51% America Makes Less Than $30K

I could not function paying my employees that crazy high wage, they would be making more than me.

Are you nuts??

If you are an employer and make less than $23.50/hr, you really need to re-think what you are doing and hire someone that knows what they are doing.
I own three businesses two are seasonal, no one would expect that high of wage here in South Dakota for that type of work.

Are you nuts?!?!?
Because the NRA is a marketing concern for gun manufacturers. And the rubes buy everything they say
I never had a gun in my house until last year. When the Government is making threats of gun control sales go up. The dealer I purchased my gun from just bought a new house. His business is up 70%.....
I could not function paying my employees that crazy high wage, they would be making more than me.

Are you nuts??

If you are an employer and make less than $23.50/hr, you really need to re-think what you are doing and hire someone that knows what they are doing.
I own three businesses two are seasonal, no one would expect that high of wage here in South Dakota for that type of work.

Are you nuts?!?!?

You own three businesses and make less than $23.50/hr? Whats wrong with you?
Because the NRA is a marketing concern for gun manufacturers. And the rubes buy everything they say
I never had a gun in my house until last year. When the Government is making threats of gun control sales go up. The dealer I purchased my gun from just bought a new house. His business is up 70%.....

Congrats! You've hit rube status.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
These nut jobs think that you are a communist who wants the state to own and run everything if you do not believe in completely unregulated market capitalism. These people are nuts. You can't reason with them
You are the unreasonable one...Capitalism fed your ass and purchased you video games and I phone and your daddy's pick up ect ect ect and built the greatest nation and the best place to live on the planet. Your kids and grandchildren will not be so fortunate.

I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already.
[QUOTE="OnePercenter, post: 12664739, member: 43400" ]Congrats! You've hit rube status.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling![/QUOTE]
When the sky falls don't come to my house. I will be ready for everything and hopeful that nothing happens. You will be ready for nothing certain that nothing will happen...fine!
Thank you president Reagan for fucking destroying our middle class and making it harder to move upwards.

All republicans care about is that 1%!

All Democrats care about is blaming other people for their F-ups. Would you like government to buy you a new shovel to dig up those bodies that you think are responsible instead of your precious Obama?
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.
I never said I had anything against capitalism, just uncontrolled capitalism. The middle class would never have grown as big as it did without unions. Get a clue already
Unions grew because a capitalist decided to make something someone wanted.
Where would the unions be without manufacturing. Union jobs built the middle class not unions alone.

Unions now comprise about 11% of those employed.
The Union jobs are now sent overseas.

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