50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014. Should Dems Be Worried?

Herein lies your problem. The American Enterprise Institute and the Manhattan Institute are NOT "Very reputable organizations"

If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue.
Edmund Burke

So how many people have lost their insurance the past 2 months?
50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.

Yes, thanks to ObamaCare, men can get Pap smears

Praise Allah

Oh and don't forget that $5,000 deductible
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50-100 Million will lose their Insurance in 2014.

. . . it will be far less, and that is substandard Insurance they will lose in order to get better insurance at an affordable price.

Both statements are completely factual wrong. But you did spout the Obama talking points perfectly so I guess...in that sense...you're half right?

But Jake is a "mainstream" Republican.

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