50,000 psychologists have signed petition saying Trump unfit to be president:

I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??

Well actually Trump lied about the wall but the simple threat has reduced illegal criminal crossings and ICE deportations are up.
Next China came to the table and now allowing US cattle to be importing.
China to reopen beef market to American producers after 13 years
The USDA forecasts that China will surpass Japan as the second-largest beef importer (after the U.S.) with imports estimated at 825,000 tons in 2016. The agency said rapidly rising demand for beef has been fueled by middle-class growth and has made China the fastest-growing beef market in the world.

"This is great news for U.S. beef producers," said Kent Bacus, director of international trade for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "While these initial reports are positive, we must continue technical negotiations...
No bull: China to resume buying American beef after 13-year absence

But these facts don't have any affect on ignorant people.
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??

Well actually Trump lied about the wall but the simple threat has reduced illegal criminal crossings and ICE deportations are up.
Next China came to the table and now allowing US cattle to be importing.
China to reopen beef market to American producers after 13 years
The USDA forecasts that China will surpass Japan as the second-largest beef importer (after the U.S.) with imports estimated at 825,000 tons in 2016. The agency said rapidly rising demand for beef has been fueled by middle-class growth and has made China the fastest-growing beef market in the world.

"This is great news for U.S. beef producers," said Kent Bacus, director of international trade for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "While these initial reports are positive, we must continue technical negotiations...
No bull: China to resume buying American beef after 13-year absence

But these facts don't have any affect on ignorant people.

so he lied about repeal and having a tremendous plan?? He lied about building a wall? He lied about rounding up 10 million illegals? he lied about tax cuts? HE lied about handling North Korea/ Iran he lied about new trade deals???
So its ok to lie to get elected from now on??
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??

Well actually Trump lied about the wall but the simple threat has reduced illegal criminal crossings and ICE deportations are up.
Next China came to the table and now allowing US cattle to be importing.
China to reopen beef market to American producers after 13 years
The USDA forecasts that China will surpass Japan as the second-largest beef importer (after the U.S.) with imports estimated at 825,000 tons in 2016. The agency said rapidly rising demand for beef has been fueled by middle-class growth and has made China the fastest-growing beef market in the world.

"This is great news for U.S. beef producers," said Kent Bacus, director of international trade for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "While these initial reports are positive, we must continue technical negotiations...
No bull: China to resume buying American beef after 13-year absence

But these facts don't have any affect on ignorant people.

so he lied about repeal and having a tremendous plan?? He lied about building a wall? He lied about rounding up 10 million illegals? he lied about tax cuts? HE lied about handling North Korea/ Iran he lied about new trade deals???
So its ok to lie to get elected from now on??
It ok to fire the FBI director when they are investigating him?
it ok to say you may leave NATO and not mean it?
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??

Well actually Trump lied about the wall but the simple threat has reduced illegal criminal crossings and ICE deportations are up.
Next China came to the table and now allowing US cattle to be importing.
China to reopen beef market to American producers after 13 years
The USDA forecasts that China will surpass Japan as the second-largest beef importer (after the U.S.) with imports estimated at 825,000 tons in 2016. The agency said rapidly rising demand for beef has been fueled by middle-class growth and has made China the fastest-growing beef market in the world.

"This is great news for U.S. beef producers," said Kent Bacus, director of international trade for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "While these initial reports are positive, we must continue technical negotiations...
No bull: China to resume buying American beef after 13-year absence

But these facts don't have any affect on ignorant people.

so he lied about repeal and having a tremendous plan?? He lied about building a wall? He lied about rounding up 10 million illegals? he lied about tax cuts? HE lied about handling North Korea/ Iran he lied about new trade deals???
So its ok to lie to get elected from now on??

HEY remember these LIES???
The Messiah once said..“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Or how about this gigantic LIE?

Or this gigantic LIE?
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
FACT: Half would be 155 million people of the then 310 million Americans!
But what do the insurance companies say about the number of "pre-existing conditions"
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??

Well actually Trump lied about the wall but the simple threat has reduced illegal criminal crossings and ICE deportations are up.
Next China came to the table and now allowing US cattle to be importing.
China to reopen beef market to American producers after 13 years
The USDA forecasts that China will surpass Japan as the second-largest beef importer (after the U.S.) with imports estimated at 825,000 tons in 2016. The agency said rapidly rising demand for beef has been fueled by middle-class growth and has made China the fastest-growing beef market in the world.

"This is great news for U.S. beef producers," said Kent Bacus, director of international trade for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "While these initial reports are positive, we must continue technical negotiations...
No bull: China to resume buying American beef after 13-year absence

But these facts don't have any affect on ignorant people.

so he lied about repeal and having a tremendous plan?? He lied about building a wall? He lied about rounding up 10 million illegals? he lied about tax cuts? HE lied about handling North Korea/ Iran he lied about new trade deals???
So its ok to lie to get elected from now on??

HEY remember these LIES???
The Messiah once said..“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Or how about this gigantic LIE?
View attachment 127355
Or this gigantic LIE?
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
FACT: Half would be 155 million people of the then 310 million Americans!
But what do the insurance companies say about the number of "pre-existing conditions"
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

agree that Obama lied about health but Trump lies about everything and is too stupid to know it. 2 wrongs don't make a right! Trump seems dangerous and will encourage folks like Oprah to run. Never have we had a buffoon before and he may open the flood gates. That said I hope he does succeed with health care repeal tax cuts wall military and God bless him, another Court appointment!!
In other news, 50,000 anthropologists have signed a petition asserting that psychologists are modern-day witch doctors.

so you think Trump seems fine? When is he going to build the wall declare China a currency manipulator and round up 10 million illegals??

Well actually Trump lied about the wall but the simple threat has reduced illegal criminal crossings and ICE deportations are up.
Next China came to the table and now allowing US cattle to be importing.
China to reopen beef market to American producers after 13 years
The USDA forecasts that China will surpass Japan as the second-largest beef importer (after the U.S.) with imports estimated at 825,000 tons in 2016. The agency said rapidly rising demand for beef has been fueled by middle-class growth and has made China the fastest-growing beef market in the world.

"This is great news for U.S. beef producers," said Kent Bacus, director of international trade for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. "While these initial reports are positive, we must continue technical negotiations...
No bull: China to resume buying American beef after 13-year absence

But these facts don't have any affect on ignorant people.

so he lied about repeal and having a tremendous plan?? He lied about building a wall? He lied about rounding up 10 million illegals? he lied about tax cuts? HE lied about handling North Korea/ Iran he lied about new trade deals???
So its ok to lie to get elected from now on??

HEY remember these LIES???
The Messiah once said..“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Or how about this gigantic LIE?
View attachment 127355
Or this gigantic LIE?
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
FACT: Half would be 155 million people of the then 310 million Americans!
But what do the insurance companies say about the number of "pre-existing conditions"
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

agree that Obama lied about health but Trump lies about everything and is too stupid to know it. 2 wrongs don't make a right! Trump seems dangerous and will encourage folks like Oprah to run. Never have we had a buffoon before and he may open the flood gates. That said I hope he does succeed with health care repeal tax cuts wall military and God bless him, another Court appointment!!
Do those shrinks say anything about the dolts who voted for Trump?
Where were those psychologists when Juanita Broaderick and Katheline Willey testified about Bill Clinton's sexual abuse? Where were those psychologists when it became evident that the president of the United States had sexual relations with a girl barely older than his own daughter while his wife knew about it and apparently covered up or enabled his sexual adventures for her entire adult life? Bill and Hillary's complex relationship would have been a psychologist's dream. They could have written volumes about his abuse of women but alas he was a democrat and off limits so those academic fools are content to sign a freaking petition.
Where were those psychologists when Juanita Broaderick and Katheline Willey testified about Bill Clinton's sexual abuse? Where were those psychologists when it became evident that the president of the United States had sexual relations with a girl barely older than his own daughter while his wife knew about it and apparently covered up or enabled his sexual adventures for her entire adult life? Bill and Hillary's complex relationship would have been a psychologist's dream. They could have written volumes about his abuse of women but alas he was a democrat and off limits so those academic fools are content to sign a freaking petition.
BFD he had sex with some one other than his wife What % of men do the same?? Bill was still the greatest president of any repubs lifetimes
Where were those psychologists when Juanita Broaderick and Katheline Willey testified about Bill Clinton's sexual abuse? Where were those psychologists when it became evident that the president of the United States had sexual relations with a girl barely older than his own daughter while his wife knew about it and apparently covered up or enabled his sexual adventures for her entire adult life? Bill and Hillary's complex relationship would have been a psychologist's dream. They could have written volumes about his abuse of women but alas he was a democrat and off limits so those academic fools are content to sign a freaking petition.

yes Clinton had issues and Obama lied about health care but both were very consistent as presidents and well within the normal range. Trump seems psycho. He lied about everything from the get go, seems totally illiterate, can barely speak English, and cant speak one complete sentence. He gets half way through a sentence and cant find the second half so merely repeats the first half. Its embarrassing like at the end for Reagan.
Where were those psychologists when Juanita Broaderick and Katheline Willey testified about Bill Clinton's sexual abuse? Where were those psychologists when it became evident that the president of the United States had sexual relations with a girl barely older than his own daughter while his wife knew about it and apparently covered up or enabled his sexual adventures for her entire adult life? Bill and Hillary's complex relationship would have been a psychologist's dream. They could have written volumes about his abuse of women but alas he was a democrat and off limits so those academic fools are content to sign a freaking petition.

yes Clinton had issues and Obama lied about health care but both were very consistent as presidents and well within the normal range. Trump seems psycho. He lied about everything from the get go, seems totally illiterate, can barely speak English, and cant speak one complete sentence. He gets half way through a sentence and cant find the second half so merely repeats the first half. Its embarrassing like at the end for Reagan.
And he can't answer a question correctly
Once again, all these psychologists are in violation of 'The Goldwater Rule'. They have proven they are unethical.

Goldwater rule - Wikipedia

I don't see why? They are as entitled as anyone to judge his psychological fitness. You have to admit that with his red skin, funny hair, 3 wives, inability to speak English, lying about so much from the get go, his pussy grabbing arrogance, his gold leafed apartment, and always ( at least in beginning) bragging about his money and education, he is way way off center.

As I said though a nutty crazy Republican is probably better than a normal liberal.
Once again, all these psychologists are in violation of 'The Goldwater Rule'. They have proven they are unethical.

Goldwater rule - Wikipedia

I don't see why? They are as entitled as anyone to judge his psychological fitness. You have to admit that with his red skin, funny hair, 3 wives, inability to speak English, lying about so much from the get go, his pussy grabbing arrogance, his gold leafed apartment, and always ( at least in beginning) bragging about his money and education, he is way way off center.

As I said though a nutty crazy Republican is probably better than a normal liberal.
LOL yeah if you like wars
Once again, all these psychologists are in violation of 'The Goldwater Rule'. They have proven they are unethical.

Goldwater rule - Wikipedia

I don't see why? They are as entitled as anyone to judge his psychological fitness. You have to admit that with his red skin, funny hair, 3 wives, inability to speak English, lying about so much from the get go, his pussy grabbing arrogance, his gold leafed apartment, and always ( at least in beginning) bragging about his money and education, he is way way off center.

As I said though a nutty crazy Republican is probably better than a normal liberal.
LOL yeah if you like wars

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