholesterol that, you imbecile. ClosedMinded remains FULLY closed minded, and not at all honest, either.

I aint the whiner, here my little bitch pal. It's you.

And stop pretending I have a problem with Chick Fil A just so you can go into your flailing your arms mode.

Wrong again, ya lil bitch. I don't CARE if you do or don't have a problem with Chick-Fil-A, you submoron. I was responding to your vapid and dishonest hack OP, you bombastic simpleton lying idiot hack.

Libs tried to engage in the old Alinsky shit again. Boycott Chick-fil-A to shut the mouths of those who speak a contrary view from their own dopey orthodoxies. :lol: They failed. It even backfired.

Lib morons refuse to learn. :lol::lol:

Wait, I agreed with everything you said and you're still menstruating?

You said "attempted boycott". That would mean it didnt happen. Sorry you fail to understand words mean something. No boycott happened. No boycott was planned. So you went and stuffed your face because someone told you it was to support freedom.

Well guess what? I'm "attempting" to "boycott" horse shit. You gullible fuck. Napkin?

Wait. You keep lying. You DIDN'T agree with everything I said and you ADDED your usual supply of extraneous bullshit.

I leave leaking vaginas to you, lass.

And you are a horse's anus, shitboy. I didn't say YOU were boycotting, you twit. I said libs had organized or attempted to organize a boycott. (You tried to deny it, you dishonest liberal hack asshole.)

You are a massive douche bag, but you are not the embodiment of all libs, you fuckwit.

The ACLU does it every day.

I've no problem with the ALCU, or any group or citizen critisizing another in the USA.

But when the critics are in government, and they persecute anyone for their religious beliefs........

Get ready for Krystallnacht 2012:


You mean like defunding Planned Parenthood because they happen to perform a legal medical procedure?

The defunding is because they use taxpayer funds to PAY for that 'legal procedure', you dishonest hack moron.
So big of you to agree with a flatly correct statement of fact.

You know you're an asshat, you know you're the dickhole or you know that the officials of Chick-fil-A have the right to speak their opinions? Or is it all three, you scumbag transparent hack fraud?

No no you asshole. I haven't been duped at all. You are simply lying. Lying won't help you. It's a standard resort from weak minds such as yours, but it won't help. There is more than one organized attempt to boycott Chick-fil-A, you liar. And the "reason" for the effort to boycott it is exactly because those who exhort a boycott are pissed that the company has views and expresses views with which the would-be organizers disagree. And the effort to conduct a boycott DID blow up and back fire, as it fucking well should have, you lying hack goober. Look. I understand that such a piss-poor fail of a boycott embarrasses you sufficiently to pretend that there never was any boycott, but there absolutely was: https://www.google.com/search?q=boy...fficial&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np

Absolutely BESIDE the point as you knew when you ran that tripe up the flag pole, you transparently dishonest hack. The point is not the quality of the food, nor is it freedom fries nor is it calories or trans-fat this or cholesterol that, you imbecile. ClosedMinded remains FULLY closed minded, and not at all honest, either.

I aint the whiner, here my little bitch pal. It's you.

Wrong again, ya lil bitch. I don't CARE if you do or don't have a problem with Chick-Fil-A, you submoron. I was responding to your vapid and dishonest hack OP, you bombastic simpleton lying idiot hack.

Libs tried to engage in the old Alinsky shit again. Boycott Chick-fil-A to shut the mouths of those who speak a contrary view from their own dopey orthodoxies. :lol: They failed. It even backfired.

Lib morons refuse to learn. :lol::lol:

Wait, I agreed with everything you said and you're still menstruating?

You said "attempted boycott". That would mean it didnt happen. Sorry you fail to understand words mean something. No boycott happened. No boycott was planned. So you went and stuffed your face because someone told you it was to support freedom.

Well guess what? I'm "attempting" to "boycott" horse shit. You gullible fuck. Napkin?

Wait. You keep lying. You DIDN'T agree with everything I said and you ADDED your usual supply of extraneous bullshit.

I leave leaking vaginas to you, lass.

And you are a horse's anus, shitboy. I didn't say YOU were boycotting, you twit. I said libs had organized or attempted to organize a boycott. (You tried to deny it, you dishonest liberal hack asshole.)

You are a massive douche bag, but you are not the embodiment of all libs, you fuckwit.


Link to support an attempted boycott that never happened?

Of course you dont have a link....You want that horse shit sandwich with cheese?

How are the Republicans on top going to look like the Democrats on the bottom?

Don't be a partisan hack. The conservatives on the top are going to look just as stupid as the conservatives on the bottom.

It's quite interesting the media and the left are making Chic-fil-A to be a bunch of hate mongerers, yet on the other side there is the support cry of having Mosques built near ground zero, or the dixie chicks making hateful political comments towards a president, or Jane Fonda voicing HER opinion during Vietnam against her government. It's all free speech, yet it's the left who constantly have a problem with that . . . if it stands against their ideology. It's time the left begin to grow up and understand some tolerance. If you want to talk hate . . . . at least Chic-fil-A isn't associated with an organization who will bomb a group of innocent people.
"The Left" hasnt done anything to Chick Fil A crybabies? You havent been victimized and you ate that heart stopper for nothing. Feel stupid?
How are the Republicans on top going to look like the Democrats on the bottom?

Don't be a partisan hack. The conservatives on the top are going to look just as stupid as the conservatives on the bottom.

It's quite interesting the media and the left are making Chic-fil-A to be a bunch of hate mongerers, yet on the other side there is the support cry of having Mosques built near ground zero, or the dixie chicks making hateful political comments towards a president, or Jane Fonda voicing HER opinion during Vietnam against her government. It's all free speech, yet it's the left who constantly have a problem with that . . . if it stands against their ideology. It's time the left begin to grow up and understand some tolerance. If you want to talk hate . . . . at least Chic-fil-A isn't associated with an organization who will bomb a group of innocent people.

First off, the Interfaith Community Center near ground zero represented healing. Yes, it did provide space for Muslims to pray, because they're supposed to do so six times a day. It wasn't a Mosque though. It was an example of an attempt at tolerance and understanding. Hell, it was even going to be named Cordoba, after that Spanish city where Christians, Jews, and Muslims worked and lived together, and produced great things.

That's not what this is about.

You want to bring up Jane Fonda and demonize her, fine. You don't like what she did, fine. Personally, I supported her goal of making sure the POWs were being treated OK, but thought she was a complete idiot for letting herself be used as a propaganda tool.

But just as you have the right to speak out against the Cordoba Community Center and Jane Fonda, I have as much of a right to say that I think that Dan Cathy is a fucking backwards, retarded bigot, who is a major funder of batshit crazy organizations like NOM and FOF. It disgusts me that he's spending his money to deprive classes of people equal protection, and I don't want to give the scumbag a helping hand. It sickens me to think that FOF, who lobbied congress NOT to condemn the Ugandan policy of executing homosexuals, in the name of Christianty, is being funded by people like Dan Cathy, and indirectly by the right wing boneheads who made a show out of eating chicken.

I hope that clears up what you thought was ambiguous.
Don't be a partisan hack. The conservatives on the top are going to look just as stupid as the conservatives on the bottom.

It's quite interesting the media and the left are making Chic-fil-A to be a bunch of hate mongerers, yet on the other side there is the support cry of having Mosques built near ground zero, or the dixie chicks making hateful political comments towards a president, or Jane Fonda voicing HER opinion during Vietnam against her government. It's all free speech, yet it's the left who constantly have a problem with that . . . if it stands against their ideology. It's time the left begin to grow up and understand some tolerance. If you want to talk hate . . . . at least Chic-fil-A isn't associated with an organization who will bomb a group of innocent people.

First off, the Interfaith Community Center near ground zero represented healing. Yes, it did provide space for Muslims to pray, because they're supposed to do so six times a day. It wasn't a Mosque though. It was an example of an attempt at tolerance and understanding. Hell, it was even going to be named Cordoba, after that Spanish city where Christians, Jews, and Muslims worked and lived together, and produced great things.

That's not what this is about.

You want to bring up Jane Fonda and demonize her, fine. You don't like what she did, fine. Personally, I supported her goal of making sure the POWs were being treated OK, but thought she was a complete idiot for letting herself be used as a propaganda tool.

But just as you have the right to speak out against the Cordoba Community Center and Jane Fonda, I have as much of a right to say that I think that Dan Cathy is a fucking backwards, retarded bigot, who is a major funder of batshit crazy organizations like NOM and FOF.

What this is about is free speech, and if the left wants to make Chick-fil-A into a group of haters for excercisizing that, then don't come to me defending Jane Fonda, The Dixie Chicks, or speaking about the Mosque at ground zero. They each have a right to speak as much as those on the left, and if you want to excersize protests and accuse the CEO of hate speech, then you need to look up the word TOLERANCE and stop with all the whining already. It's rather pathetic.
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Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

I am still looking for intelligent liberal life....

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