51% America Makes Less Than $30K

I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Unions now comprise about 11% of those employed.
The Union jobs are now sent overseas.

As I recall, it's been cons who have supported the dissolution of the unions.
There are all kinds of jobs out there, it's just that you can't get Americans to work them
Well maybe start a thread and post all of those jobs. It may help someone.

No, because the only people that get help are those that want it. If you don't want to work, then the only thing you can do is not vote Republican and hope they don't clip some of these social programs:

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

According to the American Trucking Association, the ‘truck driver shortage’ is expected to reach 48,000 by the end of 2015 and as many near retirement, that number is expected to grow.

“The ability to find enough qualified drivers is one of our industry’s biggest challenges,” said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. “This latest report plainly lays out the problem – as well as some possible solutions – to the driver shortage.”

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year
Unions now comprise about 11% of those employed.
The Union jobs are now sent overseas
The private sector union jobs are gone. They were chased over to greener pastures. The federal Government removed the fences and greener pastures here we come.
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Without the unions, those jobs would have barely paid above minimum wage.
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Unions now comprise about 11% of those employed.
The Union jobs are now sent overseas.

As I recall, it's been cons who have supported the dissolution of the unions.

For sure, they were the FIRST, but the Dems since Clinton's 2nd term have been bought out by MNCs also.
I could not function paying my employees that crazy high wage, they would be making more than me.

Are you nuts??

If you are an employer and make less than $23.50/hr, you really need to re-think what you are doing and hire someone that knows what they are doing.
I own three businesses two are seasonal, no one would expect that high of wage here in South Dakota for that type of work.

Are you nuts?!?!?

You own three businesses and make less than $23.50/hr? Whats wrong with you?
The seasonal ones I don't, combined both I make more but each I don't.
Unions now comprise about 11% of those employed.
The Union jobs are now sent overseas
The private sector union jobs are gone. They were chased over to greener pastures. The federal Government removed the fences and greener pastures here we come.

That's kind of vague..."Greener Pastures" for the companies or for the now unemployed Union Members.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic in one direction or the other.
It's interesting to me that both the Kochs and Bernie Sanders finds the income issue to be a problem for the country, yet their solutions are very different.

What is the koch solution? Tax breaks for the rich?
They seem to say that by unfettering business there will be more/better jobs. They're guests on Morning Joe tomorrow.

So get rid of all regulations and turn us into China? I believe koch industries has a long history of violations. Maybe lower corp taxes even though many pay zero already?

China has all kinds of regulations, it just doesn't have regulations on pollution. It also doesn't allow property owners to sue companies that pollute their property.

I just know in many places you can't even see the sky.
Without the unions, those jobs would have barely paid above minimum wage
That is a guess...what makes you think an owner of a corporation wants a bunch of unhappy people working for him? You get what you pay for in Cheese and personnel....no difference. Stop believing the leftest talking points.
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Unions now comprise about 11% of those employed.
The Union jobs are now sent overseas.

As I recall, it's been cons who have supported the dissolution of the unions.

This is true, because they'd seen what it has done to our industries with companies moving overseas to avoid paying union wages on top of many other things.

Our company has lost at least a dozen or so customers in the last ten years--half of them because of unions. Even when companies warn their employees about the problems they have making payroll, the greedy unions tell their members that the company is FOS and don't listen to them. Stick to your guns and don't worry. Even if the company closes, the union will find you another job. HA!

Those are the people that exhausted all of their unemployment benefits.
That's kind of vague..."Greener Pastures" for the companies or for the now unemployed Union Members.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic in one direction or the other
I'm self employed. I have several people working for me. If the federal government raises my cost of doing business I look for ways around it. Ford and GMC are doing the same thing. We have chased some damn good jobs away with our anti business atmosphere. Plain and simple. Greener pastures.
That's kind of vague..."Greener Pastures" for the companies or for the now unemployed Union Members.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic in one direction or the other
I'm self employed. I have several people working for me. If the federal government raises my cost of doing business I look for ways around it. Ford and GMC are doing the same thing. We have chased some damn good jobs away with our anti business atmosphere. Plain and simple. Greener pastures.

Almost everybody in my Town already had a successful business before the Asian Economy started.
The beginning of the pressure really began with GW allowing MNCs to off-shore like crazy.
No small company can compete with major companies lowering their prices.

Can you give an example of an anti-business policy and how it affected you?
Can you give an example of an anti-business policy and how it affected you?
Sure...I have had three tax increases in three years. My insurance costs have doubled. The EPA has placed mandates upon my industry. I've had to get three additional permits and licensees just to do what I've been doing for 30 years costing me thousands. Work slowed for me just like everyone else but when the feds place mandates on you that's it you either comply or go out of business. I'm lucky...I'm in the sunset of my career but my son's are on their own. They know making a business work is not as easy as it once was. They both work for Apple. LOL If anyone were to ask me if they should start their own small business I'd say hell no. That is sad for America don't you think? Only the well connected will prosper. PS. You will never hear me defend GW or his father...The Bush family is from the northeast they are liberals living in Texas.
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Can you give an example of an anti-business policy and how it affected you?
Sure...I have had three tax increases in three years. My insurance costs have doubled. The EPA has placed mandates upon my industry. I've had to get three additional permits and licensees just to do what I've been doing for 30 years costing me thousands. Work slowed for me just like everyone else but when the feds place mandates on you that's it you either comply or go out of business. I'm lucky...I'm in the sunset of my career but my son's are on their own. They know making a business work is not as easy as it once was. They both work for Apple. LOL If anyone were to ask me if they should start their own small business I'd say hell no. That is sad for America don't you think? Only the well connected will prosper.

There have been Tax increases due, in some part, to a smaller working pool.
Fewer workers paying Taxes means each worker pays more.

The ACA is a joke that must be totally reworked.

Permits...I'm an inspector and there are many codes that haven't been enforced in decades because the manpower wasn't there.

There are times when the enforcement has cost small businesses over $1K; an unwelcome expense in anyones book.
I have the answer.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2015 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 500 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

We've already seen your bullshit impossible "solution" a dozen times.
People really envy them, hence hating them for no other reason than envy.

The Koch Brothers are whats wrong with American business. They'll stop at nothing to make money, including kidnapping.

Who did they kidnap?

I've posted this for you before. Now your Canadian long-term memory is fading.

Courthouse News Service

IF they had actually kidnapped the man, shouldn't they be arrested? You don't file a lawsuit if someone kidnaps you.
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...

Really? I've never attended a funeral of either and don't know of anybody that has. What I do know is that my sister is a supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic and has countless stories to tell about VIP's from other countries that come here for treatment. Canada alone spends a billion dollars a year for their citizens to get treated here.
We have hot shit here, and good docs (if you can afford it that is) we just don't have quality public health. That's not open heart surgery, that's a flu shot and a well baby checkup, at no cost.

Well you either have a system where most are treated by our quality care or every single person is treated and we don't have as good of care.

I guess it's all in what you expect out of our medical care system.
You are making a false choice. You can have good quality and everyone treated. That should always be the goal. And in that system the old die so that you have the money to keep the kids alive. It's rational, and it works.

Will you hold the same opinion when you grow old and finances dictate your survival? I doubt it when you find God for the first time in your Godless life and want to cling on to every hour of the day that you can.

Medical care is expensive no matter what country you go to. It's just a matter of who is going to pay for it. Great medical care costs great money. Crappy medical care is much less expensive but everybody gets that crappy care. We are one of the only countries in the world where you get great care, but not everybody gets care.

But you don't have to look over our borders to find that out. Look within our borders at Medicare, Medicaid and even the VA. Plenty of problems there because of plenty of cost cutting by our government. Why would anybody want to see these programs extended to each and every American is beyond me.
Medicare is better health insurance than most any insurance policy you can buy today. With hospital coverage (part A) at no cost and outpatient (Part B) at $104/mo. It's a bargain. Add a supplement to get drug coverage, limit maximum out of pocket expenses, and other goodies for about a $100 and you have a better plan than you can buy on the exchanges or anywhere else. 9 out of 10 doctors in the US are accepting new Medicare patients. and over 99% of the hospitals accept Medicare. No insurance company has wider coverage than Medicare.

Medicaid has made huge improvements and it's good insurance but because it's a state/federal cost sharing program how good depends on the state. In most states, you have a choice of providers (insurance companies). They offer all essential benefits in Obamacare at no premium, no co-pays, no deductibles. In my state 60% of the doctors are accepting new Medicaid patients. In some states due to low reimbursement rates, that percentage is as low 40%.
You said "STARTED," asshole. No city starts out having 7 million people.

You know what I meant, neo-Con.
Unlike you, I don't consider Manifest Destiny shit-holes to be cities.
Maybe a one pony town.

I assume you meant "STARTED." Why would I assume anything else?

What's a "manifest destiny shithole," and can you provide an example of one?

Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read it. You love to read.

I know what mainfest destiny is, dumbfuck. I asked you what a "manifest destiny shithole" is.

At least try to give the impression you don't have a single digit I.Q.

I don't think any shitholes are left.
Dodge City was one of them.
You know, the city that has been totally rebuilt without money on hand.

Go ahead, next ad hominem.

What was the population of Dodge "City," 500 people?

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