57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
I was military dumbass.........ass.........fitting symbol of the ass party.........we did training as well.......and just because the first one didn't stop and others dealt with it means 2 WORDS..........


Wan't intentional..........and the guy shouldn't have been there..........so take your BS outrage elsewhere..............

Just because you were military doesn't mean you were knowledgeable and good at your job. Obviously on the battlefield in a foreign country you aren't obligated by the same laws as a member of the national guard in NY... it has become quite obvious at this point you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about and cannot even differentiate such a huge divide between responsibilities on the battlefield, and the differing responsibilities of a member of the national guard when dealing with U.S. CITIZENS on U.S. SOIL.
I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
Calling in an EMT is perfectly proper and sensible protocol. The cops were there to maintain order in the streets.
That's their jobs. The EMT is there to give medical aid as needed. That's his job!
I hope you can follow along.

I was a medical corpsman in the US Navy during Viet Nam. I think I know how
these things work. Everyone does what they are there to do.
I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
Calling in an EMT is perfectly proper and sensible protocol. The cops were there to maintain order in the streets.
That's their jobs. The EMT is there to give medical aid as needed. That's his job!
I hope you can follow along. I was a medical corpsman in the US Navy during Viet Nam. I think I know how these
things work. Everyone does what they are there to do.

Another person talking out there ass, who doesn't understand the difference between dealing with a U.S. citizen in emergency medical distress... and responsibilities on a battlefield. I am glad the elderly man didn't die, and I sure as fuck hope that if you are ever put in that same situation as him, someone provides aid and has higher ethical standards than you do.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
I was military dumbass.........ass.........fitting symbol of the ass party.........we did training as well.......and just because the first one didn't stop and others dealt with it means 2 WORDS..........


Wan't intentional..........and the guy shouldn't have been there..........so take your BS outrage elsewhere..............

Just because you were military doesn't mean you were knowledgeable and good at your job. Obviously on the battlefield in a foreign country you aren't obligated by the same laws as a member of the national guard in NY... it has become quite obvious at this point you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about and cannot even differentiate such a huge divide between responsibilities on the battlefield, and the differing responsibilities of a member of the national guard when dealing with U.S. CITIZENS on U.S. SOIL.
Up yours............the old man getting hurt was an accident.........don't burn the damned nation down for your POLITICS....and maybe Pandora goes back into the box..............until then there will be blowback from both sides.

Which is what your crappy ass party wants.......Your side does this shit every election cycle......then CRIES VICTIM STATUS......24/7

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
Calling in an EMT is perfectly proper and sensible protocol. The cops were there to maintain order in the streets.
That's their jobs. The EMT is there to give medical aid as needed. That's his job!
I hope you can follow along. I was a medical corpsman in the US Navy during Viet Nam. I think I know how these
things work. Everyone does what they are there to do.

Another person talking out there ass, and who doesn't understand the difference between dealing with a U.S. citizen in emergency medical distress... and responsibilities on a battlefield. I am glad the elderly man didn't die, and I sure as fuck hope that if you are ever put in that same situation as him, someone provides aid and has higher ethical standards than you do.
Another poster practicing for his DRAMA AWARD and to get an Actors Job afterwards..........

With your parties BS and throwing gas on the fire..........the old man was there to confront the police......they hardly even pushed him.........he should have stayed home instead of supporting the LOOTERS and RIOTERS............burning our country to the ground,
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
Looked like a BIG hard PUSH to me.
Another person talking out there ass, who doesn't understand the difference between dealing with a U.S. citizen in emergency medical distress... and responsibilities on a battlefield. I am glad the elderly man didn't die, and I sure as fuck hope that if you are ever put in that same situation as him, someone provides aid and has higher ethical standards than you do.
Paramedics were called in. The pushy old fucker got his medical treatment.
You can keep whining and wetting your pants in consternation but there really is nothing to dispute here.

You are the one who doesn't know how things work.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
Looked like a BIG hard PUSH to me.
well considering youre a fucking idiot wwhat you see is irrelevant,,,
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
I was military dumbass.........ass.........fitting symbol of the ass party.........we did training as well.......and just because the first one didn't stop and others dealt with it means 2 WORDS..........


Wan't intentional..........and the guy shouldn't have been there..........so take your BS outrage elsewhere..............

Just because you were military doesn't mean you were knowledgeable and good at your job. Obviously on the battlefield in a foreign country you aren't obligated by the same laws as a member of the national guard in NY... it has become quite obvious at this point you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about and cannot even differentiate such a huge divide between responsibilities on the battlefield, and the differing responsibilities of a member of the national guard when dealing with U.S. CITIZENS on U.S. SOIL.
Up yours............the old man getting hurt was an accident.........don't burn the damned nation down for your POLITICS....and maybe Pandora goes back into the box..............until then there will be blowback from both sides.

Which is what your crappy ass party wants.......Your side does this shit every election cycle......then CRIES VICTIM STATUS......24/7


...oh so when something is an accident they aren't supposed to provide life-saving aid?

Jesus you guys are dense. I don't have a "side," and all you are doing by saying that is conceding that you know you are wrong in this discussion.
The phrase that is important here is "duty to act." You should check it out some time so you don't continue to look silly arguing that it doesn't exist.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
Looked like a BIG hard PUSH to me.
Of course you do........you are pushing the DNC Narrative here............keep up the anti police movement...........Race movement and RIOTS............it's what your party does

I really don't care.......I don't live in a shithole Dem run state anyways.........

Fire all the police and let the gangs and looters run your city........just don't run to ours when the shit hits the fan.........we DON'T NEED YOU HERE.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
I was military dumbass.........ass.........fitting symbol of the ass party.........we did training as well.......and just because the first one didn't stop and others dealt with it means 2 WORDS..........


Wan't intentional..........and the guy shouldn't have been there..........so take your BS outrage elsewhere..............

Just because you were military doesn't mean you were knowledgeable and good at your job. Obviously on the battlefield in a foreign country you aren't obligated by the same laws as a member of the national guard in NY... it has become quite obvious at this point you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about and cannot even differentiate such a huge divide between responsibilities on the battlefield, and the differing responsibilities of a member of the national guard when dealing with U.S. CITIZENS on U.S. SOIL.
Up yours............the old man getting hurt was an accident.........don't burn the damned nation down for your POLITICS....and maybe Pandora goes back into the box..............until then there will be blowback from both sides.

Which is what your crappy ass party wants.......Your side does this shit every election cycle......then CRIES VICTIM STATUS......24/7


...oh so when something is an accident they aren't supposed to provide life-saving aid?

Jesus you guys are dense. I don't have a "side," and all you are doing by saying that is conceding that you know you are wrong in this discussion. View attachment 346486 The phrase that is important here is "duty to act." You should check it out some time so you don't continue to look silly arguing that it doesn't exist.
DRAMA QUEEN.........FUCK YOU..........the guy should have stayed home.........they didn't intend to crack his skull............and he GOT FIRST AID TREATMENT.

Go peddle your Snake Oil somewhere else.
Another person talking out there ass, who doesn't understand the difference between dealing with a U.S. citizen in emergency medical distress... and responsibilities on a battlefield. I am glad the elderly man didn't die, and I sure as fuck hope that if you are ever put in that same situation as him, someone provides aid and has higher ethical standards than you do.
Paramedics were called in. The pushy old fucker got his medical treatment.
You can keep whining and wetting your pants in consternation but there really is nothing to dispute here.

You are the one who doesn't know how things work.

AND? Have you ever been trained in 1st aid? The fact that you think calling for EMTs is considered providing medical aid proves you haven't. When a person hits their head so violently that they have blood coming out their ears, means they could possibly have suffered a brain injury that may cause the to not be able to breath on their own without CPR being administered until EMTs arrive. :rolleyes:
That city is fucked, lawlessness ,they will get what they deserve, stupid fucks should be glad they have law enforcement not destroy it.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
Looked like a BIG hard PUSH to me.
Of course you do........you are pushing the DNC Narrative here............keep up the anti police movement...........Race movement and RIOTS............it's what your party does

I really don't care.......I don't live in a shithole Dem run state anyways.........

Fire all the police and let the gangs and looters run your city........just don't run to ours when the shit hits the fan.........we DON'T NEED YOU HERE.

The DNC narrative? Providing emergency medical aid is a DNC narrative? That is the dumbest thing I've read in a long, long time
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
I was military dumbass.........ass.........fitting symbol of the ass party.........we did training as well.......and just because the first one didn't stop and others dealt with it means 2 WORDS..........


Wan't intentional..........and the guy shouldn't have been there..........so take your BS outrage elsewhere..............

Just because you were military doesn't mean you were knowledgeable and good at your job. Obviously on the battlefield in a foreign country you aren't obligated by the same laws as a member of the national guard in NY... it has become quite obvious at this point you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about and cannot even differentiate such a huge divide between responsibilities on the battlefield, and the differing responsibilities of a member of the national guard when dealing with U.S. CITIZENS on U.S. SOIL.
Up yours............the old man getting hurt was an accident.........don't burn the damned nation down for your POLITICS....and maybe Pandora goes back into the box..............until then there will be blowback from both sides.

Which is what your crappy ass party wants.......Your side does this shit every election cycle......then CRIES VICTIM STATUS......24/7


...oh so when something is an accident they aren't supposed to provide life-saving aid?

Jesus you guys are dense. I don't have a "side," and all you are doing by saying that is conceding that you know you are wrong in this discussion. View attachment 346486 The phrase that is important here is "duty to act." You should check it out some time so you don't continue to look silly arguing that it doesn't exist.
DRAMA QUEEN.........FUCK YOU..........the guy should have stayed home.........they didn't intend to crack his skull............and he GOT FIRST AID TREATMENT.

Go peddle your Snake Oil somewhere else.

Fascist... so because the man is 75 he should't be able to practice his constitutional right to protest? And to do so without being physically assaulted by the police? Funny how you Trump supporters cried a few weeks ago about how stay at home orders were a violation of your rights, and here you are trying to say a U.S. citizen should have to stay at home and not be able to protest. A person couldn't make this shit up if they tried.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
Looked like a BIG hard PUSH to me.
Of course you do........you are pushing the DNC Narrative here............keep up the anti police movement...........Race movement and RIOTS............it's what your party does

I really don't care.......I don't live in a shithole Dem run state anyways.........

Fire all the police and let the gangs and looters run your city........just don't run to ours when the shit hits the fan.........we DON'T NEED YOU HERE.

The DNC narrative? Providing emergency medical aid is a DNC narrative? That is the dumbest thing I've read in a long, long time
He got first aid dumb ass.........HE DIDN'T DIE........He should have stayed the Fuck HOME......instead of confronting the police..............and they didn't do it on purpose.........NO INTENT...

Stop hyping the burning of our country and STAY THE FUCK HOME.

Funny how you dumbasses all of a sudden don't give a damn about the virus.......Especially when everyone is seeing that it's rate is only 0.2% ...........that old guy should have STAYED HOME HUH.

Stupidity in motion.........and a bunch of Dems causing violence all over the country.......TYPICAL ASSHOLES.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.
I was military dumbass.........ass.........fitting symbol of the ass party.........we did training as well.......and just because the first one didn't stop and others dealt with it means 2 WORDS..........


Wan't intentional..........and the guy shouldn't have been there..........so take your BS outrage elsewhere..............

Just because you were military doesn't mean you were knowledgeable and good at your job. Obviously on the battlefield in a foreign country you aren't obligated by the same laws as a member of the national guard in NY... it has become quite obvious at this point you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about and cannot even differentiate such a huge divide between responsibilities on the battlefield, and the differing responsibilities of a member of the national guard when dealing with U.S. CITIZENS on U.S. SOIL.
Up yours............the old man getting hurt was an accident.........don't burn the damned nation down for your POLITICS....and maybe Pandora goes back into the box..............until then there will be blowback from both sides.

Which is what your crappy ass party wants.......Your side does this shit every election cycle......then CRIES VICTIM STATUS......24/7


...oh so when something is an accident they aren't supposed to provide life-saving aid?

Jesus you guys are dense. I don't have a "side," and all you are doing by saying that is conceding that you know you are wrong in this discussion. View attachment 346486 The phrase that is important here is "duty to act." You should check it out some time so you don't continue to look silly arguing that it doesn't exist.
DRAMA QUEEN.........FUCK YOU..........the guy should have stayed home.........they didn't intend to crack his skull............and he GOT FIRST AID TREATMENT.

Go peddle your Snake Oil somewhere else.

Fascist... so because the man is 75 he should't be able to practice his constitutional right to protest? And to do so without being physically assaulted by the police? Funny how you Trump supporters cried a few weeks ago about how stay at home orders were a violation of your rights, and here you are trying to say a U.S. citizen should have to stay at home and not be able to protest. A person couldn't make this shit up if they tried.
You have no SYMPATHY ANYMORE........WHEN they BURNED THE NATION DOWN.....and funny how you limp dicked Dems don't care about the dang quarantine anymore....

Because the Rate was small..........you need something to cover up that we DESTROYED our Economy for a stinking KUNG FLU VIRUS with a 0.2% rate............................and most deaths came from stupid policies in BLUE CITIES.........imagine that.
Shoved and stumbled

Maybe that is why you don’t shove elderly people
Maybe that's why elderly activists shouldn't get in the cop's faces and harangue them as they are trying
to contain a riot. Maybe the cop wanted to follow social distancing rules. The old clown did not.
Elderly have the same First Amendment rights as anyone else.

The problem is, what the fuk is wrong with police?

These demonstrations are a referendum on police conduct. Roughing up an elderly man does not help their case.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
Looked like a BIG hard PUSH to me.
Of course you do........you are pushing the DNC Narrative here............keep up the anti police movement...........Race movement and RIOTS............it's what your party does

I really don't care.......I don't live in a shithole Dem run state anyways.........

Fire all the police and let the gangs and looters run your city........just don't run to ours when the shit hits the fan.........we DON'T NEED YOU HERE.

The DNC narrative? Providing emergency medical aid is a DNC narrative? That is the dumbest thing I've read in a long, long time
He got first aid dumb ass.........HE DIDN'T DIE........He should have stayed the Fuck HOME......instead of confronting the police..............and they didn't do it on purpose.........NO INTENT...

Stop hyping the burning of our country and STAY THE FUCK HOME.

Funny how you dumbasses all of a sudden don't give a damn about the virus.......Especially when everyone is seeing that it's rate is only 0.2% ...........that old guy should have STAYED HOME HUH.

Stupidity in motion.........and a bunch of Dems causing violence all over the country.......TYPICAL ASSHOLES.
They roughed up an old man who was trying to speak with the cops.
The reason you don’t shove old people is that they will fall down

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