50% of Americans say Russiagate is witch hunt and the number is growing.

Poll Shows Half of Americans Support Impeachment Against Trump

61 percent believe president broke law with 2016 hush payments to women

An even larger number — 63 percent — say they support the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian election meddling and possible coordination between Russians and the Trump campaign.

And more than half — 53 percent — believe Trump has tried to interfere in Special Cousel Robert Mueller’s investigation into actions that would make the president guilty of obstruction of justice.



Poll Shows Half of Americans Support Impeachment Against Trump

61 percent believe president broke law with 2016 hush payments to women

An even larger number — 63 percent — say they support the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian election meddling and possible coordination between Russians and the Trump campaign.

And more than half — 53 percent — believe Trump has tried to interfere in Special Cousel Robert Mueller’s investigation into actions that would make the president guilty of obstruction of justice.



You do realize your link is about a year old, right? And we won't even address "Roll Call". Oops...dumbass.

"Hey Deanie won't you come out tonight" is a propagandist! He will post anything, and everything, hoping that people won't research anything.

In essence, in politics, he is grasping for what is know as in LEFTIST circles...……..low hanging fruit.

Are you low hanging fruit, dumb enough to be convinced by people like Deanie, because you never investigate anything?

Josseff Goebells would be proud of a person like Deanie. He was the master of propaganda, and if you don't believe it, look it up. You do not have to like the President, you really do not. You don't have to like us. Hell, you don't even have to like what we want to do! But what you DO need to find out is-------------->who is LYING to you. Once you discover that, then you need ask your self why! Why would they LIE!

No matter our technology or our social compact inside this and other countries, humans are still HUMANS! The same thing that happened in 250BC, can happen in 2020 AD. The only difference is------------------>it is EASIER to propagandize you.

So what is it worth to you? Are you actually paying attention to BOTH sides, or rather, are you going along with what you WANT to think, because it fits the beliefs of what you want to be true?

Do YOU personally understand, that if in the most free country the world has ever seen, YOU can be convinced of lie through propaganda, the human race has zero chance?

I know many of you do not want to do it, but tonight...……...when you gaze upon your children as they get ready for bed, you should realize it is your DUTY to look into what is actually going on. You owe them that much since you brought them into the world, and they are relying on you. You might not like what you discover, but facts do not discriminate, only innuendo does.

Do your JOB, and in reality, you only have 1 JOB, and that is to insure, our country that YOUR children will inherit, lives on as the greatest country this planet has ever been witness to. It is your choice...……..your children, or being a far Leftist, socialist. You choose!

Wow. I'm surprised that someone who marches in lock step with Alex Jones and Fox would feel that way about lying. Have you noted how often your orange fool of a president lies?
50% say witch hunt
28% say its not
22% say undecided

The public is waking up.

Poll: Half of Americans say Trump is victim of a 'witch hunt' as trust in Mueller erodes
Bullshit poll with misleading question.

"President Trump has called the Special Counsel’s investigation a ‘witch hunt’ and said he’s been subjected to more investigations than previous presidents because of politics. Do you agree?"

Yes, I agree that he's said that.

No, it doesn't mean it's true.

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