5-Year-Old Georgia Boy Dies Of COVID-19 Despite Having No Underlying Health Conditions

You think all those who have been vaccinated are going to go in and get their boosters every few months over and over again or are they going to do as they normally do just let the vaccine run out either to lazy to get shots or they lack the knowledge or time to go get it over and over and over. Even if the vaccine worked, all it is doing slowing down the spread of the virus where the virus will have a continual supply of new victims to jump to as their vaccine run out.

Think in a few years, we are going to be talking about what a fucked ideal the vaccines were for those that the virus offered little threat to...and that by the government getting involved that we prolonged the virus and enable massive amount of mutations and that all the money wasted will continue to haunt the US for generations.
I don't care whether they do or don't. While I think vaccination supports community health, I am self-serving and with an eye for self-preservation, my own benefit, longevity and comfort. When you have had a reasonable case of Covid, with all the symptoms, you don't want any more Covid. Kinda like getting your ass kicked by a bunch of bikers, because you were foolishly somewhere you shouldn't be with somebody you shouldn't have been with, doing things you should have known better to do at the time. If they do it right, and you only get loose teeth, busted lips and broken ribs, but get out of there, just needing recovery sore time, smart man, doesn't want any more and takes precautions of avoidance, not continuing the same method and activities inviting more. Some people live and learn, others doomed to repeat their careless disregard for the way things work and attending dangers.
If a simple little shot raises my chances of avoidance, load me up, as I have things to do, further down the road. I am a multi-gallon blood, platelet, and plasma donor, including Covid convalescent plasma. I don't like needles but have no fear of needles. It's not like they are using a 3-inch horse needle, pumping something the consistency of Wildroot hair cream in your ass. It is a little tiny needle stick, less than a Tennessee sweat bee. Whatever you do, I don't care. I am in it for me.
When you have had a reasonable case of Covid, with all the symptoms, you don't want any more Covid. Kinda like getting your ass kicked by a bunch of bikers, because you were foolishly somewhere you shouldn't be with somebody you shouldn't have been with, doing things you should have known better to do at the time. If they do it right, and you only get loose teeth, busted lips and broken ribs, but get out of there, just needing recovery sore time, smart man, doesn't want any more and takes precautions of avoidance, not continuing the same method and activities inviting more.
I read a post like this and wonder, shit, this dude has never had a cold or flu before then. Right?

bronchitis? I had that once, 1988, and thought I was going to die. Couldn't breathe, hacked for three months. Tell me, how that experience was any different than yours?
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

Makes me wonder how many children will die after being infected by those Democrat insurrectionist politicians who fled Texas.

What a tragedy THAT will be, eh?

Dekster So once again the Media conveniently omits facts (a.k.a lies) to use this kid to push their narrative. We don't have Media anymore, we have opinion pushers and propagandists.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

This is madness.

Americans are needlessly dying the consequence of rightwing ignorance and stupidity, when perfectly safe and effective vaccines are available.
This is madness.

Americans are needlessly dying the consequence of rightwing ignorance and stupidity, when perfectly safe and effective vaccines are available.
I wouldn't go out if I were you. you could die in a car crash or get by lightning, you could get food poising, you could slip and fall and crack your head open!!!! OH MY!!!!!! The pain of it all!!!

Oh wait, you could slip in the shower and crack your head open, you could electrocute yourself, you could do many stupid things that would cause your death!!! Perhaps life isn't your cup of tea.
Dekster So once again the Media conveniently omits facts (a.k.a lies) to use this kid to push their narrative. We don't have Media anymore, we have opinion pushers and propagandists.

Well, we have plenty of media. We just don't have many real journalists employed by them. There is a lot of low rent research going on via social media. Their version of a police scanner. I was DM'd a couple times on reddit by "reporters" for UK tabloids looking for stories who were intrigued by something I posted, and when I had twitter, I used to see a lot of posts to other people when I was doing searches on some current event that were like, "Hey, I am a producer at CNN and we would like to talk to you about this story. DM me!!!" The only real reporters these days seem to be local reporters. I don't mind helping them. The rest can take a flying leap
This is madness.

Americans are needlessly dying the consequence of rightwing ignorance and stupidity, when perfectly safe and effective vaccines are available.

I know.

It's now a pandemic of the unvaccinated in the United States.

The thing I am concerned with is the mutations. The unvaccinated are causing the virus to mutate to new and more deadly variants.

Hopefully the vaccine we had will be effective on the new variants. I worry that it will be allowed to mutate to the point that vaccines are ineffective.
I know.

It's now a pandemic of the unvaccinated in the United States.

The thing I am concerned with is the mutations. The unvaccinated are causing the virus to mutate to new and more deadly variants.

Hopefully the vaccine we had will be effective on the new variants. I worry that it will be allowed to mutate to the point that vaccines are ineffective.
oh no, something you can't control, you must be devastated. What are you going to do? BTW, are you going to ask that all driving stop? Planes get grounded, trains halted. Turn all the electricity off, holy pandemic batgirl!!!!!

BTW, how can the unvaccinated cause a mutation exactly? You have it backwards, but hey, you choose to be uninformed.
This is madness.

Americans are needlessly dying the consequence of rightwing ignorance and stupidity, when perfectly safe and effective vaccines are available.

Shithead...the largest groups not taking the vaccine are blacks and hispanics...who vote 90% democrat...you lying piece of crap.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

After two days of symptoms, including vomiting, no appetite and lethargy, Wyatt's parents took him to a local hospital. He was then transferred to a children's hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he was diagnosed with strep and staph infections and COVID-19, according to Mitchell.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

I hate to break the bad news to you........BUT lots of kids have undiagnosed issues. Virus's in nature are meant to kill off the weak and infirmed.....

There's more to the story here. I don't believe the family is vaccinated since they have covid, including an 8 month old. This is what happens when you spend your daily lives trying to stick it to the libs. It's not them you're sticking it to
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

Imagine if the parents had been vaccinated ( I'm assuming they are not)
Which could have limited to transfer to the kid.
If they refused vaccination, they have no one else to blame.

The stats are there. Ignore them at your peril.
Sounds like he had a lot going on at once

"Earlier this month, Wyatt came down with what his parents thought was food poisoning. He wasn't hungry, a little lethargic and had some vomiting.

But then, his family said, his tongue turned white.

They took him to the doctor where he was transferred to Children's Hospital in Chattanooga. There, he was diagnosed with strep throat, a staph infection and COVID-19.

Wyatt's parents stayed by his side for four days as he fought for his life.

On Friday, Wyatt passed away in his mom's arms after suffering a massive stroke."

Oh. So he was overwhelmed with an infection AND the virus.

Tragic and very sad, as deaths--especially the death of a child--always are. It's terrible to make healthy people suffer though for the very, very, very rare death.

And that will always be true.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.


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