5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

Don't be a partisan hack. The conservatives on the top are going to look just as stupid as the conservatives on the bottom.

It's quite interesting the media and the left are making Chic-fil-A to be a bunch of hate mongerers, yet on the other side there is the support cry of having Mosques built near ground zero, or the dixie chicks making hateful political comments towards a president, or Jane Fonda voicing HER opinion during Vietnam against her government. It's all free speech, yet it's the left who constantly have a problem with that . . . if it stands against their ideology. It's time the left begin to grow up and understand some tolerance. If you want to talk hate . . . . at least Chic-fil-A isn't associated with an organization who will bomb a group of innocent people.

First off, the Interfaith Community Center near ground zero represented healing. Yes, it did provide space for Muslims to pray, because they're supposed to do so six times a day. It wasn't a Mosque though. It was an example of an attempt at tolerance and understanding. Hell, it was even going to be named Cordoba, after that Spanish city where Christians, Jews, and Muslims worked and lived together, and produced great things.

That's not what this is about.

You want to bring up Jane Fonda and demonize her, fine. You don't like what she did, fine. Personally, I supported her goal of making sure the POWs were being treated OK, but thought she was a complete idiot for letting herself be used as a propaganda tool.

But just as you have the right to speak out against the Cordoba Community Center and Jane Fonda, I have as much of a right to say that I think that Dan Cathy is a fucking backwards, retarded bigot, who is a major funder of batshit crazy organizations like NOM and FOF. It disgusts me that he's spending his money to deprive classes of people equal protection, and I don't want to give the scumbag a helping hand. It sickens me to think that FOF, who lobbied congress NOT to condemn the Ugandan policy of executing homosexuals, in the name of Christianty, is being funded by people like Dan Cathy, and indirectly by the right wing boneheads who made a show out of eating chicken.

I hope that clears up what you thought was ambiguous.

Go get some sources ...then let's talk... Its pricelessly ironic how you little hate filed bigots justify your own hatred. Serioulsy post your sources or begone before somebody drops a house on you too.
Never mind sweetcheeks...my assesment of you is correct......

Tom McClusky is listed as one of the two lobbyists and so I contacted him to ask how FRC lobbied and with whom. While he declined to say which members were lobbied, he said, “We didn’t necessarily lobby against or for the resolution but tried to work with offices to make the language more neutral on homosexuality.” He added his recollection was that “the original language was incorrect on what Uganda was doing as well.” McClusky said the lobbying took place before the resolution was introduced but did not say what, if anything, was altered as the result of their efforts. As for the Ugandan bill, he said that the FRC has never taken a position on the death penalty. Regarding H.Res. 1064, he added, “We have not taken a public position on the current resolution.”

Family Research Council clarifies lobbying role on Anti-Homosexuality Bill resolution

You are a hack.

I guess we are at war, the hate-mongering filthy slime teabaggers shit heads, vs the adults

ok, i am ready

Bring it kid.....evolution argues against you....having fun there in Mom's basement?

kid eh, i will make you the same deal as everyone, if you can make me a kid again i write you check for $100K

and yes evolution, you are right, the baggers will all die soon then us adults take over

and that post above about the hater bagger who threatens to go on assistance, first he doesnt own a business, none of you lying hypocrites do, and no you couldnt survive on what poor people do, if you did it would build character, something NONE of you have
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"The Left" hasnt done anything to Chick Fil A crybabies? You havent been victimized and you ate that heart stopper for nothing. Feel stupid?

I agree because the support for them went through the roof before the nutty Mayor had a chance to figure out what had happened.

I'm sure after he spouted his hate, the backfire caused him an oh shit moment and then the "clarification" BS.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

The ad campaign worked, a lot of people bought New Coke, for a time.
I guess we are at war, the hate-mongering filthy slime teabaggers shit heads, vs the adults

ok, i am ready

Bring it kid.....evolution argues against you....having fun there in Mom's basement?

kid eh, i will make you the same deal as everyone, if you can make me a kid again i write you check for $100K

and yes evolution, you are right, the baggers will all die soon then us adults take over

and that post above about the hater bagger who threatens to go on assistance, first he doesnt own a business, none of you lying hypocrites do, and no you couldnt survive on what poor people do, if you did it would build character, something NONE of you have

(smile) Revolution.....careful what you wish for....you are quite stunted emotionally kid....look I don't care what you and Steve do....but facism is ugly from you tolerant folk.
Dumbfuck, you missed your chance for glory by swinging and missing with this post.

You should've said.

1) Chik-Fil-A murders millions of chickens.
2) Chik-Fil-A chickens live miserable lives in cages until they are killed by evil white people.
3) Chik-Fil-A discriminates against non-Christians by not being open on Sunday.
4) Chik-Fil-A doesn't cater to vegetarians, so even more discrimination by them.
5) Chik-Fil-A workers are too nice, they act like Canadians not Americans.

Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans
Same thing about women. If women pay taxes and those taxes are used to build roads and electrical plants and bridges then women should have a say who uses that infrastructure. Even if Chicken Parts pays a lot, they don't pay all. So to force women to subsidize discrimination against women is unfair.
Course, I once knew a political party that engaged in voter suppression and discriminates against gays and blacks, Hispanics, women, teachers, scientists, Muslims, atheists and other groups of people too numerous to mention, but they are really, really sensitive and get really upset if you say they are "unfair". Of course, they feel they can be unfair because that party is 90% white and mostly Christian so they have a right. But I won't mention who they are. It really upsets them.

i would ask you a question Dean.....but you probably will run from this thread like all the others your in....so i wont waste my time.....
How the fuck else do you display support for a business to sell its products? Are you really this stupid or just playing games?

And you do realize this was thrown together AFTER the left declared august 3rd as kiss in day. Now tell me what's a more logical response. The left had a knee jerk reaction and it's blown up in their face. Don't blame the right.

Oh I dont know how about applying pressure to lift the ban on Chick Fil A in that area? No, would that be to direct? You wouldnt stuff your face in "support" but you would be able to directly address the problem you have.

Ooooooor you can wolf down a Milk Shake and feel like you did something.
...which is actually more effective than posting on the internet, calling it "raising awareness", and then feeling all smug because you're making a difference.
So a fast food restaurant that doesn't discriminate against homosexuals on premises is being targeted because they donate money to anti-gay marriage groups; why should the business be punished? Its not like they have signs on the door saying 'gays are evil' or 'no gays here', :eusa_eh:

They believe gay people are not equal and shouldn't be treated like everyone else.

Wrong. They believe gay people should be treated exactly the same as everyone else.
WOW the equality nazis......so should pedophiles be treated like everyone else? muderers.......incest......bestiality....necrophilia......polygammy.....yeah......

Are you too ignorant to know that most child sexual assault victims/perps, are male predators on female children?

Please take these facts into consideration, and report back with a coherent argument.

What does that claim have to do with answering his question?
They believe gay people are not equal and shouldn't be treated like everyone else.

WOW the equality nazis......so should pedophiles be treated like everyone else? muderers.......incest......bestiality....necrophilia......polygammy.....yeah......

You have lost the argument if you are comparing homosexuals to pedophiles and other deviants.

How is polygamy any more "deviant" than homosexuality?

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