50 electors are now demanding to see intel on Russian interference of election

Zero impact on those that needed the help. The poor already get free healthcare.

More clueless.
Matters not what you think. His "progress" (lol) will be undone by the next president thankfully. Fuck Obamacare and I don't give a rats ass that two shit packers can get married.

You don't need to keep saying factually false statements to hate on Obama - true story.
You don't need to pretend you know more than anyone else.

I don't hate Obama but I know he has been the worst president of my lifetime. True story

Thats, right, I don't. All I have to do is point to the facts which easily contradict what you say. Thats kind of the whole weakness of talking out of your ass based on nothing but politico emotions.

You have posted no facts, you just post denial and opinion.



Electoral College!



Silly Moon Bats. Their candidate lost because she was incompetent, corrupt and dishonest who ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open orders, let in a million shithead Muslims and demonize the NRA and in addition, nobody really liked her.
And educated White women......sorry I meant 'educated White women supremacists'.



Electoral College!



Silly Moon Bats. Their candidate lost because she was incompetent, corrupt and dishonest who ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open orders, let in a million shithead Muslims and demonize the NRA and in addition, nobody really liked her.

Yeah she was so horrible she got 2.7 million more votes than the winner. That'll show her and all the world how seriously flawed she was huh?
The shank got those votes from many illegals in California. Any coastal 'limousine Libs.
None of whom I waste my time taking a piss on.



Electoral College!



Silly Moon Bats. Their candidate lost because she was incompetent, corrupt and dishonest who ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open orders, let in a million shithead Muslims and demonize the NRA and in addition, nobody really liked her.

Yeah she was so horrible she got 2.7 million more votes than the winner. That'll show her and all the world how seriously flawed she was huh?
The shank got those votes from many illegals in California. Any coastal 'limousine Libs.
None of whom I waste my time taking a piss on.

Keep telling yourself that.
Nothing will compare to the amount of stupidity and anguish you'll feel once you realize Trump doesn't give two shits about you and will accomplish nothing he promised. Hell hes alreadly flip flopped on all of his promises but you lack the emotional maturity to acknowledge that fact I guess.

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

That's the problem, he didn't two shits about the American workers or the middle class, he just gave them more burdens and rules.

Naked assertions in light of contradicting evidence are rarely convincing.

Nope, reality. He burdened the working middle class with higher health care costs. Thanks to him I pay $7800 a year before my health care kicks in. I can pay more a month to lessen the deductible but it isn't worth it. Couldn't keep my insurance, couldn't keep my doctor, just Obama lives. We have lots of low paying jobs so many can have two and three jobs to make ends meet. If you don't get insurance the government taxes you a penalty.

When healthcare originally kicked in, Obama gave businesses and extra year to comply but the working middle class got no break.

Obama is not for Middle America he is for the rich and we see it again and again, but don't let facts skew your partisan BS.

Maybe Trump will surprise us but I doubt it.

Look on the bright side, you have insurance you can afford that meets quality standards and will be there for you when shit really hits the fan. You had no such assurances before Obamacare. And don't forget to take advantage of the free preventative services.

Obamacare extended what YOU have, for the first time in this country's history, available to ALL AMERICANS. I think it is a remarkable leap forward and a proud moment for us.
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A reality check here:

So I am going to feel like I did when Obama was elected.

No reason to think your feelings are acutely connected to reality. Obama actually delivered most of what he promised.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

That's the problem, he didn't two shits about the American workers or the middle class, he just gave them more burdens and rules.

Naked assertions in light of contradicting evidence are rarely convincing.

Nope, reality. He burdened the working middle class with higher health care costs. Thanks to him I pay $7800 a year before my health care kicks in. I can pay more a month to lessen the deductible but it isn't worth it. Couldn't keep my insurance, couldn't keep my doctor, just Obama lives. We have lots of low paying jobs so many can have two and three jobs to make ends meet. If you don't get insurance the government taxes you a penalty.

When healthcare originally kicked in, Obama gave businesses and extra year to comply but the working middle class got no break.

Obama is not for Middle America he is for the rich and we see it again and again, but don't let facts skew your partisan BS.

Maybe Trump will surprise us but I doubt it.

Look on the bright side, you have insurance you can afford that meets quality standards and will be there for you when shit really hits the fan. You had no such assurances before Obamacare. And don't forget to take advantage of the free preventative services.

Obamacare extended what YOU have, for the first time in this country's history, available to ALL AMERICANS. I think it is a remarkable leap forward and a proud moment for us.
a. " .... insurance you can afford ..."
b. " ... meets quality standards ..."
c. "... free preventative services ... "

Which one is NOT true?

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. All of the above
These asshole snowflakes who demanded Trump promise not to contest the election...only to contest it themselves are hilarious.

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