58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
You are mistaken. The 94 million not in the Labor Force most certainly includes retirees, or are you claiming none of the 38 million people age 65 and older not in the Labor Force are retired. Most Disabled are also not in the Labor Force, and many students.

As for your claim that those Not in the Labor Force "dropped out," in July alone, 658,000 people entered the population as Not in the Labor Force. Labor force status flows by sex current month
Uh huh, but that number is the highest it's been in 40 years. So nothing to see there? And I'm sure they are going on disability... That's one if the ways you can drop out of the workforce . There was a Greek island that had a population of 12,000 or so and 800 people claimed to be blind and receiving disability checks... Was it something in the water making people go blind, or people making something up to get disability?
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
You are mistaken. The 94 million not in the Labor Force most certainly includes retirees, or are you claiming none of the 38 million people age 65 and older not in the Labor Force are retired. Most Disabled are also not in the Labor Force, and many students.

As for your claim that those Not in the Labor Force "dropped out," in July alone, 658,000 people entered the population as Not in the Labor Force. Labor force status flows by sex current month
Uh huh, but that number is the highest it's been in 40 years. So nothing to see there? And I'm sure they are going on disability... That's one if the ways you can drop out of the workforce . There was a Greek island that had a population of 12,000 or so and 800 people claimed to be blind and receiving disability checks... Was it something in the water making people go blind, or people making something up to get disability?

Unprecedented numbers of Americans applied for Disability after their two years plus of unemployment ran out with no jobs in sight STILL! That didn't happen because suddenly millions of Americans became disabled. That happened because millions of Americans couldn't find work. The sad fact is the millions of Americans CAN'T retire because their life savings were destroyed when they lost their jobs during the Great Recession.
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

are you fucking serious ? or just blowing more liberfool :bsflag: as usual ?

Record 93 770 000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart

Record 93 770 000 Americans Not in Labor Force Participation Rate Matches 38-Year Low

Record 93 770 000 Americans Not in Labor Force Record 56 209 000 Women Not Working 100 Of Female Employment Gains Taken By Foreigners Since 2007 - National World News - Baltimore Sun Talk Forums

just thought i would give you a few references just because i know you dispute anyrhing Breit Bart posts. :up:
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News
The only problem is, with inflation factored in, the American people only got a 1% raise last year.

What is the GOP plan to raise wages?

I thought this thread was about Obama and his job growth. :dunno:
Oh almost forgot to mention ACA is so good that our legislators wanted to be exempt from it because they were not worthy if it. My cost only went up 15% and my healthcare plan is now don't get sick or injured because I can't afford it. It's ok I didn't want my doctor anyway
That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
That debunking of the Boomers has been totally debunked.
There are so many Boomers that both the number retiring AND the number staying in the workforce are BOTH increasing. To argue that just because there are more staying in the workforce proves that more can't be retiring would require the stupid assumption that the Boomer generation was the same size or smaller than previous generations. :cuckoo:

No, you are wrong. I showed you the LFPR by age group - clearly you are not able to read.
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
You are mistaken. The 94 million not in the Labor Force most certainly includes retirees, or are you claiming none of the 38 million people age 65 and older not in the Labor Force are retired. Most Disabled are also not in the Labor Force, and many students.

As for your claim that those Not in the Labor Force "dropped out," in July alone, 658,000 people entered the population as Not in the Labor Force. Labor force status flows by sex current month

No, in July, the Civilian population increased by 213K, the Labor force increased by 69K, and those Not In The Labor Force increased by 144K. Total employed increased by 101K, a less that 50% rate for those entering the Labor Force.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted
Yeah, they keep getting caught fudging the numbers. If there was real warming they wouldn't have to do that
The only people caught fudging the numbers were deniers Roy Spencer and John Christy at UAH, where they used the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift and turned global warming into global cooling. All claims about fudged numbers were based on a comparison to the UAH fake numbers.
But you knew that already!

Complete, unadulterated BS and it reveals how low info and uninformed you truly are. NASA and NOAA both have been caught manipulating the data.
No they haven't, they have been ACCUSED by lying deniers using fake data, and you know it. Spencer and Christy got caught and had to admit it and when their data was corrected it matched NOAA and NASA.
health insurance premiums are going to rise 40 to 60 percent this next year

not so sure i would be so quick to claim success
Yeah, they keep getting caught fudging the numbers. If there was real warming they wouldn't have to do that
The only people caught fudging the numbers were deniers Roy Spencer and John Christy at UAH, where they used the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift and turned global warming into global cooling. All claims about fudged numbers were based on a comparison to the UAH fake numbers.
But you knew that already!

Complete, unadulterated BS and it reveals how low info and uninformed you truly are. NASA and NOAA both have been caught manipulating the data.
No they haven't, they have been ACCUSED by lying deniers using fake data, and you know it. Spencer and Christy got caught and had to admit it and when their data was corrected it matched NOAA and NASA.

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
You are mistaken. The 94 million not in the Labor Force most certainly includes retirees, or are you claiming none of the 38 million people age 65 and older not in the Labor Force are retired. Most Disabled are also not in the Labor Force, and many students.

As for your claim that those Not in the Labor Force "dropped out," in July alone, 658,000 people entered the population as Not in the Labor Force. Labor force status flows by sex current month

No, in July, the Civilian population increased by 213K, the Labor force increased by 69K, and those Not In The Labor Force increased by 144K. Total employed increased by 101K, a less that 50% rate for those entering the Labor Force.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted
If you had bothered to click on my link, you would have seen I was talking gross flows of just outside population to Not in the Labor Force. Citing the net change of all variables doesn't contradict me



Unprecedented numbers of Americans applied for Disability after their two years plus of unemployment ran out with no jobs in sight STILL! That didn't happen because suddenly millions of Americans became disabled. That happened because millions of Americans couldn't find work.
"That didn't happen" is the only part of your post you got right!

There was no 2 years + of unemployment benefits, for a brief time there was 99 weeks in SOME states, and the number of disability awards has gone DOWN the last 4 years. You dumb suckers will swallow any bullshit you are fed by GOP hate radio!!! :cuckoo:
Meaning what? What's your point? All of this information has been known for a very long time now. Most people are fully aware of the economic damage done to this once great nation, and have been aware of it for decades now. Yes, we're in economic trouble. Yes, government debt is the only catalyst keeping us afloat. Yes, the situation is miserable, painful, shameful, and getting worse by the day.
Dude I an going to quit feeding yoiur trall ass, yoiu are on ignore, no more reading your stupid shit or helping in your quest fof highest post count of the month ...............

Fucking annoying.


Yes, things are much worse under Obumbblers watch.
That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
That debunking of the Boomers has been totally debunked.
There are so many Boomers that both the number retiring AND the number staying in the workforce are BOTH increasing. To argue that just because there are more staying in the workforce proves that more can't be retiring would require the stupid assumption that the Boomer generation was the same size or smaller than previous generations. :cuckoo:

No, you are wrong. I showed you the LFPR by age group - clearly you are not able to read.
Clearly you are unable to think. Record numbers of Boomers are retiring even though more are staying in the workplace. The two are ONLY mutually exclusive to those so stupid they think the Boomer generation is no larger than any other generation.

There are 1 million MORE retirees PER YEAR now than when Bush started in 2001 despite the fact that slightly more Boomers are working past retirement age.

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