50 electors are now demanding to see intel on Russian interference of election


Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

The Electoral College will vote him in next week. He will be inaugurated. He will be your president for the next four years.
Oh I agree that the most likely scenario will be him getting inaugurated. To me it just adds the many reasons why he will get impeached. When republicans realize they have no control over Trump politically, they'll give him the boot. They have plenty of ground to do so.

Gotta love the logic .... the fact that he gets inaugurated, "... adds to the many reasons he will get impeached ..."

Boy, I should reckon ... if he doesn't get inaugurated, there is ZERO chance he'll be impeached.
All 50 are Democrats.

Actually, this morning it's up to 52 ... 51 Democrats and 1 Republican (from California)

Don't it figure ....

I think they should protest by withholding their vote completely. Then, instead of 306 - 232, it will be 305 - 181

Boy, THAT will show him !!!

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

54 asshole Democrat electors that were voting for that despicable Crooked Hillary bitch. Who gives a shit what those assholes think? They are the losers and they are dumbasses for backing that incompetent, dishonest and corrupt. Sore losers.

They need to be asking questions about how Crooked Hillary's illegal home server was hacked while she was Secretary of State than worrying about 60 million votes for Trump.
These people want an intelligence briefing but given the information they want the briefing on is classified and I suspect none of them are cleared to see classified information there is zero chance of this happening which despite them being Democrats I'm sure they know which makes this whole request nothing but partisan grandstanding.

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

The Electoral College will vote him in next week. He will be inaugurated. He will be your president for the next four years.
Oh I agree that the most likely scenario will be him getting inaugurated. To me it just adds the many reasons why he will get impeached. When republicans realize they have no control over Trump politically, they'll give him the boot. They have plenty of ground to do so.

Gotta love the logic .... the fact that he gets inaugurated, "... adds to the many reasons he will get impeached ..."

Boy, I should reckon ... if he doesn't get inaugurated, there is ZERO chance he'll be impeached.
You moron. Do I really have to spell things out to you? The Russian cooperation with Trump is part of the many reasons why he'll get impeached.



Electoral College!



Silly Moon Bats. Their candidate lost because she was incompetent, corrupt and dishonest who ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open orders, let in a million shithead Muslims and demonize the NRA and in addition, nobody really liked her.

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

The Electoral College will vote him in next week. He will be inaugurated. He will be your president for the next four years.
Oh I agree that the most likely scenario will be him getting inaugurated. To me it just adds the many reasons why he will get impeached. When republicans realize they have no control over Trump politically, they'll give him the boot. They have plenty of ground to do so.

Gotta love the logic .... the fact that he gets inaugurated, "... adds to the many reasons he will get impeached ..."

Boy, I should reckon ... if he doesn't get inaugurated, there is ZERO chance he'll be impeached.
You moron. Do I really have to spell things out to you? The Russian cooperation with Trump is part of the many reasons why he'll get impeached.
it will? please post up the warrants.
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Electoral College!



Silly Moon Bats. Their candidate lost because she was incompetent, corrupt and dishonest who ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open orders, let in a million shithead Muslims and demonize the NRA and in addition, nobody really liked her.
and thanks wikileaks.



Electoral College!



Silly Moon Bats. Their candidate lost because she was incompetent, corrupt and dishonest who ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open orders, let in a million shithead Muslims and demonize the NRA and in addition, nobody really liked her.
and thanks wikileaks.

Wikileaks did a great service to this country by letting the American people know how corrupt the Democrat Party and Crooked Hillary were. If the Russians helped them then good for them. The filthy ass mainstream Liberal press were sure not going to do any investigating reporting on either that Obama asshole or that Crooked Hillary bitch.

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

What you seem to fail to understand is electors are there to carry out the will of their State, their personal opinions are irrelevant to the process, they already had their vote, now they represent the State.

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

The Electoral College will vote him in next week. He will be inaugurated. He will be your president for the next four years.
Oh I agree that the most likely scenario will be him getting inaugurated. To me it just adds the many reasons why he will get impeached. When republicans realize they have no control over Trump politically, they'll give him the boot. They have plenty of ground to do so.

Gotta love the logic .... the fact that he gets inaugurated, "... adds to the many reasons he will get impeached ..."

Boy, I should reckon ... if he doesn't get inaugurated, there is ZERO chance he'll be impeached.
You moron. Do I really have to spell things out to you? The Russian cooperation with Trump is part of the many reasons why he'll get impeached.

You have to resort to name calling so early? We haven't even had our first kiss yet.

You, of course, claim "Russian cooperation with Trump". And, just as probably, you have absolutely no proof of any collusion (not cooperation) between Russia and Trump. In fact, you have a POTUS who has stood up and said there wasn't - and to claim there was is irresponsible.

The simple truth is this .... emails were released (we haven't even proven they were hacked, since the source claims he got them from an insider). Those emails exposed your candidate for what she was (nobody has claimed that the content of any of the released emails was doctored) ... and, as a direct result, she lost the election.

So, do you blame the emails? Or, do you blame her dishonesty? Or, maybe you should blame yourself for not believing what was right in front of you - blame yourself for marching smartly, blinders intact, right off the cliff.
Say libs., when you start the impeachment process, what you figure will be the crime?

1. He's Republican.
2. He's white.
3. He's male.
4. He said grab a pussy.
5. All of the above.

Good. All avenues must be explored to make sure that piece of shit doesn't get inaugurated.

The Electoral College will vote him in next week. He will be inaugurated. He will be your president for the next four years.
Oh I agree that the most likely scenario will be him getting inaugurated. To me it just adds the many reasons why he will get impeached. When republicans realize they have no control over Trump politically, they'll give him the boot. They have plenty of ground to do so.

How and why would he get impeached?

It would be hilarious to see how many Republicans would then say we need to change the way the EC works....But I'm resigned to live under the Groper's Regime. We survived Ray-Gun and we'll survive the Groper.

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