51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Link it or you are lying, which is normal for you since you spend your life lying to yourself instead of dealing with reality.

You claiming others are lying is like a pile of pig shit telling the rose it stinks.

{However, such deaths are excluded from any sub-division of England and Wales and ... The annual reference volume Child mortality statistics (formerly DH3) contains data on ... births, deaths, net migration and ageing of the population.}

Examples? I've not seen anyone running for president be as childish as him ever.

That's because you're too busy clapping with glee with epithets are hurled at enemies of the party.

{Former Obama advisor David Axelrod said on CNN’s New Day that Hillary Clinton made a mistake when she listed Republicans among her “enemies” during the first Democratic debate.}

{"Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world, but it's a little hard to take from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States,"}

Hillary Clinton compares GOPers to 'terrorist groups' - CNNPolitics.com

Damn, Hilliary actually called Republicans TERRORISTS? :eek:

But you didn't notice...
The GOP, the party of Lincoln (that hates Lincoln) are not terrorists, just un-American, and certainly the enemies of Hillary, and all other decent people.
Link it or you are lying, which is normal for you since you spend your life lying to yourself instead of dealing with reality.

You claiming others are lying is like a pile of pig shit telling the rose it stinks.

{However, such deaths are excluded from any sub-division of England and Wales and ... The annual reference volume Child mortality statistics (formerly DH3) contains data on ... births, deaths, net migration and ageing of the population.}

Yeah, you're fucked:

"• usual residence of deceased is supplied by the informant and is the place where the deceased was normally resident (see Section 2.4). Deaths occurring in England and Wales of those usually resident outside England and Wales are included in total figures."

Next time just don't lie you little stupid fucker...
The GOP, the party of Lincoln (that hates Lincoln) are not terrorists, just un-American, and certainly the enemies of Hillary, and all other decent people.

Anyone clinging to "god, guns, and the Constitution" is an enemy of Hilliary.

Yeah, you're fucked:

"• usual residence of deceased is supplied by the informant and is the place where the deceased was normally resident (see Section 2.4). Deaths occurring in England and Wales of those usually resident outside England and Wales are included in total figures."

Next time just don't lie you little stupid fucker...

Published mortality statistics are based on deaths registered in England and Wales. No
distinction is made between deaths of residents of England and Wales or other deaths (for
example, residents of other UK countries or visitors). The deaths of those whose usual
residence is outside England and Wales are included in total figures for England and Wales
but excluded from any sub-division of England and Wales

Reading is FUNdemental, Comrade.
So how many libs will vote for Trump and help out the the little guy by getting rid of illegals............oooooops

they can't. that would be a sin to THE Party and their Democrat Masters would condemn them to hell
Perhaps but the moderates will choose Trump in large numbers....alrdy happening. Trump has to be taken out otherwise hilly has no shot. He would destroy her in the debates.......
I seriously doubt that. A presidential debate is between only two people and a great deal of time is spent on a few topics, so the lack of knowledge and the ability to offer good rebuttal becomes obvious. Trump's personal attacks and straw man arguments will fail miserably against someone that really knows the issues and is an experienced debater.

When was the last good presidential that you seen?

These people hire debate coaches which ruin the debates. The debate coaches focus on five or six different items and the entire debate is about those things only. You never get to hear what a candidate really thinks about things. It's sort of like this:

"How do you feel about the relationship between Russia and Assad?"

"Well, of course I'm against it, but part of that is because if we had tougher environmental regulations, we might be able to convince the rest of the world to join us."


"Part of the problem is our defense budget. If we allocated much more money into our defense, that might give Russia something to think about."

They never address the question. They only run right back to their talking points the way these coaches told them.
In a 2 hour debate between only 2 candidates there always comes a time when the candidates must fall back on their experience and knowledge of the issue. It becomes obvious when a candidate has no answer and must continually divert to more familiar ground.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

That figure is a little misleading. It isn't a reflection of income per household it's per individuals which includes part-time workers such as students.
It not only includes part-time workers but it also excludes anyone that doesn't receive a W2 such as people that receive 1099s as well as business owners, people that are much further up the income scale than $30,000 a year. The median family income is about $52,000 and the average family income is about $73,000

.Household income in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In a 2 hour debate between only 2 candidates there always comes a time when the candidates must fall back on their experience and knowledge of the issue. It becomes obvious when a candidate has no answer and must continually divert to more familiar ground.

In Hilliary's case, the two hours would be spent avoiding factual recounting of her history.

"Madam Godfather, did you engage in the defrauding of the Small Business Administration by securing funds on a thrice encumbered property, for which your partner Susan McDougal went to prison, but you were not prosecuted on due to your political status?"

Will her experience and knowledge help her if facts are broached?
Yeppers. Capitalists love cheap labor, as cheap as can be found, which is why they're here in the first place.
In capitalism at least there is always a latter to top, that latter has to be earned never given as it should be.
Too bad progressives...

Embrace the suck
The so-called ladder to the top is not anything even the hardest working, most responsible worker can count on, embrace that suck.
Millions have climbed that ladder to good life, more so than other country's .
Embrace that good thing
Yeah so? I said that it is not to counted on or trusted. People do everything right and still fail in our system and you would yank the safety net out from under them and say "sucks to be you". In American capitalism especially it is not enough to win, there has to be a loser.
The only reason to build a business is for a very healthy profit, not nickel and dime sh!t... All other reasons are not to start an business.

most businesses are not "small businesses". the second largest employer in the country is Wal-Mart. the first is the U.S. government.

and your arguments as to why workers shouldn't be treated fairly are non-existent.
most businesses are not "small businesses". the second largest employer in the country is Wal-Mart. the first is the U.S. government.

and your arguments as to why workers shouldn't be treated fairly are non-existent.

You are insanely ignorant.

mall business is BIG!
  • The 28 million small businesses in America account for 54% of all U.S. sales.

  • Small businesses provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs since the 1970s.

  • The 600,000 plus franchised small businesses in the U.S. account for 40% of all retail sales and provide jobs for some 8 million people.

  • The small business sector in America occupies 30-50% of all commercial space, an estimated 20-34 billion square feet.}
Small Business Trends | The U.S. Small Business Administration | SBA.gov
In a 2 hour debate between only 2 candidates there always comes a time when the candidates must fall back on their experience and knowledge of the issue. It becomes obvious when a candidate has no answer and must continually divert to more familiar ground.

In Hilliary's case, the two hours would be spent avoiding factual recounting of her history.

"Madam Godfather, did you engage in the defrauding of the Small Business Administration by securing funds on a thrice encumbered property, for which your partner Susan McDougal went to prison, but you were not prosecuted on due to your political status?"

Will her experience and knowledge help her if facts are broached?
Hilary will do just fine in a president debate. She probably has more experience in debates as well all aspects government than all likely opponents combined. She has been debating ever since her days on her high school debate team, through law school, here years as a lawyer, and her legislative career. She has participated in over 20 presidential debates.
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Examples? I've not seen anyone running for president be as childish as him ever.

That's because you're too busy clapping with glee with epithets are hurled at enemies of the party.

{Former Obama advisor David Axelrod said on CNN’s New Day that Hillary Clinton made a mistake when she listed Republicans among her “enemies” during the first Democratic debate.}

{"Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world, but it's a little hard to take from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States,"}

Hillary Clinton compares GOPers to 'terrorist groups' - CNNPolitics.com

Damn, Hilliary actually called Republicans TERRORISTS? :eek:

But you didn't notice...
The GOP, the party of Lincoln (that hates Lincoln) are not terrorists, just un-American, and certainly the enemies of Hillary, and all other decent people.

The GOP is un-american? Your President was supported by the US Communist party both elections, and your second most popular nominee (first in some places) is an admitted Socialist and the GOP is un-american?
No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...

Really? I've never attended a funeral of either and don't know of anybody that has. What I do know is that my sister is a supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic and has countless stories to tell about VIP's from other countries that come here for treatment. Canada alone spends a billion dollars a year for their citizens to get treated here.
We have hot shit here, and good docs (if you can afford it that is) we just don't have quality public health. That's not open heart surgery, that's a flu shot and a well baby checkup, at no cost.

Well you either have a system where most are treated by our quality care or every single person is treated and we don't have as good of care.

I guess it's all in what you expect out of our medical care system.
You are making a false choice. You can have good quality and everyone treated. That should always be the goal. And in that system the old die so that you have the money to keep the kids alive. It's rational, and it works.

Will you hold the same opinion when you grow old and finances dictate your survival? I doubt it when you find God for the first time in your Godless life and want to cling on to every hour of the day that you can.

Medical care is expensive no matter what country you go to. It's just a matter of who is going to pay for it. Great medical care costs great money. Crappy medical care is much less expensive but everybody gets that crappy care. We are one of the only countries in the world where you get great care, but not everybody gets care.

But you don't have to look over our borders to find that out. Look within our borders at Medicare, Medicaid and even the VA. Plenty of problems there because of plenty of cost cutting by our government. Why would anybody want to see these programs extended to each and every American is beyond me.
It's interesting to me that both the Kochs and Bernie Sanders finds the income issue to be a problem for the country, yet their solutions are very different.
Hilary will do just fine in a president debate. She probably has more experience in debates as well all aspects government than all likely opponents combined. She has been debating ever since her days on her high school debate team, through law school, here years as a lawyer, and her legislative career. She has participated in over 20 presidential debates.

She may have experience, but is a career criminal. While the DNC controlled press avoids mentioning the long list of criminal acts she has perpetrated, there is little to keep a Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina from bringing them up.

It's interesting to me that both the Kochs and Bernie Sanders finds the income issue to be a problem for the country, yet their solutions are very different.

What is the koch solution? Tax breaks for the rich?
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. I simply must conclude that Liberals don't want their children working either. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!

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