53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Yes, about ten years ago I was getting these unusual headaches. I went to my primary care Doc the next day. Two days after that I was in "the tube".
Dateline, Pickering, ON....My friend's brother injured his knee doing what else, playing in his rec hockey league. His knee swelled to soccer ball size. He went to his primary Doc and he scheduled the next available MRI appointment.....6 WEEKS later. 6 WEEKS....
This is quite common in most if not all countries with socialized medicine.

You didn't answer my question: How much did you pay for your MRI?

In your situation, you would have had your MRI right away in Canada too. Your friend had a soft tissue injury. Unpleasant but not urgent. That's how triage works.

MRI cost me zippo.
next thing you know theyll be hanging out with sub human debris like bill ayers,frank davismarshall and lunatic liberation theologist freaks
Well then, let us revisit the past and see why ordinary Americans believe that corporations should operate in a way that enhances society.

Recurrent observations Paul Rutherford made throughout "Endless Propaganda; The Advertising of Public Goods" were that business interests used advertising to promote the idea of the corporation as a public good; corporations disciplined the media through corrective advertising and withholding advertising dollars; and that advertisers partnered with government and charitable organizations to direct policy, enhance corporations public image, and insulate business from criticism.

In response to their negative image and calls for regulation of industry during the Great Depression, corporations cooperated to produce advertisements designed to “sell business, tarnish labor, and ward off government” In 1942, rather than ward off government, advertisers partnered with government to produce “civic advertising” via the Wartime Advertising Council, improving the public image of advertisers and business by supporting the war effort, and emphasizing their usefulness to government officials.

Once the war ended, the infrastructure of the council remained under the truncated heading “Advertising Council.” The Advertising Council was still very connected with government, but even more so to “corporate America.” One of the most important functions of the Advertising Council was to promote “social advertising,” making the Advertising Council a bridge between businesses, charitable, social, and government elites. Rutherford identified the initial capitalist propaganda initiatives as failures, but government did start listening more to business, and corporations, through the Advertising Council, were firmly entrenched in both the government and social spheres. Whatever their early mistakes, their position was set, their presence known, and their authority accepted.


Paul Rutherford, Endless Propaganda; The Advertising of Public Goods, University of TORONTO Press, Toronto, Buffalo, London, 2000

So you see, business itself is what is responsible for the public perception that it does (therefore it should) operate as a public good rather than a detriment of a civilized society.

The same propaganda machine is NOW pushing the idea that they are NOT abdicating the same fucking responsibility that IT sold to the American public in the first place as a justification for ITS position, ITS privilege, ITS power. Because IT owns all the media content (most of) YOU see, IT is massively successful.

Mass culture, Mass media, MASS manipulation.

Congratulations, the idiot box owns YOU.

Of course! The usual suspects come from the depths to "school" me with their "properly formatted" (usually APA) disortations written by someone in academia and, who, for the most part, never left the halls of academic achievement.

Lady, you are dealing with an individual who graduated from the University of Louisville, most likely long before you were hatched into this world, and stopped at the lowly BA. I couldn't care less about your "book learning" spears that you hurl in an attempt to feel better about yourself. I used the GI bill to obtain my degree. I majored in the feeble enterprise of "communication" with a minor in Political Science.

I spent 25 years (after the military) as a Teamster (surprise!! a pensioned union member here) and STILL, I couldn't care less for your point of view.

You hate. That's what you do. You hate this country. You hate republicans. You "most likely" hate straight people and, in particular, men. You hate the social morays that "most" folks try to live by. You hate anyone and anything that doesn't fit into your little box of weirdness. You are, by definition, a miserable hater. My God. What a worthless way to live.

Please, however, I beg you. when you come here to impress those "lowly" right wing republicans that you despise with every fiber of your miserable being, please, PLEASE use your own thoughts to form your posts. I, and the rest of the "idiots" that make up the conservative base here would much rather read YOUR posts and not the plagiarism you use from "scholars" who have never ventured farther than 100 yards from the classroom.

And just for the record, why not put on your best flannel shirt and combat boots and go out and have some fun with your significant "other"....

I quoted my source. If anything longer than 40 words was a direct quote it would have been in the appropriate

For the record, my significant other would make you piss your woefully inadequate pants. HE doesn't post in these forums, but hey, stop by and say hello someday. HE also likes to see me tear a motherfucker up.

With that threat, you show your true colors. You have a deep seated self hatred and feelings of inadequacy.
All you do is lash out at those with whom you disagree. Your posts are absent of substance.
There is no "what if"..Hey genius, to find out what is covered and what is not, READ THE POLICY...DUH!!!!!!

Many of my American friends have had to pay for tests because their insurance company said refused to pay saying the test was unnecessary. Your friend who wanted an MRI for his knee - why not an X-ray - cheaper and available same day?

If anything, people of moderate income and on up will see their insurance costs rise dramatically. While the parasites here will receive another entitlement. BUT......They will be in for a HUGE surprise. Those visits to the hospital for the sniffles they have been used to? GONE!!!!!!Those services will no longer be available because the money won't be there anymore. Hospitals and doctor's offices will get it from both ends.

First off, people of moderates incomes got REFUNDS last year from their insurance companies because the insurance companies can't just deny coverage and keep your premiums any more, so rates are going DOWN not up.

The uninsured aren't going to hospitals for the sniffles, they're waiting until they're deathly ill before going for treatment. That part of the reason your health care costs are so high.

And then you trot out all of the right-wing scare stories about how terrible it's all going to be. We've been hearing these scare stories since the Clintons tried to reform health care. And yet everything that has happened so far has been positive. Insurance companies are refunding excessive premiums, preventative annual checkups are now covered with no co-pay. So far, so good.

You have not been paying attention. Your reply is incorrect.
Refunds on insurance premiums? No, they are REBATES. Only a very few are eligible. And the rebate is insignificant. According to one of the people that crafted Obamacare, the provision will end up costing insured people MORE money.
Insurance Companies Send Out Rebate Checks; Economists Get Nervous : Planet Money : NPR
The uninsured do not WHAT?!! Look lady, you don't live here. You have no clue.
Come to the States. Walk into any ER waiting room. Any time of day. It's crowded. Most of the people there are in for rather minor things.Health Care Groups Work to Cut Down on Avoidable Emergency Room Visits - YNN, Your News Now All of them will be billed. Most will never pay. And these people will NEVER have health insurance. Why should they? There is no incentive for them to do so. They brazenly abuse the system and there is NO recourse against them. In fact, many states have funds set up for what is known as "charity care". The rest is written off and passed on to insured and cash patients.
People here call 9-1-1 for an ambulance ride to the hospital to pick up prescriptions or get minor treatments for things like allergies and head colds. No shit.
'Frequent flyers' abuse ambulance rules for a free ride to Syracuse hospitals | syracuse.com
CBS47 Special Report: 911 Abuse - KGPE CBS47 Fresno - News, Sports & Weather for the Central Valley
What say you now? Something real clever I would imagine.
Why do you keep bringing a Fiat to a NASCAR race?
For every one of your little whiny claims, I have facts that blow your nonsense out of the water.

LIke I stated earlier. Come to the States. Get a clue.
good reason to NOT require employer to provide health care insurance for one.

IMO, it's a good reason to require ALL employers to provide health insurance. In Canada, all employers pay health tax on both full and part-time employees. Of course employer health tax (just under 1% of salary) is a LOT cheaper than US health insurance.

Canada has rationed care.
I can get an MRI by this Friday. You'd have to wait two months.

Canada also has only 35,000,000 people compared to our 300,000,000.

And they all want to come here. There are illegal Canadians sneaking across the border too but they could all come here and we would barely notice.
IMO, it's a good reason to require ALL employers to provide health insurance. In Canada, all employers pay health tax on both full and part-time employees. Of course employer health tax (just under 1% of salary) is a LOT cheaper than US health insurance.

Canada has rationed care.
I can get an MRI by this Friday. You'd have to wait two months.

Canada also has only 35,000,000 people compared to our 300,000,000.

And they all want to come here. There are illegal Canadians sneaking across the border too but they could all come here and we would barely notice.

Honestly, I can't address the number of Canadians that are coming here, but there has been, and continues to be, a number of Canadians that travel here to receive treatment due to the waiting times in their own country. That is a fact that the left can not deny.

The other thing that always intrigues me with the left is that they readily approve of the government taking control of our Healthcare and deep in their tiny little hearts, they know that this is NOT going to work. However, they simply don't care. It is merely yet another idea of somehow "transforming" this country into something resembling a cross between the Soviet Union and France.

I've been to both countries numerous times and I STILL scratch my head at the thought of what these little-minded people are accomplishing. It just does NOT make any sense to me.
Of course! The usual suspects come from the depths to "school" me with their "properly formatted" (usually APA) disortations written by someone in academia and, who, for the most part, never left the halls of academic achievement.

Lady, you are dealing with an individual who graduated from the University of Louisville, most likely long before you were hatched into this world, and stopped at the lowly BA. I couldn't care less about your "book learning" spears that you hurl in an attempt to feel better about yourself. I used the GI bill to obtain my degree. I majored in the feeble enterprise of "communication" with a minor in Political Science.

I spent 25 years (after the military) as a Teamster (surprise!! a pensioned union member here) and STILL, I couldn't care less for your point of view.

You hate. That's what you do. You hate this country. You hate republicans. You "most likely" hate straight people and, in particular, men. You hate the social morays that "most" folks try to live by. You hate anyone and anything that doesn't fit into your little box of weirdness. You are, by definition, a miserable hater. My God. What a worthless way to live.

Please, however, I beg you. when you come here to impress those "lowly" right wing republicans that you despise with every fiber of your miserable being, please, PLEASE use your own thoughts to form your posts. I, and the rest of the "idiots" that make up the conservative base here would much rather read YOUR posts and not the plagiarism you use from "scholars" who have never ventured farther than 100 yards from the classroom.

And just for the record, why not put on your best flannel shirt and combat boots and go out and have some fun with your significant "other"....

I quoted my source. If anything longer than 40 words was a direct quote it would have been in the appropriate

For the record, my significant other would make you piss your woefully inadequate pants. HE doesn't post in these forums, but hey, stop by and say hello someday. HE also likes to see me tear a motherfucker up.

With that threat, you show your true colors. You have a deep seated self hatred and feelings of inadequacy.
All you do is lash out at those with whom you disagree. Your posts are absent of substance.

Randull at least has his staggering ignorance as an excuse, but you don't even read what you respond to. You are, hands down, the most dishonest and passive aggressive douche bag posting on this forum.
I quoted my source. If anything longer than 40 words was a direct quote it would have been in the appropriate

For the record, my significant other would make you piss your woefully inadequate pants. HE doesn't post in these forums, but hey, stop by and say hello someday. HE also likes to see me tear a motherfucker up.

With that threat, you show your true colors. You have a deep seated self hatred and feelings of inadequacy.
All you do is lash out at those with whom you disagree. Your posts are absent of substance.

Randull at least has his staggering ignorance as an excuse, but you don't even read what you respond to. You are, hands down, the most dishonest and passive aggressive douche bag posting on this forum.

Oh please. don't do me any favors. I can still take care of myself and I fear you no more than a cloudy day. Please do yourself a favor and start using that Douche Bag that you constantly refer to. You stink as much as your opinions. I hear that "Summer's Eve" is quite effective in those instances.
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Canada has rationed care.
I can get an MRI by this Friday. You'd have to wait two months.

Canada also has only 35,000,000 people compared to our 300,000,000.

And they all want to come here. There are illegal Canadians sneaking across the border too but they could all come here and we would barely notice.

Honestly, I can't address the number of Canadians that are coming here, but there has been, and continues to be, a number of Canadians that travel here to receive treatment due to the waiting times in their own country. That is a fact that the left can not deny.

The other thing that always intrigues me with the left is that they readily approve of the government taking control of our Healthcare and deep in their tiny little hearts, they know that this is NOT going to work. However, they simply don't care. It is merely yet another idea of somehow "transforming" this country into something resembling a cross between the Soviet Union and France.

I've been to both countries numerous times and I STILL scratch my head at the thought of what these little-minded people are accomplishing. It just does NOT make any sense to me.

I'm Canadian. Less than 1% of Canadians come to the US for medical treatment. But you do have to wait for an MRI.
Honestly, I can't address the number of Canadians that are coming here, but there has been, and continues to be, a number of Canadians that travel here to receive treatment due to the waiting times in their own country. That is a fact that the left can not deny.

There are almost NO Canadians going to the US for treatment due to wait times. The figure isn't even 1%. This is a myth that the American medical lobby uses to frighten Americans about single payer health care.

In the late 1990's the Conservatives were in power in Ontario. They gutted the healthcare budget, closing 10,000 hospital beds, forcing hospital boards to amalgamate, and last but not least, firing over 6,000 nurses. The severance packages cost over $50 million. Waiting lists ballooned, and people died because they couldn't get treatment fast enough. People started going to the US for treatment.

When the Liberals were elected in 2003, they re-hired the nurses and focussed on eliminating waiting lists. Today, Ontario has reduced waiting lists for all targeted treatments. But the myth of long waiting lists and people going to the US for treatment live on.

Every Canadian I know who has received medical treatment in the US, did so because they were in the US on vacation or for business and had a medical emergency. My friend's husband had a heart attack while in Florida on business. They stayed in Florida just long enough to get him stabilized and well enough for the trip home and had him admitted to the Schulich Heart Centre at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto because it's one of the best Heart Centres in the World. Many Americans come to Toronto for treatment there.

The other thing that always intrigues me with the left is that they readily approve of the government taking control of our Healthcare and deep in their tiny little hearts, they know that this is NOT going to work. However, they simply don't care. It is merely yet another idea of somehow "transforming" this country into something resembling a cross between the Soviet Union and France.

I've been to both countries numerous times and I STILL scratch my head at the thought of what these little-minded people are accomplishing. It just does NOT make any sense to me.

No Randall. The left is VERY certain that government funded health works. We know this because it works in every other first world country in the world. No one wants to transform the country into France or Russia.

What the left wants is for people like you to let go of your paranoia and ignorance. Your ignorance of other nations and other cultures is boundless. The US is a very young country. France has existed for more than 1,000 years, and yet you dimiss the French as "little-minded".

No wonder the right is so screwed up.
Honestly, I can't address the number of Canadians that are coming here, but there has been, and continues to be, a number of Canadians that travel here to receive treatment due to the waiting times in their own country. That is a fact that the left can not deny.

There are almost NO Canadians going to the US for treatment due to wait times. The figure isn't even 1%. This is a myth that the American medical lobby uses to frighten Americans about single payer health care.

In the late 1990's the Conservatives were in power in Ontario. They gutted the healthcare budget, closing 10,000 hospital beds, forcing hospital boards to amalgamate, and last but not least, firing over 6,000 nurses. The severance packages cost over $50 million. Waiting lists ballooned, and people died because they couldn't get treatment fast enough. People started going to the US for treatment.

When the Liberals were elected in 2003, they re-hired the nurses and focussed on eliminating waiting lists. Today, Ontario has reduced waiting lists for all targeted treatments. But the myth of long waiting lists and people going to the US for treatment live on.

Every Canadian I know who has received medical treatment in the US, did so because they were in the US on vacation or for business and had a medical emergency. My friend's husband had a heart attack while in Florida on business. They stayed in Florida just long enough to get him stabilized and well enough for the trip home and had him admitted to the Schulich Heart Centre at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto because it's one of the best Heart Centres in the World. Many Americans come to Toronto for treatment there.

The other thing that always intrigues me with the left is that they readily approve of the government taking control of our Healthcare and deep in their tiny little hearts, they know that this is NOT going to work. However, they simply don't care. It is merely yet another idea of somehow "transforming" this country into something resembling a cross between the Soviet Union and France.

I've been to both countries numerous times and I STILL scratch my head at the thought of what these little-minded people are accomplishing. It just does NOT make any sense to me.

No Randall. The left is VERY certain that government funded health works. We know this because it works in every other first world country in the world. No one wants to transform the country into France or Russia.

What the left wants is for people like you to let go of your paranoia and ignorance. Your ignorance of other nations and other cultures is boundless. The US is a very young country. France has existed for more than 1,000 years, and yet you dimiss the French as "little-minded".

No wonder the right is so screwed up.

Exactly. "No wonder the right is so screwed up". Well, Skippy, we'll see. However, since you aren't American, your opinion counts for less than nothing.

Here's the bottom line in this discussion. The left is going to get their way. They had better pray to whatever god they pray to that this works. If it doesn't, they will be destroyed. I can see it now, " But we didn't know!"

The first little "light in the loafer lefty" that I hear say that will get beaten half to death with my cane. That goes for media types, professors, students, women and white liberals that are absolutely SURE that they know what's best for everyone else. I promise, I will try to severely injure the first clown tht makes tht statement in my presence.

The mere idea that this country will end up as irrelevant as CANADA is absolutely disgusting to me.
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Well, Skippy, we'll see. However, since you aren't American, your opinion counts for less than nothing.

Let me start by saying that Skippy is my cat, and addressing your posts to my cat is useless because she can't read. But even Skippy knows that Canada is one of the greatest places to live on earth.

The mere idea that this country will end up as irrelevant as CANADA is absolutely disgusting to me.

Smart people study and respect other people and cultures and learn all they can from them. Only a fool dismisses others as irrelevant and unimportant. No wonder you have such a narrow stunted view of politics. You never even glance outside the bubble.

Canada is, at the moment, ascendent. The world's governments are currently studying our banking regulations. We cracked the DNA gene code. We have one of the highest qualitiy of life in the World. We have a lot to be proud of.
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Well, Skippy, we'll see. However, since you aren't American, your opinion counts for less than nothing.

Let me start by saying that Skippy is my cat, and addressing your posts to my cat is useless because she can't read. But even Skippy knows that Canada is one of the greatest places to live on earth.

The mere idea that this country will end up as irrelevant as CANADA is absolutely disgusting to me.

Smart people study and respect other people and cultures and learn all they can from them. Only a fool dismisses others as irrelevant and unimportant. No wonder you have such a narrow stunted view of politics. You never even glance outside the bubble.

Canada is, at the moment, ascendent. The world's governments are currently studying our banking regulations. We cracked the DNA gene code. We have one of the highest qualitiy of life in the World. We have a lot to be proud of.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize how "important" Canada is to the rest of the world. Pardon me. I thought your greatest export was that band called "Rush"?

Lady, I grew up in a military family as the Son of a General in the US Air Force. I have lived in nearly every country in the world and later served in several countries. I speak fluent Russian, German and Polish. I served in the position of Security Chief in consulates in the Soviet Union and East Germany. I fought in Vietnam and earned a College degree.

Don't sit in your seemingly lofty and self-righteous "Oh Canada" and tell me how "wonderful" your country, and it's "policies" are. You have no trouble whatsoever coming to this board and preaching your nonsense to a people that are conflicted, as though we "needed" your smug advice, We do not.

Why not spend your time doing something constructive, like perhaps discouraging your country from becoming something more than a staging point for terrorists?
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Well, Skippy, we'll see. However, since you aren't American, your opinion counts for less than nothing.

Let me start by saying that Skippy is my cat, and addressing your posts to my cat is useless because she can't read. But even Skippy knows that Canada is one of the greatest places to live on earth.

The mere idea that this country will end up as irrelevant as CANADA is absolutely disgusting to me.

Smart people study and respect other people and cultures and learn all they can from them. Only a fool dismisses others as irrelevant and unimportant. No wonder you have such a narrow stunted view of politics. You never even glance outside the bubble.

Canada is, at the moment, ascendent. The world's governments are currently studying our banking regulations. We cracked the DNA gene code. We have one of the highest qualitiy of life in the World. We have a lot to be proud of.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize how "important" Canada is to the rest of the world. Pardon me. I thought your greatest export was that band called "Rush"?

Lady, I grew up in a military family as the Son of a General in the US Air Force. I have lived in nearly every country in the world and later served in several countries. I speak fluent Russian, German and Polish. I served in the position of Security Chief in consulates in the Soviet Union and East Germany. I fought in Vietnam and earned a College degree.

Don't sit in your seemingly lofty and self-righteous "Oh Canada" and tell me how "wonderful" your country, and it's "policies" are. You have no trouble whatsoever coming to this board and preaching your nonsense to a people that are conflicted, as though we "needed" your smug advice, We do not.

Why not spend your time doing something constructive, like perhaps discouraging your country from becoming something more than a staging point for terrorists?

blah blah blah woopity doo. She has just as much a right to post her opinion here as you do.
Why not spend your time doing something constructive, like perhaps discouraging your country from becoming something more than a staging point for terrorists?

Here you reveal the true extent of your ignorance. Yes another lie. Canada is not and has never been a staging ground for terrorists. Americans not only let these guys in themselves, they even trained them how to fly and no one questioned why they weren't interested in how to land.

Regardless of where you lived and how many languages you speak, your disregard for other cultures and ideas reveals the true extent of your ignorance. American Exceptionism is a dangerous concept. No good has ever come of people believing they are a superior race. The whole concept of American Exceptionism sounds very much like Aryan Supremecy and we know where that lead. The Romans also believed they were exceptional.

If Americans are conflicted, it's because some of you completely believe conservatives lies. At least enough people have come to their senses and kept Obama in office. Perhaps the reason that so many minorities voted for Obama is that these people haven't bought into the lies spouted by American conservatives and can see things more clearly.
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Why not spend your time doing something constructive, like perhaps discouraging your country from becoming something more than a staging point for terrorists?

Here you reveal the true extent of your ignorance. Yes another lie. Canada is not and has never been a staging ground for terrorists. Americans not only let these guys in themselves, they even trained them how to fly and no one questioned why they weren't interested in how to land.

Regardless of where you lived and how many languages you speak, your disregard for other cultures and ideas reveals the true extent of your ignorance. American Exceptionism is a dangerous concept. No good has ever come of people believing they are a superior race. The whole concept of American Exceptionism sounds very much like Aryan Supremecy and we know where that lead. The Romans also believed they were exceptional.

If Americans are conflicted, it's because some of you completely believe conservatives lies. At least enough people have come to their senses and kept Obama in office. Perhaps the reason that so many minorities voted for Obama is that these people haven't bought into the lies spouted by American conservatives and can see things more clearly.

Lady, in my humble opinion, your post serves to prove my point EXACTLY. You are the mother that believes that there are no "winners" and "losers" when kids play, aren't you?

America has ALWAYS been about winners and losers. ALWAYS. I understand that that galls your pacifist tendencies and, apparently, you're still in love with France, who planted more trees near the Arch De Triumph so invading armies could march in the shade. Americans understand that people like you enjoy bowing. We get it.

Americans - TRUE Americans, bow to no one.Unfortunately for our country, we have been infected by people (like you) who give up and give in, rather than fight. The Communist Obama is from your neck of the woods.

We, Americans, are not "superior" to anyone. We are the Mutts of the world. People that came here, came here to get away from people like you. We were thrown out of every other country in the world because we WOULD NOT bow.

We destroy regimes that believe they are "superior". We never look for a fight but we damn well don't RUN from a fight. And, again, that's what galls people like you. If that's what you refer to as "American Exceptionalism" then you sound as jealous as the little schoolgirl who wasn't invited to the prom.

The thing that so worries people of my age today, is that we have been infected by the virus that is "liberalism". Code for lazy, slacking, worthless, no good, loafers, who look for the bad in everything in life. You know - people like you. People that believe that it is better to BOW, than to STAND.

People who would rather take, than work for. People who would rather destroy, than build. People who "expect" rather than "make". Again, people like you. People who thought the 60s were "cool" and the "man" is evil. People who believe that it is governments "job" to take care of them. You know, people like you.

You live in the perfect country for a person like yourself. Nothing is expected of you other than to bow. You must be in Ecstasy.

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