50 shots fired in deadly nightclub attack in Houston

I've done this math many times in the past...but I don't mind doing it again.

Missouri had 600 murders in 2021

The population was 6.2 million.

There were 200 murders in St Louis.

The population of St. Louis was 300k.

Another 150 murders in Kansas City, MO.

The population of KC, MO is 450k.

Got that? The two Democratic controlled cities in Missouri... The two largest cities...account for significantly more than half of the murders in Missouri.

Those two cities with a combined population of 750,000 accounted for 350 murders.

The other 250 murders were spread among the other 5,500,000 residents of the state.

And I mean SPREAD.

The next largest city in Missouri is Republican controlled.

Springfield MO is a little more than half the population of St Louis, 165K vs 300K respectively, but more single family home based compared to the high rises, apartment buildings, row houses and tenament of St Louis...and a different demographic.

St Louis had a population of 300k and 200 murders.

Springfield had a population of 165K...


...11 Murders.

Links below.

State population and population density:

2021 Missouri state murder totals:

Missouri 2021 Murder by cities:

*Some numbers are rounded for ease of assimilation.

There were 593 total murders in Missouri and 194 murders in St Louis.
Last edited:
Downtown St. Louis:


Downtown Springfield:


That tall white "building" is a grain elevator with silos next to it.
Houston, Austin, and El Paso are THREE MAJOR CANCERS on the face of Texas, that need to be CUT OUT and DESTROYED.

Unfortunately, these cancers are growing, not getting better.
You must be a special kind of stupid to think that any of these fools even have a political party..nevermind the interest in one.

I don't blame shit on 'guns' any more than I blame hammers for houses. Now..gun culture..is a different story entirely~

They were all likely arrested, then released, over and over again by democrat party judges and prosecutors........that is the connection....
What's the point in me joining in the discussion here when it's already been spammed into irrelevance?

All that's left is for 2Aguy to proclaim that it doesn't qualify as another mass shooting.

It's not...gang violence you moron.

WHO RUNS Houston? It's the POLICIES ya dope.
Unless you're an idiot, that's all that needs to be said.
Like NewYork, Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta.....maybe you get it now?

Your title....."50 shots fired" kinda sounds like you're blaming it on guns.

Not only that, the democrat party opened the border......Texas has been flooded by cartel thugs too.......
I've done this math many times in the past...but I don't mind doing it again.

Missouri had 600 murders in 2021

The population was 6.2 million.

There were 200 murders in St Louis.

The population of St. Louis was 300k.

Another 150 murders in Kansas City, MO.

The population of KC, MO is 450k.

Got that? The two Democratic controlled cities in Missouri... The two largest cities...account for significantly more than half of the murders in Missouri.

Those two cities with a combined population of 750,000 accounted for 350 murders.

The other 250 murders were spread among the other 5,500,000 residents of the state.

And I mean SPREAD.

The next largest city in Missouri is Republican controlled.

Springfield MO is a little more than half the population of St Louis, 165K vs 300K respectively, but more single family home based compared to the high rises, apartment buildings, row houses and tenament of St Louis...and a different demographic.

St Louis had a population of 300k and 200 murders.

Springfield had a population of 165K...


...11 Murders.

Links below.

State population and population density:

2021 Missouri state murder totals:

Missouri 2021 Murder by cities:

*Some numbers are rounded for ease of assimilation.

There were 593 total murders in Missouri and 194 murders in St Louis.

Facts are confusing .It’s much easier to just use one’s feelings.

WHO RUNS Houston? It's the POLICIES ya dope.
Unless you're an idiot, that's all that needs to be said.
Like NewYork, Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta.....maybe you get it now?

Your title....."50 shots fired" kinda sounds like you're blaming it on guns.
They still have that Lesbian Police Chief ( Or was it County Sheriff ??)
Houston, Austin, and El Paso are THREE MAJOR CANCERS on the face of Texas, that need to be CUT OUT and DESTROYED.

Unfortunately, these cancers are growing, not getting better.

Unfortunately big cities are a necessary evil.
They provide a central place for businesses to operate.
On the plus side we dont have to rely on them to survive if things go to shit,in fact they'd be a hindrance with a large population of useless eaters.
And they'd soon starve to death or die from dysentery.
I suspect it was a lot better, vibrancy-wise, back then.
I dunno, it was still full of crime. I was even a semi witness to a shooting. We lived in these apartments and there was this druggie woman that was at odds with everyone. One day she was arguing with the manager who was an old lady. This women was in her 20's. She grabbed the manager by the hair and started raking her head across the top of the chain link fence around the pool.


So I went and pulled her off the manager and she attacked me but I just blocked her punches. The manager ran to her apartment and closed her door. This crazy bitch ran over to the managers door and started trying to kick it in and my wife and I ran to our apartment. Just as we got there she kicked the door open and we heard a loud gun shot and the crazy bitch was on the ground half in and half out of the doorway.

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