5-Year-Old Georgia Boy Dies Of COVID-19 Despite Having No Underlying Health Conditions

This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

Every year about 30 very young children, infants, drown in "empty" 5-gallon plastic buckets. Like the ones in which paint sold.

Ban all 5-gallon plastic containers!
They used to say, if you had it and got over it, you would have anti-bodies that would protect, though my doctor told me last year, don't count on it and yes, we have seen people that have had it, catch it again, but usually not as hard as the first time. Now, I am vaccinated complete for the last several months, and they say I still have some chance, I could get it again, but again lighter than the first time. I haven't gotten it again, yet. If I do, I hope they are right about it being lighter and my body better able to deal with it.
If you don't have a history of strange allergies or bad reactions to vaccines, I think you should get it, but do not really care if you do or not, having taken what precautions deemed appropriate, without going crazy it.
If you choose to not be vaccinated and get a serious case, don't bother with statements of regret on your deathbed if it comes to that. Not much of a believer in deathbed "come to Jesus" statements. Just take it like a man and die like a dog, quietly, knowing you gambled your shot and lost.
If I die in a few years from some unanticipated effect of the vaccine (which BTW, I do not think will happen), I will go quietly, having gambled what I think is or was my best shot. Deal?
And then there are SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS.

Israel COVID-19 Study: Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccine Against Delta Variant

By Celine German Lagundi
1 day ago [8/28/2021]

A study involving thousands of people in Israel came out with findings that say “people who have been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and are unvaccinated may have stronger long-term protection than those who have been vaccinated with two Pfizer doses but were never previously infected with the virus.”.

why give him the shot when it doesn't work?
I never said he had a shot. The parents obviously bought it home or he contracted somewhere.
He might be alive if they wore masks. Why take the risk?
Oh it's your freedom again. Well it's their freedom to kill their kids if those chose.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

So sad you should post this when that death is one in a million. Your are exploiting his death. Ghoul.
I find it disgusting that the person you replied to actually said deaths are very, very very rare.

The person has lived through this whole thing and knows the death toll both here in the United States and around the world.

The lies are ridiculous.
Bolded statement: Ironic.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

^ Fucking Fauxi Ghoul
So sad you should post this when that death is one in a million. Your are exploiting his death. Ghoul.
The leader in front of a mob of dangerous ghouls of freedom taking Insurrectionists thus necessitating being crept up on and murdered to protect others.
I never said he had a shot. The parents obviously bought it home or he contracted somewhere.
He might be alive if they wore masks. Why take the risk?
Oh it's your freedom again. Well it's their freedom to kill their kids if those chose.
Staph & strep can be quite deadly, yes.

We should have been wearing masks as cave people!

Then nobody would ever have died!!

Blood on Barney Rubble's hands!!!
And then there are SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS.

Israel COVID-19 Study: Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccine Against Delta Variant

By Celine German Lagundi
1 day ago [8/28/2021]

A study involving thousands of people in Israel came out with findings that say “people who have been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and are unvaccinated may have stronger long-term protection than those who have been vaccinated with two Pfizer doses but were never previously infected with the virus.”.

I have heard that. But to get to natural immunity, you got to go through getting the disease. To get to any kind of herd immunity (if that is possible) a lot more people have to get it, then have gotten it so far. Well, did my part. I have had it. It sucked. Believe it or not, you probably don't want it. It might present like a normal flue, and you get over it, or it might kill you ass (not much predicting), like all these right wing, anti-vax radio talk shows hosts that have been dropping like flies for the last month or so, along with anti-vax politicians, their wives, etc.
Whatever you choose won't affect me, as I have had it, had the antibodies, had the vaccine shots and plan to get a booster before ski season.
I have heard that. But to get to natural immunity, you got to go through getting the disease. To get to any kind of herd immunity (if that is possible) a lot more people have to get it, then have gotten it so far. Well, did my part. I have had it. It sucked. Believe it or not, you probably don't want it. It might present like a normal flue, and you get over it, or it might kill you ass (not much predicting), like all these right wing, anti-vax radio talk shows hosts that have been dropping like flies for the last month or so, along with anti-vax politicians, their wives, etc.
Whatever you choose won't affect me, as I have had it, had the antibodies, had the vaccine shots and plan to get a booster before ski season.

Herd immunity by infections is a very irresponsible thing to do.

That will kill millions of people.

We have a way to get to herd immunity through vaccination. So millions of people don't have to suffer and die.
Yet another reason for Fauci and Xi to stand trail at the Hague for Crimes Against Humanity
I never said he had a shot. The parents obviously bought it home or he contracted somewhere.
He might be alive if they wore masks. Why take the risk?
Oh it's your freedom again. Well it's their freedom to kill their kids if those chose.
As you know, masks bought and used by the general public are worthless. All they do is make some folks FEEL better. A very popular tactic used by the far-left. Regardless of facts and results, just so you feel warm and fuzzy, nothing else is really important.

No one gets out of here alive. Infants die, really old people die.

Using one kids death as a political club is just sick. No surprise that Democrats would throw this up as a straw man. Eight months of disasterous decisions is making Democrats a little she'll shock.
Staph & strep can be quite deadly, yes.

We should have been wearing masks as cave people!

Then nobody would ever have died!!

Blood on Barney Rubble's hands!!!

Yeah sure. Keep believing that. It's Republican propaganda so I expect nothing less.
I have heard that. But to get to natural immunity, you got to go through getting the disease. To get to any kind of herd immunity (if that is possible) a lot more people have to get it, then have gotten it so far. Well, did my part. I have had it. It sucked. Believe it or not, you probably don't want it. It might present like a normal flue, and you get over it, or it might kill you ass (not much predicting), like all these right wing, anti-vax radio talk shows hosts that have been dropping like flies for the last month or so, along with anti-vax politicians, their wives, etc.
Whatever you choose won't affect me, as I have had it, had the antibodies, had the vaccine shots and plan to get a booster before ski season.
As you know, a lot of folks have gotten the disease, were asymptomatic and don't even know they were infected.
Among children it absolutely is

That i can agree with, however, now with delta having a viral load 1200x greater than the original strain do you think we'll see the same outcome? Child hospitalizations have hit a new record. Children are also making up 15-20% of all new cases. Alpha was only responsible for 3%. What comes next is inevitable.
Herd immunity by infections is a very irresponsible thing to do.

That will kill millions of people.

We have a way to get to herd immunity through vaccination. So millions of people don't have to suffer and die.
GFY, you casket chasing fucking ghoul.
As you know, a lot of folks have gotten the disease, were asymptomatic and don't even know they were infected.
That would be cool to have it and not even develop symptoms, especially if you got the antibodies out of the deal, upping whatever natural protection you had, and hopefully if not symptomatic, maybe not infecting everybody you meet. I am not sure how that works, though.
Trouble is, nobody knows who is going to be like that, vs the two people next door that died without even making it to the emergency room, or those dumb ass anti-vax talk show hosts. Another one down there in Florida died yesterday.
If you are radical anti-vax, right wing and have radio experience in the smaller markets, they are short 2 down there in a reasonable large market. Sounds like opportunity either knocking or dropping dead in front of you. Might not be so bad. They got a lot of Covid down there presently, but for a highly infected state, their death rate looks lower than any other high infection states lately.

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