50 electors are now demanding to see intel on Russian interference of election

Gotta love the logic .... the fact that he gets inaugurated, "... adds to the many reasons he will get impeached ..."

Boy, I should reckon ... if he doesn't get inaugurated, there is ZERO chance he'll be impeached.
You moron. Do I really have to spell things out to you? The Russian cooperation with Trump is part of the many reasons why he'll get impeached.

You have to resort to name calling so early? We haven't even had our first kiss yet.

You, of course, claim "Russian cooperation with Trump". And, just as probably, you have absolutely no proof of any collusion (not cooperation) between Russia and Trump. In fact, you have a POTUS who has stood up and said there wasn't - and to claim there was is irresponsible.

The simple truth is this .... emails were released (we haven't even proven they were hacked, since the source claims he got them from an insider). Those emails exposed your candidate for what she was (nobody has claimed that the content of any of the released emails was doctored) ... and, as a direct result, she lost the election.

So, do you blame the emails? Or, do you blame her dishonesty? Or, maybe you should blame yourself for not believing what was right in front of you - blame yourself for marching smartly, blinders intact, right off the cliff.
Ok so do you not understand what the word "cooperation" means? You saying "collusion" instead doesn't make "cooperation" a misused word you idiot lol.

See you're of course harping on Hillary. Why I don't know. I don't give a shit about Hillary. You claiming this Russian interference doesn't matter just because Hillary's campaign had unfair advantage over Bernie is such moronic thinking. These leaks had nothing to do with her race against Trump. Stop pretending a Russian interference on our election does not matter just because they helped elect the insecure douche bag known as Trump.

"Russian interference on our election"

Yet again I must Object! Assumes facts not in evidence!

There is no actionable evidence the the Russians did any such thing, or that President-Elect Trump had a hand in, or knowledge of, any such action if indeed it did in fact happened.

OK, bring on the Trump/Russian Lover rhetoric, since you have nothing else.

The evidence is still classified. It was shown to Congress in September. Democrats wanted the information from those briefings to be given to the public. Republican opposed. This was their public Statement.

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

We're going to get the information sooner or later.

You forgot to mention 1 important part.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security
Release Date:
October 7, 2016

Now explain what this report has to do with the election of Nov. 8, 2016. A full month BEFORE the General Election. Now, explain how it pertains to the assertion that the Russians hacked the General and aided in Trumps election.

Claiming that they hacked the Democrat Primary, then making the assumption that they hacked the General, without evidence, is irresponsible. Said assumption is running rampant on these boards, that's why I object and state facts not in evidence .

As stated by others before, this is a ploy to overrule a awful election because their preferred candidate lost.

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

The Electoral College will vote him in next week. He will be inaugurated. He will be your president for the next four years.
Oh I agree that the most likely scenario will be him getting inaugurated. To me it just adds the many reasons why he will get impeached. When republicans realize they have no control over Trump politically, they'll give him the boot. They have plenty of ground to do so.

No, they don't and they won't.
More than 50 Democratic voters in the Electoral College ....

I do believe there is one Republican. Not that it matters. Let's not disturb Billy from his thumb sucking.

So does this mean that Trump will only get 305 Electoral College votes? That is still an ass wupping on Crooked Hillary, isn't it? I think the technical term is "schlonged".
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

Knock, knock!

Billy: Who's there?


Billy: Reality who??

Reality bites.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

I totally concur that Trump must be stopped at mall costs. Even the Left now realizes that Trump's rolling back of regulations and reducing corporate tax rates coupled with a Cabinet geared toward economic success and job creation is something that will succeed and cause the total destruction of the Democratic Party. Trump cannot be allowed to succeed.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.
You know I'm right.
How does this break down by party?
49 to 1
I wonder how many leftists will totally lose it on January 20th when Trump is sworn in
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

Knock, knock!

Billy: Who's there?


Billy: Reality who??

Reality bites.
I'm glad you are still able to coast on this liberal butt hurt theme. It clearly serves as a defense mechanism because you can't accept the reality that electing Trump was a terrible idea. Down the road you may need therapy though.

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