51% America Makes Less Than $30K

And your form of government works?? How??

Corrupt government
You said all cities STARTED in debt. Whether they can become the size of New York without borrowing money is another matter.

Not little shit holes built on Manifest Destiny.

You said "STARTED," asshole. No city starts out having 7 million people.

You know what I meant, neo-Con.
Unlike you, I don't consider Manifest Destiny shit-holes to be cities.
Maybe a one pony town.

I assume you meant "STARTED." Why would I assume anything else?

What's a "manifest destiny shithole," and can you provide an example of one?

Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read it. You love to read.

I know what mainfest destiny is, dumbfuck. I asked you what a "manifest destiny shithole" is.

At least try to give the impression you don't have a single digit I.Q.
It's interesting to me that both the Kochs and Bernie Sanders finds the income issue to be a problem for the country, yet their solutions are very different.

What is the koch solution? Tax breaks for the rich?
They seem to say that by unfettering business there will be more/better jobs. They're guests on Morning Joe tomorrow.

So get rid of all regulations and turn us into China? I believe koch industries has a long history of violations. Maybe lower corp taxes even though many pay zero already?

China has all kinds of regulations, it just doesn't have regulations on pollution. It also doesn't allow property owners to sue companies that pollute their property.
In a 2 hour debate between only 2 candidates there always comes a time when the candidates must fall back on their experience and knowledge of the issue. It becomes obvious when a candidate has no answer and must continually divert to more familiar ground.

In Hilliary's case, the two hours would be spent avoiding factual recounting of her history.

"Madam Godfather, did you engage in the defrauding of the Small Business Administration by securing funds on a thrice encumbered property, for which your partner Susan McDougal went to prison, but you were not prosecuted on due to your political status?"

Will her experience and knowledge help her if facts are broached?
Hilary will do just fine in a president debate. She probably has more experience in debates as well all aspects government than all likely opponents combined. She has been debating ever since her days on her high school debate team, through law school, here years as a lawyer, and her legislative career. She has participated in over 20 presidential debates.

Unfortunately for her she's a known liar and scumbag with a thousand skeletons in her closet.
Big business loves cheap labor. The way to avoid it is not to apply for those lousy jobs. $10 an hour is a joke of a wage even for entry level low skill work.

The Immigration Reform on the table would import a minimum of 1,600,000 Business Visas annually.
Corrupt government
Not little shit holes built on Manifest Destiny.

You said "STARTED," asshole. No city starts out having 7 million people.

You know what I meant, neo-Con.
Unlike you, I don't consider Manifest Destiny shit-holes to be cities.
Maybe a one pony town.

I assume you meant "STARTED." Why would I assume anything else?

What's a "manifest destiny shithole," and can you provide an example of one?

Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read it. You love to read.

I know what mainfest destiny is, dumbfuck. I asked you what a "manifest destiny shithole" is.

At least try to give the impression you don't have a single digit I.Q.

I don't think any shitholes are left.
Dodge City was one of them.
You know, the city that has been totally rebuilt without money on hand.

Go ahead, next ad hominem.
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism..
We have not had capitalism in America for 25 years so don't place blame there. If you want to place blame look at Obama and the dems with their reckless and feckless policies.
I was a software developer on Wall Street from 1981 to 2000 working for Fortune 500 Financial Firms.
I lived the H1-B invasion.
I endured 20 hour interviews, usually split over 2 days.
The H1-Bs were shipped in en-masse WITHOUT being interviewed because they were cheap.
The non-Indians would BUILD the systems and the Indians came in to learn but they didn't speak English and didn't have a freaking clue as to what was going on.
The trick of every Institution is to cut costs to increase revenue to boost the Stock Price.
Entities exist on a Quarter to Quarter basis.

Gates, Zuckerberg and Ellison, amongst others. should be executed for lying that all non-Indians are unskilled in ANYTHING.

Didn't those software companies get nailed for not paying minimum wage?

Silicon Valley company busted for paying Indian workers $1.21 an hour in America

Nope. There have been MANY lawsuits that have been thrown out of court.
Most of them on Wall Street were getting about $15.00/hour.
It's a big issue Trump is calling the against the MNCs.
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism..
We have not had capitalism in America for 25 years so don't place blame there. If you want to place blame look at Obama and the dems with their reckless and feckless policies.

So Obama has been President for the last 25 years.
I think you omitted a few other guys from BOTH Parties.
So Obama has been President for the last 25 years.
I think you omitted a few other guys from BOTH Parties
He is just another big government socialist in a long line of them that has stripped the middle class of prosperity.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

And you believe Obama is to blame for this? Really? Please explain in a specific and concise manner exactly how Obama is to blame for this. Also explain how Republican policies are not to blame since Republicans do have control of Congress.
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.

These nut jobs think that you are a communist who wants the state to own and run everything if you do not believe in completely unregulated market capitalism. These people are nuts. You can't reason with them.

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