50 electors are now demanding to see intel on Russian interference of election


Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

You've lost the White House.

You've lost the Senate.

You've lost the House.

You've lost the Supreme Court - and that, for another generation or two.


Because you lost the White Middle Class.

Should have spent less time with homos, Illegal Beaners, minorities and Muslims...

And more time with straight, American, White Christians...

( without taunting them with 'dying breed' and 'deplorable' invective )

Those Straight, Christian, White Middle-Americans just kicked your dumb LibTard asses up one side of Pennsylvania Avenue and down the other...

Your actions had consequences...

These are yours...

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You almost gotta laugh that the Hussein administration's "intelligence" hacks refuse to cooperate with legitimate congressional investigations into the allegations. A reasonable assumption is that the "intelligence" hacks want to keep the fantasy in play in the crooked mainstream media in a forlorn hope that it can impact the results of a presidential election. It's reason #1 that Trump should dismantle and bulldoze Langley and start over.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.

Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

That's the problem, he didn't two shits about the American workers or the middle class, he just gave them more burdens and rules.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

That's the problem, he didn't two shits about the American workers or the middle class, he just gave them more burdens and rules.

Naked assertions in light of contradicting evidence are rarely convincing.
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.

Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.

Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.

More clueless counterfactual.
So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.

Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.

More clueless.
Matters not what you think. His "progress" (lol) will be undone by the next president thankfully. Fuck Obamacare and I don't give a rats ass that two shit packers can get married.
No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.

Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.

More clueless.
Matters not what you think. His "progress" (lol) will be undone by the next president thankfully. Fuck Obamacare and I don't give a rats ass that two shit packers can get married.

You don't need to keep saying factually false statements to hate on Obama - true story.
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

That's the problem, he didn't two shits about the American workers or the middle class, he just gave them more burdens and rules.

Naked assertions in light of contradicting evidence are rarely convincing.

Nope, reality. He burdened the working middle class with higher health care costs. Thanks to him I pay $7800 a year before my health care kicks in. I can pay more a month to lessen the deductible but it isn't worth it. Couldn't keep my insurance, couldn't keep my doctor, just Obama lives. We have lots of low paying jobs so many can have two and three jobs to make ends meet. If you don't get insurance the government taxes you a penalty.

When healthcare originally kicked in, Obama gave businesses and extra year to comply but the working middle class got no break.

Obama is not for Middle America he is for the rich and we see it again and again, but don't let facts skew your partisan BS.

Maybe Trump will surprise us but I doubt it.
Which had ZERO impact on the people that needed it the most. He didn't care so much about the poor as he did fucking over the rich.
Very few presidents actually "care" but you idiots go on pretending they do.

Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.

More clueless.
Matters not what you think. His "progress" (lol) will be undone by the next president thankfully. Fuck Obamacare and I don't give a rats ass that two shit packers can get married.

You don't need to keep saying factually false statements to hate on Obama - true story.
You don't need to pretend you know more than anyone else.

I don't hate Obama but I know he has been the worst president of my lifetime. True story
Tell that to millions who today have health insurance because of his policies.
Tell that to millions who pay lower interest on student loans.
Tell that to millions who no longer get near-usery interest rates and late charges on their credit cards.
Tell that to gays who can proudly serve their country and get married.
Tell that to millions who were employed in tough times because of Obama's expansionary policies.

Zero impact? That is a ridiculous, clueless statement. You should read through the list I linked to.
Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.

More clueless.
Matters not what you think. His "progress" (lol) will be undone by the next president thankfully. Fuck Obamacare and I don't give a rats ass that two shit packers can get married.

You don't need to keep saying factually false statements to hate on Obama - true story.
You don't need to pretend you know more than anyone else.

I don't hate Obama but I know he has been the worst president of my lifetime. True story

Thats, right, I don't. All I have to do is point to the facts which easily contradict what you say. Thats kind of the whole weakness of talking out of your ass based on nothing but politico emotions.
Do they have security clearance to view Classified or Top Secret information?

If there is an opportunity to embarrass the Russians the administration should do so. Considering how much CNN and the Democratic party were embarrassed, it would somewhat even the score.

For the record, in the future, CNN and the Democratic party might want to engage in a fair primary of their own party...
Do they have security clearance to view Classified or Top Secret information?

If there is an opportunity to embarrass the Russians the administration should do so. Considering how much CNN and the Democratic party were embarrassed, it would somewhat even the score.

For the record, in the future, CNN and the Democratic party might want to engage in a fair primary of their own party...

There will be a full declassified report on this.
You almost gotta laugh that the Hussein administration's "intelligence" hacks refuse to cooperate with legitimate congressional investigations into the allegations. A reasonable assumption is that the "intelligence" hacks want to keep the fantasy in play in the crooked mainstream media in a forlorn hope that it can impact the results of a presidential election. It's reason #1 that Trump should dismantle and bulldoze Langley and start over.
Tell me 'bout it!
Oscama is the one who demanded the 'full scale investigation',
from the entire intelligence community with a report before
he leaves office on Jan 20th...get the fuck outta here

It's an embarrassment either way...fake news or....
incompetent intelligence agencies, don't even know
we're under cyber attack by the Russians. :disbelief:
If the Russians tried to fix the election in favor of Trump then they were incompetent as hell since Crooked Hillary got more votes.

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