5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

I think it shows what type of elected official will readily yield the force of government against you for your spiritual beliefs.
it was right around the last time i saw liberals rally en masse to defend "rights" of people they didn't agree with.

The ACLU does it every day.

I've no problem with the ALCU, or any group or citizen critisizing another in the USA.

But when the critics are in government, and they persecute anyone for their religious beliefs........

Get ready for Krystallnacht 2012:


You mean like defunding Planned Parenthood because they happen to perform a legal medical procedure?
Fuck, why defend Chick-fil-A so strongly? It's a fucking corporate change machine. It's not a person.

the CEO? Dipshit Bigshot who got slapped for opening his big mouth

The only reason we're championing them is because we are sick to fucking death of hearing you little pussy liberals start the name calling every time someone has a differing opinion from yours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My god you assholes want a cleansed society that acts and thinks only how you see fit !!

Not to point out the obvious but you're the one calling people names there. :rofl:

:badgrin:HaHa. Free speech. Ubama has gotten there yet. So get some earplugs til he does.
Wait so the Mayor of Boston said he's not banning them and the rights response is....he really wants too?
What a load of horseshit.

I like Chik and I sure as hell won't be boycotting it.

I could give fuck one what some idiot in mangement has to say about gays or anyone else.

Talk about a nothing thread.
oye....this is so fucking stooopid. Here is what the man said
"We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit," Cathy said. "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that'"

The Chik-Fil-A CEO did not bash gays, he simply stated his beliefs. If you want to punish people for being against gay marriage, go to any black church. They are vehemently opposed to homosexuality.

I am in favor of gay marriage, I oppose stupidity.

He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

:eusa_drool:So why don't every time we go out to dinner just ask the manager if they support an organization that we might take offence too. Im sure its not on to many peoples mind when they take off for a diner. Why? Because they don't give a ****.
This one is dedicated to the always ClosedMinded author of the ridiculously dopey OP.

The officials at Chick-fil-A are allowed to identify marriage as they fucking deem suitable, according to their religious beliefs, etc.

I agree

So big of you to agree with a flatly correct statement of fact.

AND, you asshat, they have the right to verbalize those thoughts.

Yeah, I know dickhole

You know you're an asshat, you know you're the dickhole or you know that the officials of Chick-fil-A have the right to speak their opinions? Or is it all three, you scumbag transparent hack fraud?

FURTHERMORE, you imbecile, when a bunch of left wing hacks try to organize a boycott of that company to protest those thoughts and the expression of such thoughts, it is absolutely and unquestionably proper to stand in opposition to the fucking attempted boycott.

"Attempted Boycott"? Is that the same as no boycott at all? Yep, you've been dupped.

No no you asshole. I haven't been duped at all. You are simply lying. Lying won't help you. It's a standard resort from weak minds such as yours, but it won't help. There is more than one organized attempt to boycott Chick-fil-A, you liar. And the "reason" for the effort to boycott it is exactly because those who exhort a boycott are pissed that the company has views and expresses views with which the would-be organizers disagree. And the effort to conduct a boycott DID blow up and back fire, as it fucking well should have, you lying hack goober. Look. I understand that such a piss-poor fail of a boycott embarrasses you sufficiently to pretend that there never was any boycott, but there absolutely was: https://www.google.com/search?q=boy...fficial&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np

I don't even agree with the position expressed by Chick-fil-A. But I have NO problem in seeing the effort, by the left wing anti-free-speech scumbags to sanction Chick-fil-A's free speech, get undermined. I applaud the rebound effect.

I dont agree with the position of Chick Fil A either but I support their right to say it. Eating a deluxe chicken sandwich is going to make change! Republicans have the silliest protest ideas evar! Freedom Fries, Meat Mondays and now this. Your head just blew up because Closed Minded isnt at all.

Absolutely BESIDE the point as you knew when you ran that tripe up the flag pole, you transparently dishonest hack. The point is not the quality of the food, nor is it freedom fries nor is it calories or trans-fat this or cholesterol that, you imbecile. ClosedMinded remains FULLY closed minded, and not at all honest, either.

Stop you whining.

I aint the whiner, here my little bitch pal. It's you.

And stop pretending I have a problem with Chick Fil A just so you can go into your flailing your arms mode.

Wrong again, ya lil bitch. I don't CARE if you do or don't have a problem with Chick-Fil-A, you submoron. I was responding to your vapid and dishonest hack OP, you bombastic simpleton lying idiot hack.

Libs tried to engage in the old Alinsky shit again. Boycott Chick-fil-A to shut the mouths of those who speak a contrary view from their own dopey orthodoxies. :lol: They failed. It even backfired.

Lib morons refuse to learn. :lol::lol:
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He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

Repeating yourself over and over again does not make your statement true...

Refusing to look at all sides of the issue leaves one narrow.

Wingnuts only learn by rote.

Did I mention, he financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays? He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

So what. Its his money not yours. You disagree with it then go some place else to eat.
:eusa_eh: Wow, this is going to get all sorts of crazy...

Opponents of Cathy’s stance — and his donations of millions of dollars to Christian organizations that lobby against equal rights for gay people — have planned “Kiss Mor Chiks” for Friday, asking people of the same sex to show up at Chick-fil-A locations and kiss each other.

Chick-fil-A supporters turn out on appreciation day - KansasCity.com


I'd like to see how Chick Fil A react to that.

:lol:At least they have the guts to let the people know. Something the left lost along time ago.
Underneath all this is the real 'right' that most conservatives support, i.e.,

the 'right' of business owners to discriminate against anyone they want.

Give us a link to where Chick Fil-A has descriminated against gays. I mean, other than the bull shit Huffpo story.

There isn't. The man made a statement of what he and his family belived. I don't think there are ANY lawsuits of discrimination against them at all.
"Bigot" is the new "Racist" now. They have overused "racist" so much now that it has lost all impact or even meaning. they will do the same to the label "bigot".

I guess when you have no logical argument, calling names is all you have left.

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