50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014. Should Dems Be Worried?

Multiple independent agencies have said between 50-100 million people will lose their employer based healthcare coverage next year.

Sorry Obama supporters, this fact cannot be challenged.

Very reputable organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, and even Obama Administration data says half to 2/3 of all small business will be forced to give up their employer benefits, plus million working for larger companies.

This issue raises several questions.

1. Most of these cancellations will be sent out before the mid-term elections. How does this affect Dems?

2. What will Obama do with his "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan," promise? Does he throw up to 100 million people into the exchanges and renege on his promise?

3. How will 50-100 million Americans respond to losing their coverage? Will there be riots? How do people vote after finding out they no longer have insurance?

4. Is any of this positive for the Democrat Party?

Here's a link to the full story. Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

I guess we'll be getting single payer much sooner than expected.

:lol: Yeah, right. People have already witnessed the shit storm that is ObamaCare and you think their logical response will be to hand the whole fucking thing over to D.C.?

In any case, as I've repeatedly stated, single payer is unconstitutional as no provision in the Constitution allows the government to nationalize an industry except for the military.
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I think we will see lots and lots of cancellations once the "employer mandate" kicks in.

If more than 10 million lose their plans, Democrats will lose the Senate in 2014.
I was shocked at 5 million. 50-100 million losing their insurance is unthinkable.

I agree with you, but remember, according to internal Obama Administration data, half to 2/3 of all small employers will have to cancel their employee plans because of Obamacare regulations or cost. That is an enormous number of people.

I know you have talked about the challenges of your small business. My guess is every small business owner in America is having the same experience.
I think it is pretty obvious Americans will never stand for this. If 50-100 million people get cancellations next year and the Dems don't stop it...they are toast.
I was shocked at 5 million. 50-100 million losing their insurance is unthinkable.

I agree with you, but remember, according to internal Obama Administration data, half to 2/3 of all small employers will have to cancel their employee plans because of Obamacare regulations or cost. That is an enormous number of people.

I know you have talked about the challenges of your small business. My guess is every small business owner in America is having the same experience.

Agreed. It was a tough decision but something I had to do.
I was shocked at 5 million. 50-100 million losing their insurance is unthinkable.

I agree with you, but remember, according to internal Obama Administration data, half to 2/3 of all small employers will have to cancel their employee plans because of Obamacare regulations or cost. That is an enormous number of people.

I know you have talked about the challenges of your small business. My guess is every small business owner in America is having the same experience.

Agreed. It was a tough decision but something I had to do.

I think that is the entire purpose of Obamacare as far as business goes. Make small business owners feel as much pain as possible so they have to dump their employees in the exchanges. It is evil, but that is how the Chicago mafia works/
I was shocked at 5 million. 50-100 million losing their insurance is unthinkable.

I agree with you, but remember, according to internal Obama Administration data, half to 2/3 of all small employers will have to cancel their employee plans because of Obamacare regulations or cost. That is an enormous number of people.

I know you have talked about the challenges of your small business. My guess is every small business owner in America is having the same experience.

Agreed. It was a tough decision but something I had to do.

I think that is the entire purpose of Obamacare as far as business goes. Make small business owners feel as much pain as possible so they have to dump their employees in the exchanges. It is evil, but that is how the Chicago mafia works.
50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.
Multiple independent agencies have said between 50-100 million people will lose their employer based healthcare coverage next year.

Sorry Obama supporters, this fact cannot be challenged.

Very reputable organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, and even Obama Administration data says half to 2/3 of all small business will be forced to give up their employer benefits, plus million working for larger companies.

This issue raises several questions.

1. Most of these cancellations will be sent out before the mid-term elections. How does this affect Dems?

2. What will Obama do with his "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan," promise? Does he throw up to 100 million people into the exchanges and renege on his promise?

3. How will 50-100 million Americans respond to losing their coverage? Will there be riots? How do people vote after finding out they no longer have insurance?

4. Is any of this positive for the Democrat Party?

Here's a link to the full story. Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Well 0 did say that almost 50 million don't have insurance. I guess he was counting the ones whose insurance he didn't like.

These libs really don't care what those people will have to go through. They have theirs, Medicaid, along with their welfare and food stamps. They can sit here all day long pontificating that this one or that one is a racist, etc. etc. etc. 0 is their lord and savior. He pays their bills and fills their bellies. They won't buck him. Ever.
50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.

Give it a rest pops.
Don't you ever tired of spouting Obama love?
50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.

Just can't stop yourself from repeating the lie, can ya? More coverage doesn't equal better coverage, I don't know many single guys who are in danger of getting pregnant.
50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.

they will not all wind up in the Obamacare exchanges but they WILL lose the plan they used to have in order to conform to Obamcare regs at most likely a higher cost...

and the charge that their insurance was "sub-standard" is stupid considering "the minimum actuarial value established for Obamacare was 60%: that is, plans must cover 60% of covered expenses for a typical plan member, leaving the rest to be paid out of pocket. Yet in 2009, the average actuarial value for a typical employer-based HMO was 93%, while that for a typical employer-based PPO was 80-84%. In contrast, Medicare’s average actuarial value was 76%."


No, David Axelrod, The 'Vast Majority of People In This Country' Are Not Keeping Their Plan - Forbes
Multiple independent agencies have said between 50-100 million people will lose their employer based healthcare coverage next year.

Sorry Obama supporters, this fact cannot be challenged.

Very reputable organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, and even Obama Administration data says half to 2/3 of all small business will be forced to give up their employer benefits, plus million working for larger companies.

This issue raises several questions.

1. Most of these cancellations will be sent out before the mid-term elections. How does this affect Dems?

2. What will Obama do with his "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan," promise? Does he throw up to 100 million people into the exchanges and renege on his promise?

3. How will 50-100 million Americans respond to losing their coverage? Will there be riots? How do people vote after finding out they no longer have insurance?

4. Is any of this positive for the Democrat Party?

Here's a link to the full story. Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Why should it? After all my liberal friend said that everything bad about Obama care is the fault of the Republicans. I just hope she receives treatment under Obamacare.
Multiple independent agencies have said between 50-100 million people will lose their employer based healthcare coverage next year.

Sorry Obama supporters, this fact cannot be challenged.

Very reputable organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, and even Obama Administration data says half to 2/3 of all small business will be forced to give up their employer benefits, plus million working for larger companies.

This issue raises several questions.

1. Most of these cancellations will be sent out before the mid-term elections. How does this affect Dems?

2. What will Obama do with his "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan," promise? Does he throw up to 100 million people into the exchanges and renege on his promise?

3. How will 50-100 million Americans respond to losing their coverage? Will there be riots? How do people vote after finding out they no longer have insurance?

4. Is any of this positive for the Democrat Party?

Here's a link to the full story. Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Well 0 did say that almost 50 million don't have insurance. I guess he was counting the ones whose insurance he didn't like.

These libs really don't care what those people will have to go through. They have theirs, Medicaid, along with their welfare and food stamps. They can sit here all day long pontificating that this one or that one is a racist, etc. etc. etc. 0 is their lord and savior. He pays their bills and fills their bellies. They won't buck him. Ever.

Can't hardly say I blame them. After all the MSM and the DNC lies their asses off to ensure they have scared those in need of public assistance that the mean old GOP are going to make them starve. What is equally amazing is that in the next breath the lying liberals will say most welfare is used in red states by lazy poor Republicans. Seriously do you think liberals think about what they are saying?

No one is going to let anyone starve that is a Democrat lie.

Reagan made sure that people would receive treatment for health care problems and not be turned away, that is a Republican truth.

Reagan made sure that the poor had more money in their pocket in the form of EIC.

There is absolutely no reason for people to believe the Democrat lies but apparently they do. Even with the country in shambles after 7 years of Democrat control it is amazing to me what the Republicans get the blame.
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50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.

Both statements are completely factual wrong. But you did spout the Obama talking points perfectly so I guess...in that sense...you're half right?

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