52% of Our Border Patrol Agents are Hispanic & 100% of them want The Wall!

I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
She is an American, and we love our country and will defend it against those who would use and abuse it.

That is what she said. She can't stand the "wetbacks" her words.
I like all races. The Racist argument is tired, weak and intellectually dishonest. As long as they are an American, love my country like I do, and don't hate me for the color of my skin, I like them.

What I don't like is attitudes. The only thing you are owed in America is to be treated equally under the law, and to have an equal chance at opportunity. America is not a place where lazy people will prosper, and it should never be turned in to that.

"The only thing you are owed in America is to be treated equally under the law, and to have an equal chance at opportunity."

Let us know when all racial groups get this utopian dream in the US please.
I'll wager never, it is woven into the very fabric of this society and its political and economic system.
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
"She never learned Spanish"

Sounds like she was raised by Tio Thomaz. They have them in every race.

She was raised by her parents in the American school system, they worked hard not sure why you try to disparage them those that come into the country legally.
I grew up around Mexicans in the american school system. Everyone of them spoke Spanish and were taught to be proud of their Mexican roots. Sounds to me like her parents wanted to pretend they were white.
There have also always been those who "pass" of any race as well, nothing new at all. Look at Ted Cruz.
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
"She never learned Spanish"

Sounds like she was raised by Tio Thomaz. They have them in every race.

She was raised by her parents in the American school system, they worked hard not sure why you try to disparage them those that come into the country legally.
I grew up around Mexicans in the american school system. Everyone of them spoke Spanish and were taught to be proud of their Mexican roots. Sounds to me like her parents wanted to pretend they were white.

If that is what you wanted it to be that is fine, it doesn't matter to me what you think, I find you are often wrong.
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
"She never learned Spanish"

Sounds like she was raised by Tio Thomaz. They have them in every race.

She was raised by her parents in the American school system, they worked hard not sure why you try to disparage them those that come into the country legally.
I grew up around Mexicans in the american school system. Everyone of them spoke Spanish and were taught to be proud of their Mexican roots. Sounds to me like her parents wanted to pretend they were white.

If that is what you wanted it to be that is fine, it doesn't matter to me what you think, I find you are often wrong.
If it didnt matter to you what I thought then why did you ask me for information? :rolleyes:
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
She is an American, and we love our country and will defend it against those who would use and abuse it.

That is what she said. She can't stand the "wetbacks" her words.

"I assume some are good people" out of play now?

Not sure of why there is a quote or what the hell you mean.
That's a quote of Don's love. Regarding all those scary "illegals" your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class has always made sure were here.

Not sure who Don's love is, nor do I really care. Illegals aren't scary, they need to be sent home and come here legally.

Now, you are talking my "Wall Street/donor? Not sure what you mean there either, you seem to be inferring some idealism I know little about. Not sure if you are confusing me with someone else or not.
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
"She never learned Spanish"

Sounds like she was raised by Tio Thomaz. They have them in every race.

She was raised by her parents in the American school system, they worked hard not sure why you try to disparage them those that come into the country legally.
I grew up around Mexicans in the american school system. Everyone of them spoke Spanish and were taught to be proud of their Mexican roots. Sounds to me like her parents wanted to pretend they were white.

If that is what you wanted it to be that is fine, it doesn't matter to me what you think, I find you are often wrong.
If it didnt matter to you what I thought then why did you ask me for information? :rolleyes:

I made statements, didn't ask any questions.
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
She is an American, and we love our country and will defend it against those who would use and abuse it.

That is what she said. She can't stand the "wetbacks" her words.
I like all races. The Racist argument is tired, weak and intellectually dishonest. As long as they are an American, love my country like I do, and don't hate me for the color of my skin, I like them.

What I don't like is attitudes. The only thing you are owed in America is to be treated equally under the law, and to have an equal chance at opportunity. America is not a place where lazy people will prosper, and it should never be turned in to that.

"The only thing you are owed in America is to be treated equally under the law, and to have an equal chance at opportunity."

Let us know when all racial groups get this utopian dream in the US please.

There are more Black and Hispanic Millionaires in America than there are in the entire rest of the world.

"Those who do not work, shall not eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:6 -10

6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from any brother who leads an undisciplined life that is not in keeping with the tradition you received from us.

7 For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not undisciplined among you,

8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. Instead, in labor and toil, we worked night and day so that we would not be a burden to any of you.…

9 Not that we lack this right, but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate.

10 For even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.”
Much of what has lead to the shutdown was the lie that Mexico is paying for it, reimbursing us for it, is being taxed for it, is donating the funds for it or is in some other out of body way funding it.

When the cornerstone of your entire campaign and presidency is based on a lie….there is going to be issues when the shit hits the fan.
Wrong again. New Taxes for remittances being sent to the tune of Billions U$ Dollars a day sent back to Mexico can pay for The Wall. Also, more security equals more Drug Money Seizures which actually can be used to fund border security. Trump in his plain speaking way is telling The Truth. Mexico will be paying for The Wall.

Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home | Daily Mail Online

The amount of money being sent by migrants across the entire world reached $530 billion last year, making it a larger economy than Iran or Argentina, the data from the World Bank showed.

This worldwide figure has tripled in the last ten years and is now three times bigger than the total aid budgets given by countries around the world. It has sparked debate whether this so-called remittance money could be a viable alternative to relying on help from other governments.

In the United States last year, more than $120 billion was sent by workers to families abroad - making it the largest sender of remittances in the world. More than $23 billion went to Mexico, $13.45 billion to China, $10.84 billion to India and $10 billion to the Philippines, among other recipients.

Then why is the government shut down if what you are babbling about is truthful? Where was the bill in the last session for a GOP tax increase?
I had an employee that was Hispanic, her parents went through the legal process to become citizens. She never learned Spanish, she hates illegal immigrants and considers them a disgrace to their country.

She is very hardcore against illegal immigrants.
She is an American, and we love our country and will defend it against those who would use and abuse it.

That is what she said. She can't stand the "wetbacks" her words.
I like all races. The Racist argument is tired, weak and intellectually dishonest. As long as they are an American, love my country like I do, and don't hate me for the color of my skin, I like them.

What I don't like is attitudes. The only thing you are owed in America is to be treated equally under the law, and to have an equal chance at opportunity. America is not a place where lazy people will prosper, and it should never be turned in to that.

"The only thing you are owed in America is to be treated equally under the law, and to have an equal chance at opportunity."

Let us know when all racial groups get this utopian dream in the US please.

There are more Black and Hispanic Millionaires in America than there are in the entire rest of the world.

"Those who do not work, shall not eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:6 -10

6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from any brother who leads an undisciplined life that is not in keeping with the tradition you received from us.

7 For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not undisciplined among you,

8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. Instead, in labor and toil, we worked night and day so that we would not be a burden to any of you.…

9 Not that we lack this right, but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate.

10 For even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.”
There are more white millionaires in america that any other race combined. :rolleyes:
Much of what has lead to the shutdown was the lie that Mexico is paying for it, reimbursing us for it, is being taxed for it, is donating the funds for it or is in some other out of body way funding it.

When the cornerstone of your entire campaign and presidency is based on a lie….there is going to be issues when the shit hits the fan.
Wrong again. New Taxes for remittances being sent to the tune of Billions U$ Dollars a day sent back to Mexico can pay for The Wall. Also, more security equals more Drug Money Seizures which actually can be used to fund border security. Trump in his plain speaking way is telling The Truth. Mexico will be paying for The Wall.

Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home | Daily Mail Online

The amount of money being sent by migrants across the entire world reached $530 billion last year, making it a larger economy than Iran or Argentina, the data from the World Bank showed.

This worldwide figure has tripled in the last ten years and is now three times bigger than the total aid budgets given by countries around the world. It has sparked debate whether this so-called remittance money could be a viable alternative to relying on help from other governments.

In the United States last year, more than $120 billion was sent by workers to families abroad - making it the largest sender of remittances in the world. More than $23 billion went to Mexico, $13.45 billion to China, $10.84 billion to India and $10 billion to the Philippines, among other recipients.
Taxes on this side of the border is in no way making Mexico pay for anything
Something very very pathological about a people constantly claiming to be free who clamor for militarized police, endless global wars and occupations, corporate for profit detainment centers and prisons with convict labor leasing, constant corporate state surveillance; and now they want to be walled in by these people in power.

You muy
America has become a nation of snowflakes afraid of everything.

No one is being "Walled In" You can leave America any time if you are a citizen with a valid passport. They "Wall People In" Places Like China, where you cannot leave if they have an issue with you. Their Travel Bans keep people in the Country. Try moving to North Korea some time.

Yes you are darling, you are begging to have a wall built around you because you are afraid, as programed. Power always requires more power over time. If you wish to emulate China and North Korea you're truly gone. And that my friend IS where you are headed, your police have already been militarized and trained by the Israelis in how to Palestinianize the american people. Your own govt prohibits you from visiting Cuba. They can do anything they want with you, you’ll do nothing but vote. You're one "emergency" away from a Marshall Lawish crackdown and the power structure knows full well they have lost all semblance of legitimacy and that the economic system is past due to tank again. Any society with this level of wealth/income disparity eventually moves toward unrest or toward a police state. Watch.

You have repeatedly stated you despise Jews but you're OK with Palestinians and illegals coming into our country. You are the epitome of what is wrong with this country.
No darling, you have never seen me say anything negative about jews. Ever.

Israel is a nation state.

And the guilt/sin/blame game is about the avoidance of responsibility. You can blame your version of "the bad guys" forever, but "the bad guys" only get aways with what you allow and take no responsibility for. And they will continue to. Everything the american people moan about is due to their own inaction.

Israel has a wall, border security, and immigration laws. All Nations have this in one form or another.

I'm referring more to Israel's enthnic cleansing. See how their walls help with that?
No one is being "Walled In" You can leave America any time if you are a citizen with a valid passport. They "Wall People In" Places Like China, where you cannot leave if they have an issue with you. Their Travel Bans keep people in the Country. Try moving to North Korea some time.

Yes you are darling, you are begging to have a wall built around you because you are afraid, as programed. Power always requires more power over time. If you wish to emulate China and North Korea you're truly gone. And that my friend IS where you are headed, your police have already been militarized and trained by the Israelis in how to Palestinianize the american people. Your own govt prohibits you from visiting Cuba. They can do anything they want with you, you’ll do nothing but vote. You're one "emergency" away from a Marshall Lawish crackdown and the power structure knows full well they have lost all semblance of legitimacy and that the economic system is past due to tank again. Any society with this level of wealth/income disparity eventually moves toward unrest or toward a police state. Watch.

You have repeatedly stated you despise Jews but you're OK with Palestinians and illegals coming into our country. You are the epitome of what is wrong with this country.
No darling, you have never seen me say anything negative about jews. Ever.

Israel is a nation state.

And the guilt/sin/blame game is about the avoidance of responsibility. You can blame your version of "the bad guys" forever, but "the bad guys" only get aways with what you allow and take no responsibility for. And they will continue to. Everything the american people moan about is due to their own inaction.

99% of Jews are Zionists. Anti Israel = Anti Jew.
Fuck Israel, and fuck the US for supporting Israel.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered — S.1 — is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign policy-related measures, the main one of which is a provision — with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor — to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a
top legislative priority for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

In the previous Congress, that measure
was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As The Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities that participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies that choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with
Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

Yep thank you for admitting your Jew hate. Back to Berlin with you.
They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.

Something very very pathological about a people constantly claiming to be free who clamor for militarized police, endless global wars and occupations, corporate for profit detainment centers and prisons with convict labor leasing, constant corporate state surveillance; and now they want to be walled in by these people in power.

You muy
If you think getting murdered by an Illegal Alien, being shot at, rocks thrown at you, or nearly dying from fentanyl exposure is sitting on your "butt" you are a complete asshole.

America has become a nation of snowflakes afraid of everything.

No one is being "Walled In" You can leave America any time if you are a citizen with a valid passport. They "Wall People In" Places Like China, where you cannot leave if they have an issue with you. Their Travel Bans keep people in the Country. Try moving to North Korea some time.
You can't leave the US if they have an issue with you..

Is that why you failed to immigrate to Canada?
Too damn cold for me to grow weed there..

Consider an indoor grow, your healthcare savings will more than pay for it.
Yes you are darling, you are begging to have a wall built around you because you are afraid, as programed. Power always requires more power over time. If you wish to emulate China and North Korea you're truly gone. And that my friend IS where you are headed, your police have already been militarized and trained by the Israelis in how to Palestinianize the american people. Your own govt prohibits you from visiting Cuba. They can do anything they want with you, you’ll do nothing but vote. You're one "emergency" away from a Marshall Lawish crackdown and the power structure knows full well they have lost all semblance of legitimacy and that the economic system is past due to tank again. Any society with this level of wealth/income disparity eventually moves toward unrest or toward a police state. Watch.

You have repeatedly stated you despise Jews but you're OK with Palestinians and illegals coming into our country. You are the epitome of what is wrong with this country.
No darling, you have never seen me say anything negative about jews. Ever.

Israel is a nation state.

And the guilt/sin/blame game is about the avoidance of responsibility. You can blame your version of "the bad guys" forever, but "the bad guys" only get aways with what you allow and take no responsibility for. And they will continue to. Everything the american people moan about is due to their own inaction.

99% of Jews are Zionists. Anti Israel = Anti Jew.
Fuck Israel, and fuck the US for supporting Israel.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered — S.1 — is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign policy-related measures, the main one of which is a provision — with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor — to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a
top legislative priority for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

In the previous Congress, that measure
was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As The Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities that participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies that choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with
Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

Yep thank you for admitting your Jew hate. Back to Berlin with you.

Utterly incoherent psychobabble.
You have repeatedly stated you despise Jews but you're OK with Palestinians and illegals coming into our country. You are the epitome of what is wrong with this country.
No darling, you have never seen me say anything negative about jews. Ever.

Israel is a nation state.

And the guilt/sin/blame game is about the avoidance of responsibility. You can blame your version of "the bad guys" forever, but "the bad guys" only get aways with what you allow and take no responsibility for. And they will continue to. Everything the american people moan about is due to their own inaction.

99% of Jews are Zionists. Anti Israel = Anti Jew.
Fuck Israel, and fuck the US for supporting Israel.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered — S.1 — is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign policy-related measures, the main one of which is a provision — with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor — to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a
top legislative priority for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

In the previous Congress, that measure
was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As The Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities that participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies that choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with
Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

Yep thank you for admitting your Jew hate. Back to Berlin with you.

Utterly incoherent psychobabble.

You posts are. Correct. Look you hate Jews the rest of your verbiage is semantics. Go jump in a frozen lake.
No darling, you have never seen me say anything negative about jews. Ever.

Israel is a nation state.

And the guilt/sin/blame game is about the avoidance of responsibility. You can blame your version of "the bad guys" forever, but "the bad guys" only get aways with what you allow and take no responsibility for. And they will continue to. Everything the american people moan about is due to their own inaction.

99% of Jews are Zionists. Anti Israel = Anti Jew.
Fuck Israel, and fuck the US for supporting Israel.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered — S.1 — is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign policy-related measures, the main one of which is a provision — with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor — to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a
top legislative priority for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

In the previous Congress, that measure
was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As The Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities that participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies that choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with
Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

Yep thank you for admitting your Jew hate. Back to Berlin with you.

Utterly incoherent psychobabble.

You posts are. Correct. Look you hate Jews the rest of your verbiage is semantics. Go jump in a frozen lake.

You're not up to a cogent discussion are you.
99% of Jews are Zionists. Anti Israel = Anti Jew.
Fuck Israel, and fuck the US for supporting Israel.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered — S.1 — is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign policy-related measures, the main one of which is a provision — with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor — to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a
top legislative priority for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

In the previous Congress, that measure
was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As The Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities that participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies that choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with
Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

Yep thank you for admitting your Jew hate. Back to Berlin with you.

Utterly incoherent psychobabble.

You posts are. Correct. Look you hate Jews the rest of your verbiage is semantics. Go jump in a frozen lake.

You're not up to a cogent discussion are you.

Not with anti semites no. That would be like asking an African American to have a civil discussion with David Duke. Sorry. Not happening. You are not civil and do not deserve civility.
Fuck Israel, and fuck the US for supporting Israel.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered — S.1 — is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign policy-related measures, the main one of which is a provision — with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor — to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a
top legislative priority for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

In the previous Congress, that measure
was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As The Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities that participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies that choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with
Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in the Midst of the Shutdown, Is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government From Boycotts

Yep thank you for admitting your Jew hate. Back to Berlin with you.

Utterly incoherent psychobabble.

You posts are. Correct. Look you hate Jews the rest of your verbiage is semantics. Go jump in a frozen lake.

You're not up to a cogent discussion are you.

Not with anti semites no. That would be like asking an African American to have a civil discussion with David Duke. Sorry. Not happening. You are not civil and do not deserve civility.

I put this NAZI TROLL on ignore after just two posts.

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