$50 Billion Signing Bonus for Iran


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
So, all they have to do is agree to a non-binding agreement and are able to refuse any inspections of their military bases. In other words, they just have to verbally agree that they won't put all their money and effort into plotting to kill us and our allies and, as an award, we'll look the other way after we ensure they can gain all the tools to kill us and our allies.

Obama is all about releasing terrorists and facilitating their advancement. Making sure that the most evil terrorist states can have their people back and now that they can continue developing weapons and have billions of dollars to do so.

"The State Department on Monday would not rule out giving Iran up to $50 billion as a so-called "signing bonus" for agreeing to a nuclear deal later this year, according to comments made to journalists following reports that the Obama administration had formulated a plan to release tens of billions of frozen Iranian funds.

Experts have said this multi-billion dollar "signing bonus" option, which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal, could be the largest cash infusion to a terror-backing regime in recent memory.

A cash release of $30 to $50 billion upon reaching a final nuclear agreement would come in addition to the more than $11 billion in unfrozen assets that Iran will already have received under an interim nuclear accord reached in 2013."

Wasn't their a thread about this earlier with the EXACT same name? :rofl:

You rubes take your orders well! :lmao:

So you have a problem with the thread but not with our President buying off terrorists just so he can have a deal with Iran?
Wasn't their a thread about this earlier with the EXACT same name? :rofl:

You rubes take your orders well! :lmao:

So you have a problem with the thread but not with our President buying off terrorists just so he can have a deal with Iran?

The way this deal is shaping up I am surprised we aren't just giving them some of our nukes. This president is totally clueless. If it wasn't for guys like Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, and James Buchanan he would be the worst president we have ever had.
Wasn't their a thread about this earlier with the EXACT same name? :rofl:

You rubes take your orders well! :lmao:

So you have a problem with the thread but not with our President buying off terrorists just so he can have a deal with Iran?

The way this deal is shaping up I am surprised we aren't just giving them some of our nukes. This president is totally clueless. If it wasn't for guys like Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, and James Buchanan he would be the worst president we have ever had.

Please, don't give Obama any ideas.

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