58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Government jobs as in federal, state and local government tops the hiring statistics but government jobs do not grow the economy.
Private sector jobs have gone up 8.75 million since Jan 2009.
Government jobs have gone down 656,000

What do you think statistics in a democrat administration are going to say?
Do you really think career government workers give a shit who the president is? It's the same people doing the same job.

Staggering numbers on the statistical roles gave up looking for a job and the feds don't count them anymore?
The only people no longer counted are those who die, leave the country, join the military, go to jail, or enter an institution. There are 668,000 people who have "given up." Hardly staggering.
Most jobs that are touted in the federal statistics are burger flippers?
You have e evidence?
Government jobs as in federal, state and local government tops the hiring statistics but government jobs do not grow the economy.
Private sector jobs have gone up 8.75 million since Jan 2009.
Government jobs have gone down 656,000

What do you think statistics in a democrat administration are going to say?
Do you really think career government workers give a shit who the president is? It's the same people doing the same job.

Staggering numbers on the statistical roles gave up looking for a job and the feds don't count them anymore?
The only people no longer counted are those who die, leave the country, join the military, go to jail, or enter an institution. There are 668,000 people who have "given up." Hardly staggering.
Most jobs that are touted in the federal statistics are burger flippers?
You have e evidence?

With all due respect, Pinqy...there is an old Aaron Levenstein quote about statistics that I think sums them up rather well..."Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital." Take your statistic about government jobs going down. Government jobs have gone down since 2009 but that's not Federal Government jobs...that's government jobs including State and Local governments. Federal Government jobs have gone up...not down because the Federal Government continues to expand. State and local governments have shrunk because unlike the Feds who can merrily run huge deficits to pay all those new employees...the locals have to balance THEIR budgets by law (although they do their best to skirt those laws!). Quite a few of the government employees that have been getting laid off at the local and State level were employees that were hired back in 2009 with the Obama Stimulus...which was paid for by the Feds by running up a huge deficit.

As for whether or not government employees "give a shit" about who is in office? I believe that at the State level workers who vote Democratic outnumber those that vote Republican by a better than two to one ratio. At the Federal level it's not quite as high but there are still far more government employees that vote Democratic than vote Republican. Why? Because obviously the GOP isn't as in favor of increasing the size of government as the Democrats are so voting for a Republican could mean voting yourself out of a job. It's not rocket science to figure out how that might affect someone's vote.
The Daily Liar! HAHAHA!
NOAA August 2014 Was The Warmest August On Record

August 2014 was the warmest August on record beating the previous record set in 1998, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The August 2014 global surface temperature anomaly – the variance to the long term average for the month over the 20th century – was 0.75C. The combined global land and ocean surface temperature for the period June to August was also the warmest on NOAA's records, which date back to 1880, making the northern hemisphere summer of 2014 the warmest ever recorded.

NOAA has followed NASA which has also reported that August 2014 was the warmest on record.
Yeah, they keep getting caught fudging the numbers. If there was real warming they wouldn't have to do that
The only people caught fudging the numbers were deniers Roy Spencer and John Christy at UAH, where they used the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift and turned global warming into global cooling. All claims about fudged numbers were based on a comparison to the UAH fake numbers.
But you knew that already!
Government jobs as in federal, state and local government tops the hiring statistics but government jobs do not grow the economy.
Private sector jobs have gone up 8.75 million since Jan 2009.
Government jobs have gone down 656,000

What do you think statistics in a democrat administration are going to say?
Do you really think career government workers give a shit who the president is? It's the same people doing the same job.

Staggering numbers on the statistical roles gave up looking for a job and the feds don't count them anymore?
The only people no longer counted are those who die, leave the country, join the military, go to jail, or enter an institution. There are 668,000 people who have "given up." Hardly staggering.
Most jobs that are touted in the federal statistics are burger flippers?
You have e evidence?

With all due respect, Pinqy...there is an old Aaron Levenstein quote about statistics that I think sums them up rather well..."Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital." Take your statistic about government jobs going down. Government jobs have gone down since 2009 but that's not Federal Government jobs...that's government jobs including State and Local governments.
Which is what Whitehall was talking about...he specifically said federal, state, and local. I responded to the point made.
Federal Government jobs have gone up...not down because the Federal Government continues to expand. State and local governments have shrunk because unlike the Feds who can merrily run huge deficits to pay all those new employees...the locals have to balance THEIR budgets by law (although they do their best to skirt those laws!). Quite a few of the government employees that have been getting laid off at the local and State level were employees that were hired back in 2009 with the Obama Stimulus...which was paid for by the Feds by running up a huge deficit.
Total Federal Employees in Jan 2009: 2,786,000 and in July 2015: 2,735,000 Loss of 51,000
Federal government except post office gain of 80,100. 80k in 6 years is insignificant. (CIA, NSA, DIA, and NGA are excluded from both sets for obvious reasons)

As for whether or not government employees "give a shit" about who is in office? I believe that at the State level workers who vote Democratic outnumber those that vote Republican by a better than two to one ratio. At the Federal level it's not quite as high but there are still far more government employees that vote Democratic than vote Republican. Why? Because obviously the GOP isn't as in favor of increasing the size of government as the Democrats are so voting for a Republican could mean voting yourself out of a job. It's not rocket science to figure out how that might affect someone's vote.
The question wasn't how they would vote, but if it would affect their objectivity on the job. For the people who make the statistics it doesn't.
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.


Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
Show us how businesses, including Community Colleges, are NOT cutting back hours due to ACA
The ACA was passed at the end of March 2010, and at that time there were 9,233,000 people working PT for economic reasons. There are 6,325,000 now, a REDUCTION of nearly 3 million since the ACA became law.

Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status

The recession ended in 2009 - and since then, the Labor Force Participation rate has FALLEN.

Those 3M DROPPED OUT OF THE WORKFORCE and are now longer counted as un or underemployed.
That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
That debunking of the Boomers has been totally debunked.
There are so many Boomers that both the number retiring AND the number staying in the workforce are BOTH increasing. To argue that just because there are more staying in the workforce proves that more can't be retiring would require the stupid assumption that the Boomer generation was the same size or smaller than previous generations. :cuckoo:
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

Do you realize that the income disparity issue has only increased during the Obama years? According to your theory we should be headed towards another economic meltdown that is worse than ever.
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

Do you realize that the income disparity issue has only increased during the Obama years? According to your theory we should be headed towards another economic meltdown that is worse than ever.
We don't have a corrupt bubble under Dems, so no meltdown. The continuing disparity is just a continuation of Reaganist ruin of the nonrich, defended to the death by Pubs. And you did hear about the Boosh World Depression, right?
So I see that the "conversation" still hasn't moved much. Franco is still blaming the most complex financial catastrophe in the history of the planet on One Guy.

The Meltdown remains a fascinating economic/financial/governmental/cultural/anthropological study.

Too bad it gets turned into a game of ping pong by the zealots.

Last edited:
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News
The only problem is, with inflation factored in, the American people only got a 1% raise last year.

What is the GOP plan to raise wages?
Send jobs to China. That's what they did under Bush. And cut taxes on the few left over that have jobs.
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Hey dumbass dupe, would that have anything to do with Pubs obstructing all reform and threatening shutdowns for four years? The best of the recovery was the first Obama year with congressional control and the last 2 years since the last shutdown bs. Duh.

You dummy

Nobody cares about your opinion............and this is a "politics" forum!!!

A huge majority of Americans think the economy blows...........and that's the only thing that matters in 2015!!!

Gallup economic confidence poll July 26 - Business Insider

And nobody cares about George Bush except the k00ks.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

Do you realize that the income disparity issue has only increased during the Obama years? According to your theory we should be headed towards another economic meltdown that is worse than ever.
We don't have a corrupt bubble under Dems, so no meltdown. The continuing disparity is just a continuation of Reaganist ruin of the nonrich, defended to the death by Pubs. And you did hear about the Boosh World Depression, right?

How naïve is this asshole?

Assets of the 6 biggest banks are up 37% over the last 5 years, up 9.6 trillion!!!!

:coffee:By every measure the big banks are bigger - Fortune:coffee:
Yeah, they keep getting caught fudging the numbers. If there was real warming they wouldn't have to do that
The only people caught fudging the numbers were deniers Roy Spencer and John Christy at UAH, where they used the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift and turned global warming into global cooling. All claims about fudged numbers were based on a comparison to the UAH fake numbers.
But you knew that already!

Complete, unadulterated BS and it reveals how low info and uninformed you truly are. NASA and NOAA both have been caught manipulating the data.
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
You are mistaken. The 94 million not in the Labor Force most certainly includes retirees, or are you claiming none of the 38 million people age 65 and older not in the Labor Force are retired. Most Disabled are also not in the Labor Force, and many students.

As for your claim that those Not in the Labor Force "dropped out," in July alone, 658,000 people entered the population as Not in the Labor Force. Labor force status flows by sex current month
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News
The only problem is, with inflation factored in, the American people only got a 1% raise last year.

What is the GOP plan to raise wages?
Send jobs to China. That's what they did under Bush. And cut taxes on the few left over that have jobs.

They? One of the people who sent more jobs to China than practically anyone else was Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric. Gee, guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"! So how was that W's fault again? Your head in the sand stupidity is ENDLESS!

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