58 Donald Trump Conspiracy Theories (And Counting!): The Definitive Trump Conspiracy Guide


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Sep 18, 2012
58 Donald Trump Conspiracy Theories (And Counting!): The Definitive Trump Conspiracy Guide

I think it's important that we keep track of the crazy stupid things that come out of the big asshole's mouth.

President Obama
1) Birtherism

For years, Trump has suggested that President Obama fabricated his birth certificate in order to be eligible to run for president. As evidence of this, he has cited the work of Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, “Israeli Science,” the conspiracy theory clearinghouse WorldNetDaily and an unnamed “extremely credible source.”

Trump has falsely claimed that the president spent millions of dollars “to keep this quiet” and wrongly suggested that the president’s grandmother confessed to witnessing his birth in Kenya.

“He cannot give a birth certificate,” he told radio host Laura Ingraham in 2011. He added: “He doesn’t have a birth certificate or, if he does, there’s something on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now somebody told me, and I have no idea whether this is bad for him or not but perhaps it would be, that where it says ‘religion’ it might have ‘Muslim,’ and if you’re a Muslim, you don’t change your religion by the way, but somebody said, ‘Maybe that’s the reason he doesn’t want to show it.’ I don’t think so. I just don’t think he has a birth certificate and everybody has a birth certificate.”

“When I hear he took an ad in the paper, his parents, these are poor people, when did you ever hear of anybody taking an ad in a paper?” Trump said in the same interview, casting doubt on the announcement of Obama’s birth in a Honolulu newspaper. “I see so much fraud in the world. An ad like that could’ve been staged. I don’t mean staged at the time. I mean could have been computer-generated five years ago, eight years ago, two years ago, it could’ve been computer-generated.”

“The Rockefeller family doesn’t buy ads in a newspaper and now you’re going to have two poor people putting an ad in a newspaper that their son was born? There’s something fishy about the whole thing. Very fishy,” he continued.

Trump went on to hail birthers as “great American people” and described himself as a “proud” birther, noting that he “went to a great college, the best” and “was a very good student” and “a very smart guy.”

“Either it’s fine, or he was born in Kenya, or, in my opinion there’s a very good chance he was born here and said he was born in Kenya,” Trump said in 2014. “Because if you were born in Kenya, you got into colleges and you got aid. Very simple.”

Trump has also claimed that Obama himself “said he was born in Kenya” and promised to “write a book” laying out his birther theory.

2) Bill Ayers Wrote ‘Dreams From My Father’

Trump has embraced the far-right conspiracy theory — which initially started as a joke — that Obama didn’t write his book “Dreams From My Father.”

In a 2012 Fox News appearance, he explained:

He had a book, whether he wrote the book or not, but that book pushed him very hard and very strongly. And then they get into who really penned that book. It would be an interesting question for people to figure out. I don’t believe — I think somebody else had a lot to do with that book. I think he wrote the second book, which was certainly not a masterpiece. I’m very good at books, and it certainly wasn’t a masterpiece.

“Bill Ayers wrote the book,” Trump said in 2011, explaining that “Barack Obama wouldn’t be president” if it weren’t for the “super-genius” Ayers. “A lot of people have said he wrote the book.”

“Now it’s coming out that Bill Ayers wrote it,” he told Ingraham in 2011.

3) Hawaii Official Was Murdered In Birth Certificate Cover-up

Detective Trump is on the case.

4) Obama Was ‘Born Barry Soetero’

On different occasions, Trump has referred to the president as “Barry Sotoro,” “Barry Soetoro” and “ Barry Sowoto.”

Indeed, Trump claims that “Soetoro” was Obama’s last name since his birth.

“Look, he was born Barry Soetero, somewhere along the line he changed his name,” Trump toldSean Hannity in 2011, despite the fact that, as Eric Kleefeld points out, Soetero is the “surname of Obama’s mother’s second husband, Lolo Soetoro, whom she married four years after Obama was born.” Soetoro came to Hawaii in 1962. Obama was born in 1961.

5) Obama Never Attended Columbia

In 2014, Trump offered “$50 million for charity” if Obama released his college records, arguing that Obama “came out of nowhere” and “the people that went to school with him, they never saw him.”

He may have been referring to the claim posed by his friend and campaign surrogate Wayne Allyn Root, a right-wing pundit who simultaneously claims that Obama never attended Columbia Universityand that he was radicalized at Columbia by the school’s left-wing professors.

Oddly, Trump has also said that Obama was a “terrible student” at Columbia.

He urged hackers to find the truth:



and counting....
We elected the ultimate birfer.

This country must be in bad shape.

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