50th Anniversary of Israel’s Infamous USS Liberty Attack

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2008 Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader discusses John McCain and Israel's bombing in the U.S.S. Liberty.
Israel wanted to sink the USS Liberty with all sailors aboard and then blame it on Egypt, as a way to drag America into the conflict.

But the ship refused to sink, and Israel had to cease the attack, and invent a cover story to hide the truth.

Basically, the incident was a Zionist false flag mission gone wrong. .... :cool:

You goofy converts do like your conspiracy theories.

True story. :cool:

Consider the Source
ON JUNE 8, 1967, an Israeli torpedo tore through the side of the unarmed American naval vessel USS Liberty, approximately a dozen miles off the Sinai coast. The ship, whose crew was under command of the National Security Agency, was intercepting communications at the height of the Six-Day War when it came under direct Israeli aerial and naval assault.

Reverberations from the torpedo blast sent crewman Ernie Gallo flying across the radio research room where he was stationed. Gallo, a communications technician aboard the Liberty, found himself and his fellow shipmates in the midst of an attack that would leave 34 Americans dead and 171 wounded.

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assault on the USS Liberty, and though it was among the worst attacks in history against a noncombatant U.S. naval vessel, the tragedy remains shrouded in secrecy. The question of if and when Israeli forces became aware they were killing Americans has proved a point of particular contention in the on-again, off-again public debate that has simmered over the last half a century. The Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigationproceedings following the incident were held in closed sessions, and the survivors who had been on board received gag orders forbidding them to ever talk about what they endured that day.
Fifty Years Later, NSA Keeps Details of Israel’s USS Liberty Attack Secret
more argumentum ad hominem from Hollow Hollie
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USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack on June 8, 1967 - TERRORSTORM Documentary Excerpt
In early June of 1967, at the onset of the Six Day War, the Pentagon sent the USS Liberty from Spain into international waters off the coast of Gaza to monitor the progress of Israel’s attack on the Arab states. The Liberty was a lightly armed surveillance ship.

Only hours after the Liberty arrived it was spotted by the Israeli military. The IDF sent out reconnaissance planes to identify the ship. They made eight trips over a period of three hours. The Liberty was flying a large US flag and was easily recognizable as an American vessel.

Soon more planes came. These were Israeli Mirage III fighters, armed with rockets and machine guns. As off-duty officers sunbathed on the deck, the fighters opened fire on the defenseless ship with rockets and machine guns.

A few minutes later a second wave of planes streaked overhead, French-built Mystere jets, which not only pelted the ship with gunfire but also with napalm bomblets, coating the deck with the flaming jelly. By now, the Liberty was on fire and dozens were wounded and killed, excluding several of the ship’s top officers.

The Liberty’s radio team tried to issue a distress call, but discovered the frequencies had been jammed by the Israeli planes with what one communications specialist called “a buzzsaw sound.” Finally, an open channel was found and the Liberty got out a message it was under attack to the USS America, the Sixth Fleet’s large aircraft carrier.

Two F-4s left the carrier to come to the Liberty’s aid. Apparently, the jets were armed only with nuclear weapons. When word reached the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara became irate and ordered the jets to return. “Tell the Sixth Fleet to get those aircraft back immediately,” he barked. McNamara’s injunction was reiterated in saltier terms by Admiral David L. McDonald, the chief of Naval Operations: “You get those fucking airplanes back on deck, and you get them back down.” The planes turned around. And the attack on the Liberty continued.

After the Israeli fighter jets had emptied their arsenal of rockets, three Israeli attack boats approached the Liberty. Two torpedoes were launched at the crippled ship, one tore a 40-foot wide hole in the hull, flooding the lower compartments, and killing more than a dozen American sailors.

Infamy at Sea: Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty 50 Years Later
In early June of 1967, at the onset of the Six Day War, the Pentagon sent the USS Liberty from Spain into international waters off the coast of Gaza to monitor the progress of Israel’s attack on the Arab states. The Liberty was a lightly armed surveillance ship.

Only hours after the Liberty arrived it was spotted by the Israeli military. The IDF sent out reconnaissance planes to identify the ship. They made eight trips over a period of three hours. The Liberty was flying a large US flag and was easily recognizable as an American vessel.

Soon more planes came. These were Israeli Mirage III fighters, armed with rockets and machine guns. As off-duty officers sunbathed on the deck, the fighters opened fire on the defenseless ship with rockets and machine guns.

A few minutes later a second wave of planes streaked overhead, French-built Mystere jets, which not only pelted the ship with gunfire but also with napalm bomblets, coating the deck with the flaming jelly. By now, the Liberty was on fire and dozens were wounded and killed, excluding several of the ship’s top officers.

The Liberty’s radio team tried to issue a distress call, but discovered the frequencies had been jammed by the Israeli planes with what one communications specialist called “a buzzsaw sound.” Finally, an open channel was found and the Liberty got out a message it was under attack to the USS America, the Sixth Fleet’s large aircraft carrier.

Two F-4s left the carrier to come to the Liberty’s aid. Apparently, the jets were armed only with nuclear weapons. When word reached the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara became irate and ordered the jets to return. “Tell the Sixth Fleet to get those aircraft back immediately,” he barked. McNamara’s injunction was reiterated in saltier terms by Admiral David L. McDonald, the chief of Naval Operations: “You get those fucking airplanes back on deck, and you get them back down.” The planes turned around. And the attack on the Liberty continued.

After the Israeli fighter jets had emptied their arsenal of rockets, three Israeli attack boats approached the Liberty. Two torpedoes were launched at the crippled ship, one tore a 40-foot wide hole in the hull, flooding the lower compartments, and killing more than a dozen American sailors.

Infamy at Sea: Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty 50 Years Later

Having been to Israel personally and knowing how much Israelis worship anything American, I am willing to give Israel the benefit of the doubt in this case. Stores in Israel have signs that say, "Come in. Our store is a little America." Products have labels that say, "Just like in America." They gulp down news from America. So it's pretty safe to say that they would never purposely harm Americans.
In early June of 1967, at the onset of the Six Day War, the Pentagon sent the USS Liberty from Spain into international waters off the coast of Gaza to monitor the progress of Israel’s attack on the Arab states. The Liberty was a lightly armed surveillance ship.

Only hours after the Liberty arrived it was spotted by the Israeli military. The IDF sent out reconnaissance planes to identify the ship. They made eight trips over a period of three hours. The Liberty was flying a large US flag and was easily recognizable as an American vessel.

Soon more planes came. These were Israeli Mirage III fighters, armed with rockets and machine guns. As off-duty officers sunbathed on the deck, the fighters opened fire on the defenseless ship with rockets and machine guns.

A few minutes later a second wave of planes streaked overhead, French-built Mystere jets, which not only pelted the ship with gunfire but also with napalm bomblets, coating the deck with the flaming jelly. By now, the Liberty was on fire and dozens were wounded and killed, excluding several of the ship’s top officers.

The Liberty’s radio team tried to issue a distress call, but discovered the frequencies had been jammed by the Israeli planes with what one communications specialist called “a buzzsaw sound.” Finally, an open channel was found and the Liberty got out a message it was under attack to the USS America, the Sixth Fleet’s large aircraft carrier.

Two F-4s left the carrier to come to the Liberty’s aid. Apparently, the jets were armed only with nuclear weapons. When word reached the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara became irate and ordered the jets to return. “Tell the Sixth Fleet to get those aircraft back immediately,” he barked. McNamara’s injunction was reiterated in saltier terms by Admiral David L. McDonald, the chief of Naval Operations: “You get those fucking airplanes back on deck, and you get them back down.” The planes turned around. And the attack on the Liberty continued.

After the Israeli fighter jets had emptied their arsenal of rockets, three Israeli attack boats approached the Liberty. Two torpedoes were launched at the crippled ship, one tore a 40-foot wide hole in the hull, flooding the lower compartments, and killing more than a dozen American sailors.

Infamy at Sea: Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty 50 Years Later

Having been to Israel personally and knowing how much Israelis worship anything American, I am willing to give Israel the benefit of the doubt in this case. Stores in Israel have signs that say, "Come in. Our store is a little America." Products have labels that say, "Just like in America." They gulp down news from America. So it's pretty safe to say that they would never purposely harm Americans.

Sure. The Israelis love the money they get from us taxpayers that have no choice in the matter. Besides willfully attacking one of our naval vessels, they sell our defense secrets to our enemies. You are brainwashed.

"U.S. Furious With Israel After Sale of Advanced Military Technology to China"

U.S. Furious With Israel After Sale of Advanced Military Technology to China

"Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China"

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China - Defensetech
Israel wanted to sink the USS Liberty with all sailors aboard and then blame it on Egypt, as a way to drag America into the conflict.

By this point in the war. Israeli victory was assured. The Egyptian and Jordanian air forces had been destroyed on the ground in the first hours of the war. Arab forces were being driven from Jerusalem and back across the Sinai.

The Jordanians and Egyptians had not yet told their people of the humiliating defeat and were already spreading rumours that the only way the Jewish state could win was with the help of British and American forces.

Drawing the Americans into the war at this point is the LAST thing Israel would have wanted to do.

If you fail to learn from history, you're probably flunking math and science too.
'But Sir, It’s an American Ship.' 'Never Mind, Hit Her!' When Israel Attacked USS Liberty
The Americans have findings that show our pilots were aware the ship was American,' a newly published document by the State Archives says

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?
IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.
Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!
IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.
Both the CIA document and the quote have already been published in the past. The book revives them as part of its attempt to prove its thesis.

read more: 'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty
>>It’s a sequence, a chain of screw ups.<<

>>Over the years, various pieces of evidence have emerged that seem to support Israel's claim that the ship was fired on by mistake. <<
I have always wondered why certain posters constantly bring this wacky conspiracy theory up. Louie seems to have cleared that up for me.
I have always wondered why certain posters constantly bring this wacky conspiracy theory up. Louie seems to have cleared that up for me.
What are you talking about. We have the recordings. They KNEW IT WAS AN AMERICAN SHIP!
Israel wanted to sink the USS Liberty with all sailors aboard and then blame it on Egypt, as a way to drag America into the conflict.

But the ship refused to sink, and Israel had to cease the attack, and invent a cover story to hide the truth.

Basically, the incident was a Zionist false flag mission gone wrong. .... :cool:

sink the Liberty????

The ship did not even need help from Israel to keep afloat and travel home. Sink? Not even close. Damage was not that bad. Israel offered help, none was needed.

If they had intended to sink the Liberty they would have fired lower in the hull.

Torpedo ship responded to Liberty fire at them, against Captains orders.

It was a mistake by both sides, not intentional against the US
An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner.

The Israeli inquiry later concluded that that information had simply gotten lost, never passed along to the ground controllers who directed the air attack nor to the crews of the three Israeli torpedo boats who picked up where the air force left off, strafing the Liberty's decks with their machine guns and launching a torpedo that blew a 39-foot hole in its starboard side.

To a man, the survivors interviewed by the Tribune rejected Israel's explanation.

Nor, the survivors said, did they understand why the American 6th Fleet, which included the aircraft carriers America and Saratoga, patrolling 400 miles west of the Liberty, launched and then recalled at least two squadrons of Navy fighter-bombers that might have arrived in time to prevent the torpedo attack -- and save 26 American lives.

J.Q. "Tony" Hart, then a chief petty officer assigned to a U.S. Navy relay station in Morocco that handled communications between Washington and the 6th Fleet, remembered listening as Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, in Washington, ordered Rear Adm. Lawrence Geis, commander of the America's carrier battle group, to bring the jets home.

When Geis protested that the Liberty was under attack and needed help, Hart said, McNamara retorted that "President [Lyndon] Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors."
New revelations in attack on American spy ship
Any American, regardless of religion, who support these maniacs, deserve what they get.

Harsh, but true.

Fuck these animals; let's turn our troops on tel aviv and end this shit!

So America should attack Israel for something that happened 50 years ago?
No problem if we attack Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq at the same time.

Two outta three ain't bad!
sink the Liberty????

The ship did not even need help from Israel to keep afloat and travel home. Sink? Not even close. Damage was not that bad. Israel offered help, none was needed.

If they had intended to sink the Liberty they would have fired lower in the hull.

Torpedo ship responded to Liberty fire at them, against Captains orders.

It was a mistake by both sides, not intentional against the US
An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner.

The Israeli inquiry later concluded that that information had simply gotten lost, never passed along to the ground controllers who directed the air attack nor to the crews of the three Israeli torpedo boats who picked up where the air force left off, strafing the Liberty's decks with their machine guns and launching a torpedo that blew a 39-foot hole in its starboard side.

To a man, the survivors interviewed by the Tribune rejected Israel's explanation.

Nor, the survivors said, did they understand why the American 6th Fleet, which included the aircraft carriers America and Saratoga, patrolling 400 miles west of the Liberty, launched and then recalled at least two squadrons of Navy fighter-bombers that might have arrived in time to prevent the torpedo attack -- and save 26 American lives.

J.Q. "Tony" Hart, then a chief petty officer assigned to a U.S. Navy relay station in Morocco that handled communications between Washington and the 6th Fleet, remembered listening as Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, in Washington, ordered Rear Adm. Lawrence Geis, commander of the America's carrier battle group, to bring the jets home.

When Geis protested that the Liberty was under attack and needed help, Hart said, McNamara retorted that "President [Lyndon] Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors."
New revelations in attack on American spy ship
Any American, regardless of religion, who support these maniacs, deserve what they get.

Harsh, but true.

Fuck these animals; let's turn our troops on tel aviv and end this shit!

So America should attack Israel for something that happened 50 years ago?
No problem if we attack Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq at the same time.

Two outta three ain't bad!

Wasn't that the title of a song?
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