50,000 psychologists have signed petition saying Trump unfit to be president:

Once again, all these psychologists are in violation of 'The Goldwater Rule'. They have proven they are unethical.

Goldwater rule - Wikipedia

I don't see why? They are as entitled as anyone to judge his psychological fitness. You have to admit that with his red skin, funny hair, 3 wives, inability to speak English, lying about so much from the get go, his pussy grabbing arrogance, his gold leafed apartment, and always ( at least in beginning) bragging about his money and education, he is way way off center.

As I said though a nutty crazy Republican is probably better than a normal liberal.
LOL yeah if you like wars
Republicans are good at giving wars BS wars and trump is a disaster waiting to happen
I tend to agree with the 50,000 psychologists referred to in the New Yorker magazine article but that still leaves the question of whether Trump is more fit to serve than a liberal.

Given that liberals have destroyed our families, schools, religion, healthcare system, and driven our corporations off shore with their taxes,unions and regulations it seems clear that Trump is still by far the better choice.

I can't find a single link to this story and I strongly suspect it's fake. There is nothing out there even remotely similar.

It's unethical to diagnose without interviewing the subject and no ethical doctor would sign such a petition.

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